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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Universidade de Brasília – UnB 
UnB Idiomas 
Inglês Instrumental 1 
Profa. Sonia Mara Braga Silva 
UNIT 16 
Estratégia de leitura - Pre-reading - Uso de conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto 
01) O que você sabe sobre Robert frost? Você já leu algo de sua autoria? 
The rose is a rose, 
And was always a rose. 
But the theory now goes 
That the apple’s a rose 
And the pear is, and so’s 
The plum I suppose. 
God only knows 
What will next prove a rose. 
You, of course, are a rose – 
But were always a rose. 
Robert Frost 
always = sempre 
apple = maçã 
God only knows = Só Deus sabe 
I suppose = Suponho 
of course = claro 
pear = pera 
plum = ameixa 
prove = provar 
rose = rosa 
so = então 
theory = teoria 
02) Find in the poem: (Encontre no poema:) 
01. Two verbs in the simple past tense. 
02. One verb in future tense. 
03. Eight verbs in simple present tense. 
04. Two sentences with abbreviated verbs 
Robert Frost 
Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963) was an American poet. He was born in San Francisco, California. His 
parents were William Prescott Frost Jr, a jornalist who had problems with drinking and gambling and 
Isabelle Moodie Frost, a teacher. He had a sister called Jeanie. He dropped out of school and was 
educated at home. Years later he went back to school. He passed entrance examinations to High School. 
Enrolled in ―classical‖ (college prep) program and after that he went to College. He married to Elinor 
Miriam White. They had six children, two of them died early. He worked as a reporter and a teacher 
before becoming a full time writer. He went to England attracted by new movements in poetry there. He 
was very much admired for his talent for portraying ordinary people in everyday situations. He wrote of 
traditional farm life. His subjects were apple picking, stone walls, fences and country roads. His simple 
writing style made him popular. 
apple picking = colheita de maçã 
children = filhos (sing.= child) 
country roads = estradas do interior 
drop out of school = parar de estudar 
enroll = matricular 
farm life = vida de fazenda 
fence = cerca 
full time = tempo integral 
ordinary people = pessoas comuns 
parents = pais 
poet = poeta 
poetry = poesia 
stone = pedra 
wall = parede 
was born = nasceu 
writer = escritor 
03) Answer these questions in Portuguese. (Responda estas perguntas em português.) 
01. Who was Robert Frost? (Quem foi Robert Frost?) 
02. Where was he born? (Onde ele nasceu?) 
03. How many children did he have? (Quantos filhos ele teve?) 
04. What did he write about? (Sobre o que ele escreveu?) 
05. What were his writing subjects? (Quais eram os seus temas?) 
06. How was his style? (Como era o seu estilo?) 
07. What was he admired for? (Porque ele era admirado?) 
THE SIMPLE TENSES (Os tempos verbais simples.) 
Obs: A tradução dos exemplos é literal para mostrar a diferença entre um tempo verbal e outro. Ao 
traduzir um texto, você usará a forma que ficar mais fluente em português. 
TENSE (tempo verbal) EXAMPLES (exemplos) MEANING (significado) 
Simple Present 
(Presente Simples) 
I work every day. 
(Trabalho todo dia.) 
Uma ação que sempre acontece. 
Simple Past 
(Passado Simples) 
I worked yesterday. 
(Trabalhei ontem.) 
Uma ação que começou e 
terminou no passado. 
Simple Future 
(Futuro simples) 
I will work tomorrow. 
(Trabalharei amanhã.) 
Uma ação que acontecerá no 
THE PROGRESSIVE TENSES (Os tempos verbais progressivos) 
TENSE (tempo verbal) EXAMPLES (exemplos) MEANING (significado) 
Present Progressive 
(Presente progressivo.) 
I am working now. 
(Estou trabalhando agora.) 
Uma ação que está acontecendo 
neste momento. 
Past Progressive 
(Passado Progressivo) 
I was working when you 
(Eu estava trabalhando quando 
você chegou.) 
Uma ação que estava 
acontecendo no passado e foi 
interrompida por outra também 
no passado. 
Future Progressive 
(Futuro Progressivo) 
I will be working when you 
(Estarei trabalhando quando você 
Uma ação que estará 
acontecendo no futuro e será 
interrompida por outra também 
no futuro. 
THE PERFECT TENSES (Os tempos verbais perfeitos) 
TENSE (tempo verbal) EXAMPLES (exemplos) MEANING (significado) 
Present Perfect 
(Presente Perfeito) 
I have worked hard lately. 
(Tenho trabalhado muito 
Uma ação que começou no 
passado e continua no presente. 
Past Perfect 
(Passado Perfeito) 
I had already worked when you 
(Eu já tinha trabalhado quando 
você chegou.) 
Uma ação que aconteceu no 
passado e foi interrompida por 
outra também no passado. É o 
passado do passado. 
Future Perfect 
(Futuro Perfeito) 
I will already have worked when 
you arrive. 
(Eu já terei trabalhado quando 
você chegar.) 
Uma ação que acontecerá no 
futuro e será interrompida por 
outra também no futuro. 
THE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSES (Os tempos verbais progressivos perfeitos) 
TENSE (tempo verbal) EXAMPLES (exemplos) MEANING (significado) 
Present Perfect Progressive 
(Presente Progressivo Perfeito) 
I have been working for two 
(Tenho estado trabalhando por 
duas horas.) 
Comecei a trabalhar duas horas 
atrás e continuo trabalhando. 
Uma ação que começou no 
passado e continua no presente. 
A diferença do Present Perfect 
para o Present Perfect 
Progressive é que o Present 
Perfect Progressive enfatiza o 
fato de que a ação ainda está em 
progresso no presente. 
Past Perfect progressive 
(Passado Progressivo Perfeito) 
I had been working for two 
hours before my friend came. 
(Eu tinha estado trabalhando por 
duas horas antes do meu amigo 
Trabalhei por duas horas no 
passado e o meu amigo chegou. 
Uma ação que estava 
acontecendo em um determinado 
período no passado e foi 
interrompida por outra também 
no passado. 
Future Perfect Progressive 
(Futuro Progressivo Perfeito) 
I will have been working for 
two hours when you arrive. 
(Eu terei estado trabalhando por 
duas horas quando você chegar.) 
Trabalharei por duas horas no 
futuro antes de você chegar. 
Uma ação que estará 
acontecendo por um determinado 
período no futuro e será 
interrompida por outra ação 
também no futuro. 
Estude estes exemplos 
Simple Present I study. (Estudo.) 
Simple Past I studied. (Estudei.) 
Simple Future I will study. (Estudarei.) 
Present Progressive I am studying. (Estou estudando.) 
Past Progressive I was studying. (Eu estava estudando.) 
Future Progressive I will be studying. (Estarei estudando.) 
Present Perfect I have studied. (Tenho estudado.) 
Past perfect I had studied. (Eu tinha estudado.) 
Future Perfect I will have studied. (Terei estudado.) 
Present Perfect Progressive I have been studying. (Tenho estado estudando.) 
Past Perfect progressive I had been studying. (Eu tinha estado estudando.) 
Future Perfect Progressive I will have been studying. (Terei estado estudando.) 
04)Translate these sentences literally. (Traduza estas frases literalmente.) 
01. I swim. ____________________________________________________ 
02. I swam. ____________________________________________________ 
03. I will swim. ____________________________________________________ 
04. I am swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
05. I was swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
06. I will be swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
07. I have swum. ____________________________________________________ 
08. I had swum. ____________________________________________________09. I will have swum. ____________________________________________________ 
10. I have been swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
11. I had been swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
12. I will have been swimming. ____________________________________________________ 
05) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. What have you been doing lately? 
02. I have been studying hard for my final exams. 
03. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? 
04. I will be writing an article. 
05. What were you doing last night? 
06. I was studying. 
06) Circle the right answer to fill in the blanks. (Circule a resposta certa para preencher os espaços 
em branco.) 
01. _______ you asked permission before you got the dictionary on the table? 
a) Has b) Had c) Having 
02. I had already _______ a shower before I had dinner. 
a) taken b) take c) took 
03. They had studied hard _______ they took the test. 
a) already b) before c) never 
04. He had _______ to his mother before he decided to study in England. 
a) speak b) spoke c) spoken 
05. Had you read that book before the teacher _______ us about it? 
a) tell b) told c) tells 
06. Had you seen your doctor before you bought this medicine? Yes, I _______. 
a) had seen b) had c) did 
07. _______ you seen your doctor lately? 
a) Have b) Had c) Did 
08. _______ you see your doctor yesterday? 
a) Had b) Did c) Have 
09) _______ you always go to the doctor? 
a) Do b) Had c) Did 
10. I had never _______ in the ocean before I went to Fortaleza. 
a) swim b) swam c) swum 
11. I was _______ at this time yesterday. 
a) cook b) cooked c) cooking 
12. We were having lunch when the phone _______. 
a) ring b) rang c) rung 
13. _______ it raining when you arrived at the club? 
a) Was b) Were c) Is 
14. Were the students taking a test when I interrupted your class? Yes, they ________. 
a) were taking b) were c) was 
15. What were you doing when I _______ you? 
a) called b) call c) calling 
07) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. I had already had lunch before I went to work. 
02. Had he called you before he came to visit? 
03. Had you eaten something before you arrived? Yes, I had. 
04. The teacher had already corrected the homework by the time I arrived. 
05. Sara had already left when I called her. 
06. They had already closed the store when we got there. 
07. I was jogging when it began to rain. 
08. Were you attending school last year at this time? 
09. We will have done all the exercises by the time the teacher arrives. 
10. He works late every day. 
 UNIT 17 
Estratégia de leitura - Skimming (Leitura global) 
01) Leia rapidamente o texto e responda: Qual o contexto geral do texto? 
Catherine, a registered nurse, was unhappy with her job, so 
she submitted her resignation. She was sure she’d have no trouble 
finding a new position, because of the nursing shortage in her area. 
She e-mailed cover letters to dozens of potential employers and 
attached her résumé to each one. Two weeks later, Catherine was 
dismayed and bewildered that she had not received even one 
request for an interview. 
Finally, she received a message from a prospective employer that explained the reason she hadn’t 
heard from anyone else. It read: ―Your résumé was not attached as stated. I do, however, want to thank 
you for the vegetable lasagna recipe.‖ 
Adapted from Reader’s Digest - Contributed by Harriet Brown 
as stated = como foi mencionado 
attached = anexado 
bewildered = espantada, admirada 
cover letter = carta de apresentação 
dismayed = desanimada 
each one = cada um 
employer = empregador 
however = no entanto 
nurse = enfermeira 
nursing shortage = falta de enfermeiros 
recipe = receita 
She submitted her resignation = ela pediu 
unhappy = infeliz 
even = nem mesmo 
02) Answer these questions orally in Portuguese. (Responda estas perguntas oralmente em 
01. Why didn’t Catherine get a new job? (Porque a Catherine não conseguiu um novo emprego?) 
02. How did she find out what she did wrong? (Como ela descobriu o que ela fez de errado?) 
(palavras conectivas) 
Palavras conectivas são palavras que ligam uma frase à outra, estabelecendo assim uma relação lógica 
entre idéias. 
I didn’t go to the party because I was sick. (Não fui à festa porque estava doente.) 
I always study before a test. (Sempre estudo antes de um teste.) 
(lista de palavras conectivas) 
according to = de acordo com 
all things considered = levando tudo isso em consideração 
and = e 
although / even though / though / thou = mesmo que 
as time goes by = na medida que o tempo passa 
as far as I can tell / As far as I know / to the best of my knowledge = que eu saiba 
as long as = desde que 
as far as I’m concerned = no que se refere a mim 
aside from = salvo 
because / because of = devido a 
besides that / furthermore / in addition to that = além disto 
but = mas, exceto 
by the way = a propósito / por falar nisso 
compared with / compared to / in comparison with = comparado com, comparando com 
due to = devido a 
due to the fact that = devido ao fato que 
equally = igualmente 
even if = mesmo que 
except for / with the exception of = exceção de, com exceção de 
finally / at last = finalmente 
for example / for instance = por exemplo 
for this reason = por esta razão 
for the time being = por enquanto 
from now on = a partir de agora 
however = entretanto, no entanto 
if = se 
in the meantime / meanwhile = enquanto isso 
in this context = neste contexto 
in the first place / first of all = em primeiro lugar 
in other words = em outras palavras 
in order that / so that = de forma que 
in spite of / despite = apesar de 
in the midst of = em meio a 
in consequence of / consequently / therefore / hence / thus = consequentemente 
in general / generally speaking = em geral 
in summary / in short = em resumo, resumindo 
instead of / in place of = em vez de 
it is possible that / possibly = é possível que, possivelmente 
likewise = do mesmo modo 
nevertheless / nonetheless = contudo, todavia, não obstante, apesar de 
on the other hand = por outro lado 
or = ou 
otherwise = caso contrário 
since = já que / desde 
so = então 
so far/ up to now = até agora 
specially (especially) / mainly = especialmente, principalmente 
still = mesmo assim / ainda 
such as = assim como, por exemplo, tal como, tais como 
that is = quer dizer 
the main reason = a principal razão 
then = então, depois 
therefore / so = portanto / então 
unless = a não ser que 
whenever = sempre que 
while / whereas = enquanto que / ao passo que 
with this in mind = tendo isto em mente 
without any question = sem dúvida 
yet = ainda assim 
03) How many connectors are there in the text Some Lasagna or a Job? What are they? (Quantas 
palavras conectivas há no texto Some Lasagna or a Job? Quais são elas?) 
04) Circle the connectors in these quotations. (Circule as palavras conectivas nestas citações.) 
01. ―Once a gentleman, and always a gentleman.‖ 
02. ―You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.‖ 
03. ―It is possible to fail in many ways…while to succeed is possible only in one way (for which reason 
also one is easy and the other difficult—to miss the mark easy, to hit it difficult).‖ 
1. (Charles Dickens 1812-1870 - Little Dorrit [1857-1858], bk. II, ch. 28) 
2. (William Blake 1757-1827 - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell [1790–1793]. Proverbs of Hell, l. 46) 
3. (Aristotle 384-322 BC - Nicomachean Ethics, bk. II, ch. 6) 
From: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations is licensed from Little, Brown and Company, Inc. Copyright 1882, 1891 by John 
05) Translate these quotations. (Traduza estas citações.) 
01. ―I can resist everything except temptation.‖ 
02. ―I love treason but hate a traitor.‖ 
1. (Oscar Wilde - Lady Windermere’s Fan, act I) 
2. (Julius Caesar Julius Caesar 100-44 BC -From Plutarch, Lives, Romulus, sec. 17) 
From: Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations is licensed from Little, Brown and Company, Inc. Copyright 1882, 1891 by John 
06) Translate the following sentences. (Traduza as seguintes frases.) 
01. I will get a job as a professor if I pass the entrance exam. 
02. I had a migraine headache, so I didn’t finish the final paper. 
03. Everybody is here but the director of the Chemistry Institute. 
 UNIT 18 
Estratégia de leitura - Inferência 
01) Visualize o título e o texto abaixo rapidamente e responda: qual o significado de “date on a 
It’s an age-old conundrum: How much should you spend on a first date? 
Despite the sparks that have been flying via email, you don’t even know if this 
guy’s ―the one.‖ Try my five tricks for dating on a budget: 
1. Go for coffee. 
Going for coffee or tea is probably a little too cheap for a first date, but 
it’s a great plan for your first meeting. 
―When I decide I want to meet someone I’ve met online, I always 
suggest going out for coffee,‖ says Marcia, a Web designer in Atlanta. ―It’s 
cheap and fast, so you invest only a little time and money. And it’s extremely low pressure on both 
2. Go Dutch. 
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with splitting the tab as long as you make that clear to begin with. 
―I usually offer to go Dutch on the first date, no matter who asks‖, says Nathan, an actor in 
Hollywood. ―It removes any sense of quid pro quo, not only keeping us on equal footing, but keeping the 
cost down.‖ 
3. Cheap eats. 
Breakfast is the cheapest meal, but the most important. So invite your date to breakfast, not brunch. 
―I treated my last date to our cheap breakfast yesterday (the bill was $16) since she had driven over 
to my place,‖ says Mark, a corporate art director in Phoenix. ―It made me appear generous, but it was a 
minimal investment.‖ 
4. Take it outside. 
Be smart and keep your outdoor date in a public place. Have fun and enjoy the air on your face. 
―One thing that makes the outdoors great is the price of admission,‖ says Carla, a viola player for 
the Chicago Symphony. ―In most cases, parks are free. I usually make first dates a walk in the park, a row 
on the lake or some other outdoor activity that allows us to chat while we commune with nature.‖ 
5. Keep it simple. 
Today’s singles often feel obligated to make a big production of their dates when the fact is that the 
best dates are always the simplest. 
―Grab a pizza or some Chinese take out and cop a squat in some moonlit public space so she won’t 
be creeped out,‖ counsels Britt, an executive in Winston-Salem, N.C. ―Then whip out some poetry or 
whatever. You come out looking creative and romantic instead of cheap.‖ 
Adapted from: The New York Times - Margot Carmichael Lester, Match.com 
age-old = antigo 
allow = permitir 
appear = parecer 
bill = conta 
breakfast = café da manhã 
brunch = café da manhã reforçado 
budget = orçamento 
chat = conversar informalmente 
cheap = barato 
clear = claro 
commune = comungar 
conundrum = enigma 
cop a squat = arrumar um lugar para sentar 
creeped out = assustada (informal) 
date = encontro amoroso; namorar 
dating = ato de namorar 
despite = apesar de 
drive over-drove over-driven over = ir a algum 
lugar dirigindo 
enjoy = apreciar 
fast = rápido 
go Dutch = dividir as despesas 
grab = pegar (informal) 
great = grande 
have fun = divertir-se 
instead of = em vez de 
keep-kept-kept = conservar 
make-made-made = fazer 
meal = refeição 
moonlit = iluminado pelo luar 
no matter = indiferentemente 
often = frequentemente 
on equal footing = em pé de igualdade 
outdoor = ao ar livre 
place = casa (informal) 
remove = tirar 
spark = chama 
splitting = ato de dividir 
tab = conta (informal) 
take out = para viagem (comprar para comer em 
outro lugar) 
the cheapest = o mais barato 
trick = dica 
whip out = apreciar, curtir (informal) 
wrong = errado 
quid pro quo (latim) = dar e receber, toma lá, dá 
singles = pessoas solteiras 
02) Answer this question orally in Portuguese (Responda esta pergunta oralmente em Português.) 
Describe the 5 tricks to have a date on a budget? (Descreva as 5 dicas para namorar dentro do 
I (eu) ME (mim) MYSELF (eu 
mesmo, eu mesma) 
(meu, minha, 
meus, minhas) 
(meu, minha, 
meus, minhas) 
(você mesmo /você 
(seu, sua, seus, 
(seu, sua, seus, 
(ele, dele) 
(ele mesmo) 
(ela, dela) 
(ela mesma) 
(ele, ela, isso, isto) 
(ele, ela, isso, isto) 
(ele mesmo, ela 
(dele, dela) 
(dele, dela) 
(nós mesmos /nós 
(nosso, nossa, 
nossos, nossas) 
(nosso, nossa, 
nossos, nossas) 
(vocês mesmos/ 
vocês mesmas) 
(seus, suas) 
(seus, suas) 
(eles, elas) 
(eles, elas, deles, 
(eles mesmos, elas 
(deles, delas) 
(deles, delas) 
O possessive pronoun é usado quando o substantivo não é mencionado. 
This is my car = Thisis mine. (Este é o meu carro. / Este é meu.) 
I have a pen and you have a pen too. Mine is blue and yours is black. (Tenho uma caneta e você tem uma 
caneta também. A minha é azul e a sua é preta.) 
It is my book. = It is mine. 
(pronomes demonstrativos) 
Singular Plural 
This = este (a), esse (a) These = estes (as), esses (as) 
That = aquele (a) Those = aqueles (as) 
03) Circle the possessive adjective pronouns in the text. (Circule os pronomes adjetivos possessivos 
no texto.) 
04) Circle the object pronouns in the text. (Circule os pronomes objetos no texto.) 
05) Circle the right answer. (Circule a resposta certa) 
01. I like Bee Gees. Do you like ____ too? 
a) they b) them c) theirs 
02. Is it your watch? No, it’s not ____. 
a) mine b) my c) your 
03. I have a pen. ____ is blue. 
a) She b) Its c) It 
04. Jim has a bag. His bag is brown. Ted has a bag too. ____ is black. 
a) His b) He c) Him 
05. They have books.____ books are good. 
a) Theirs b) Their c) Them 
06. Do you like the professor? Yes, I like ____. 
a) his b) him c) it 
07. Do you enjoy painting? Yes, I enjoy ____. 
a) him b) its c) it 
08. My name is Silvia. What’s ____? 
a) your b) you c) yours 
06) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. I like her. 
02. I cut myself when I was cooking. 
03. We have a dog. It is gray and white. 
04. We live with our parents. 
05. That book is not mine. It’s yours. 
06. Do you like music? Yes, I like it. 
07. He saw himself in the mirror. 
08. Do you love yourself? Yes, I love myself very much. 
09. This is my book. That book is yours. 
10. I have to read these articles. 
07) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. Help yourself. 
02. Help yourself to some bread. 
03. She likes to read self help books. 
04. Make yourself comfortable. 
05. I’m self taught. 
UNIT 19 
Estratégia de leitura - Pre-reading - Uso de conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto 
1) Answer these questions before reading the text. (Responda estas perguntas antes de ler o texto.) 
01. Where was Jorge Amado born? (Onde Jorge Amado nasceu?) 
02. What was his occupation? (Qual era a profissão dele?) 
03. Why did he become famous? (Porque ele se tornou famoso?) 
04. What else do you know about him? (O que mais você sabe sobre ele?) 
1. Jorge Amado was a Brazilian novelist. He was born on August 10, 1912 in Ferradas, near Ilhéus, 
Brazil and died on August 6, 2001 in Salvador. 
2. He grew up on a cacao plantation, Auricídia, and was educated in Salvador. He studied law at 
Federal University in Rio de Janeiro. He published his first novel at age 19. Three of his early works are 
about the cacao plantations, emphasizing the exploitation and the misery of the blacks, mulattoes, and 
poor whites who harvest the crop and generally expressing communist solutions to social problems. Some 
of these works, Terras Do Sem Fim (1942; The Violent land), about the struggle of rival planters, have a 
folk saga. 
3. Amado became a journalist in 1930, and his literary career paralleled a career in radical politics 
that won him election to the Constituent Assembly as a federal deputy representing the Communist Party 
of Brazil in 1946. He was imprisoned as early as 1935 for his leftist activities, and many of his books 
were banned in Brazil and Portugal. He continued to produce novels with facility, most of them 
picaresque, ribald tales of Bahian city life, especially that of the racially conglomerate lower classes. 
Gabriela, cravo e canela (1958; Gabriela, clove and cinnamon) and Dona Flor e seus dois maridos (1966; 
Dona Flor and her two husbands; film, 1978) both preserve Amado’s political attitude in their satire. His 
later works include Tenda dos Milagres (1969; Tent of Miracles), Tiêta do Agreste (1977; Tieta, the Goat 
Girl), Tocaia Grande (1984; Show Down), and O Sumiço da Santa (1993; The War of the Saints). 
From: Britannica Enciclopedia 
city = cidade 
crop = colheita 
died = morreu (to die) 
early works = primeiros trabalhos 
folk = folclórica 
grow up - grew up - grown up = crescer 
harvest = colher 
he was born = ele nasceu (to be born) 
later works = últimos trabalhos 
law = direito 
life = vida 
lower classes = classes sociais de renda mais 
near = perto 
novel = romance 
picaresque = cômico 
poor = pobre 
ribald = bem humorado 
struggle = luta, labuta
02) Answer this question. (Responda esta pergunta.) 
Se novel é romance. Como é novela em inglês? ________________________________ 
03) Answer these questions according to the text. (Responda estas perguntas de acordo com o 
01. Where was Jorge Amado born? (Onde Jorge Amado nasceu?) 
02. Where was he raised and educated? (Onde ele foi criado e educado?) 
03. What themes did he use to write? (Quais os temas que ele usava para escrever?) 
04. Give examples of books that he wrote. (Cite exemplos de livros que ele escreveu.) 
05. Why was he imprisoned? (Porque ele foi preso?) 
Origin (origem): I’m from Brazil. (Sou do Brasil.) 
(de, em, no, 
na, dentro de) 
Time of the day (períodos do dia): in the morning (de manhã), in the afternoon (á tarde), 
in the evening (á noite) 
Neighborhood (vizinhança), city (cidade), state (estado), country (país), continent 
(continente): in Guará, in Brasilia, in Brazil, in South America Months (meses): 
in January, in February... 
Year (ano): in 1978, in 1998 
In a house, in an apartment (em uma casa, em um apartamento) 
The contract is in the drawer. (O contrato está na(dentro da) gaveta. 
(na, em, no, 
sobre, em 
Days of the week (dias da semana): on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday 
Complete date (data completa): on December 2, 1996 
Street, Avenue (rua, avenida): on Christopher St.*, on Broadway, on Eixão 
On/At the weekend (no final de semana) 
On the phone (no telefone) 
On the Internet (na Internet) 
The book is on the table. (O livro está sobre a mesa.) 
(na, à, no, em, 
no, na, aos) 
Complete address (endereço completo): at SQN 103 Building A # 402 
Phone number: Call me at 3340-6441. (Ligue me no 3340-6441) 
Names of places (nomes de lugares): at Oxford, at Microsoft 
At night (à noite) 
At work (no trabalho) 
At home (em casa) 
At school (na escola) 
At a station. (na estação) 
AtCity Hall (na prefeitura) 
At age 19. (aos 19 anos) 
Be here at 8:00 am. (Esteja aqui as 8 da manhã.) 
(a, para, ao) 
Verbos de movimento 
* Go to: I go to the park every day. (Vou ao parque todo dia.) 
* Go home (Ir para casa.) 
Give to (dar para), send to (mandar para), fax to (enviar fax para), email to (enviar email 
He produced novels with facility. (Ele escreveu romances com facilidade.) 
Jorge Amado wrote about poor people. (Jorge Amado escreveu sobre pessoas pobres.) 
Many of his books (muitos de seus livros) 
(por, para, por 
causa de 
devido a) 
Jorge Amado was imprisoned for his leftist activities. (O Jorge Amado foi preso por 
causa de suas atividades esquerdistas.) 
(de, por, até) 
I go to work by car. (Vou para o trabalho de carro.) 
The book was written by Jorge Amado. (O livro foi escrito por Jorge Amado.) 
Be here by 8:00 am. (Esteja aqui até 8:00 da manhã.) 
* St. Street (Rua) 
04) Circle the right answer. (Circule a resposta certa.) 
01. I relax _____ Sunday. 
a) in b) on c) at 
02. I sleep well ______________ night. 
a) to b) at c) in 
03. I have an uncle who works _______ City Hall. 
a) at b) in c) on 
04. Please wait for me _____ the station. 
a) in b) on c) at 
05. I am ____ home. 
a) in b) on c) at 
06. The speech was read ____ the president. 
a) by b) in c) at 
05) Translate the following sentences. (Traduza as seguintes frases.) 
01. Where are you from? I’m from Poland. 
De onde você é? Sou da Polônia. 
02. Tony comes from England but he lives in Australia. 
03. Tom lives in a small apartment but his parents live in a big house. 
04. What do you do on Saturday morning? I go to the park. 
05. I always go to Porto Alegre in December. 
06. I work in the morning and in the afternoon. I go to school in the evening. 
07. She can’t open the door now. She is on the phone. 
08. Michael works in Asa Sul on W3. 
09. I was born in 1960. 
10. Three of Jorge Amado’s early works are about the cacao plantation. 
11. Jorge Amado became famous for his books. 
12. Please send an e-mail message to my friend for me. 
06) Fill in the blanks with prepositions. (Preencha os espaços em branco com preposicões.) 
01. I work _____ a school. 
02. See you _____ Monday. 
03. See you _____ the afternoon. 
04. See you _____ Monday afternoon. 
05. My birthday is _____ May. 
06. My birthday is _____ May 2. 
07. I live _____ Asa Norte. 
08. I live _____ 211 Building A # 201. 
09. I go _____ the park _____ Sunday. 
10. I’ll stay home _____ you. 
11. Jorge Amado wrote _____ social problems. 
UNIT 20 
Estratégia de leitura - Pre-reading - Uso de conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto 
01) De acordo com sua experiência de leitura, responda a seguinte pergunta: O que o leitor deve 
fazer para aprender mais rapidamente o que ele lê e ouve? 
You probably sometimes wish that you could think faster, grasp new 
information quicker and recall more of what you read and hear. You can, 
with these tips: 
Tackle information you want to commit to your short-term memory 
in the morning. Reason: The brain section that stores short-term memory 
items performs about 15% better in the morning. But switch to the 
afternoon for items you want to keep in your long-term memory because 
that part of your memory bank hits its stride later in the day. 
―Reverse and rephrase‖ to overcome negative thoughts about your 
ability to learn something new. Example: Instead of ―I won’t remember 
what I’m learning,‖ tell your brain ―I’ve already learned to recall many 
things: names, dates, computer commands. So I can and will remember this.‖ 
Plan for an upcoming learning event by selecting a reward you’ll give yourself afterwards. Pick 
something you wouldn’t usually buy or do. Picture yourself enjoying the reward just before the learning 
event starts. Repeat the process whenever you feel anxious about learning the information. Note: No 
matter how things turn out, give yourself the reward. 
Answer these questions after you read something that you want to remember: What was it about? 
What parts of it were most important? What opinions, if any, did it 
contain? What’s my opinion of it? What element makes it unique? Note: 
Do this mentally or in writing - whichever works best for you. 
Rely on graphic devices to increase your reading speed and to help 
you zero in on the main points in books and other publications. Examples: 
italics, boldface, underlining, bulleted lists, charts, graphs, etc. As you go through pages, ignore regular 
text and scan only for these devices. When you find one, slow down and read those sections more 
Boost your thinking power by taking the time to really think about the answer to questions about a 
situation, some information or a problem: What seems to be the key idea here? Does this resemble or 
parallel anything I’ve already learned or experienced? Do I still have a nagging question about any part of 
this? When I put everything together, what do I see as most important? 
Source: Communication Briefings - Volume XX, No.1 
afterward = mais tarde 
boldface = negrito 
boost = melhorar 
brain power = capacidade intelectual 
chart = tabela 
device = recurso 
double = dobrar 
grasp = assimilar 
increase = melhorar 
nagging = insistente 
memory bank = banco de memória 
more carefully = mais cuidadosamente 
overcome = superar 
perform = atuar 
hits its stride = tem melhor desempenho 
read = ler 
recall = lembrar 
rely on = contar com 
resemble = assemelhar-se 
still = ainda 
tackle = obter 
together = junto 
upcoming = a ser apresentado 
reward = prémio 
scan = examinar 
slow down = ir devagar, desacelerar 
switch = trocar 
whenever = toda vez 
zero in on = direcionar a atenção para 
02) Answer these questions in Portuguese. (Responda estas perguntas em português.) 
01. When do people have more short-term memory and long-term memory? (Quando as pessoas têm mais 
memória a curto prazo e a longo prazo?) 
02. What should you read more carefully? (O que você deve ler com mais atenção?) 
03. Get in the text tips on how to double your brain power. (Tire do texto dicas para dobrar a sua 
capacidade intelectual.) 
Usamos a forma comparativa quando comparamos uma coisa ou pessoa com outra. Apenas dois 
elementos são envolvidos. 
Jane’s taller than Maria. (A Jane 
é mais alta que a Maria.) 
Usamos esta fórmula para 
adjetivos de uma só sílaba. 
Roses are more beautiful than 
Carnations. (Rosas são mais 
bonitas que Cravos.) 
Para adjetivos de duas sílabas ou 
Adjetivos terminados em y. 
easy = fácil 
pretty = bonito(a) 
funny = engraçado(a) 
easier than = mais fácil que 
prettier than = mais bonito(a) que 
funnier than = mais engraçado(a) que 
Adjetivos de uma só vogal terminados em consoantes. 
big = grande 
fat = gordo(a) 
bigger than = maior que 
fatter than = mais gordo(a) que 
Adjetivos irregulares 
good = bom/boa 
bad = ruim 
far = distante 
little = pouco(a) 
fun = divertido(a) 
better than = melhor que 
worse than = pior que 
farther / further than = mais distante que 
less than = menos que 
more fun than = mais divertido(a) que 
03) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. The Earth is closer to the Sun than Mars. 
02. Mars is colder than the Earth. 
03. Rio de Janeiro is smaller than Rio Grande do Sul. 
04. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is higher than the TV Tower in Brasilia. 
05. French grammar is more difficult than English grammar. 
06. Books are more expensive than magazines. 
07. Some exercises are more complicated than others. 
08. Magazines are more colorful than newspapers. 
04) Translate these sentences from the text. (Traduza estas frases do texto.) 
01. You probably sometimes wish that you could think faster, grasp new information quicker and recall 
more of what you read and hear. 
02. The brain section that stores short-term memory items performs about 15% better in the morning. 
03. Use graphic devices to help you read faster. 
04. Slow down and read those sections more carefully. 
UNIT 21 
Estratégia de leitura - Pre-reading - Uso de conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto 
01) O que você sabe sobre a Noruega? 
Norway is on the northwestern of Europe. It borders the North Atlantic, Sweden, 
Finland and Russia. Norway, Sweden and Denmark are called the Scandinavian 
countries. About 4 million people live there. 
How would you like to have daylight night and day, around the clock, for more 
than two months? That’s what happens in the summertime in one-third of Norway, up near the Arctic 
Norway is one of the world’s richest countries. The discovery of gas and oil has added to its wealth. 
The people enjoy a very high standard of living. 
Norway has been a big fishing country for years. Norway also has one of the largest shipping fleets 
in the world. 
Norway’s forests provide trees that produce pulp and paper. Forest covers 24 percent of the land. 
Much of Norway is covered with high, rocky mountains and plateaus. Many rivers rushing through 
the mountains offer a cheap source of electricity. Only one-fourth of Norway is suitable for farming. 
Very few people throughout the world can speak Norwegian. Many Norwegians also speak English. 
Oslo, the capital, is the biggest city. The Nobel peace Prize is presented each year in Oslo. 
Norway is a democracy and a kingdom. While the royal family doesn’t have much power, they are 
an important symbol of the country. 
The 17th of May is Norway’s National Day. It marks the declaration of independence from Sweden 
in 1813. 
Inland Norway is much colder than the coastal areas. There is snow on the ground a lot of the time 
during winter. Skiing is very popular in Norway. More than 6,000 skiers take part in the biggest and 
toughest cross country ski race in the world. This yearly race is called the Birkebeiner. Some people say 
kids in Norway are born with skis on. 
Source: The Mini Page - Sunday, February 20, 1994 
around the clock = o tempo todo 
border = faz fronteira 
cheap = barato 
daylight = luz do dia 
farming = lavoura 
forest = floresta 
ground = chão 
inland = interior 
kids = crianças 
kingdom = reino 
near = perto 
northwestern = noroeste 
Norway = Noruega 
paper = papel 
plateau = planalto 
power = poder 
pulp = polpa, mistura usada para fabricação de 
race = corrida 
rivers rushing through the mountains = rios 
que correm entre as montanhas. 
rocky mountains = montanhas rochosas 
snow = neve 
shipping fleets = frotas de navios 
source = fonte 
standard of living = padrão de vida 
tree = árvore 
wealth = riqueza 
winter = inverno 
world = mundo 
year = ano 
yearly = annual 
02) Get information from the text to fill in this chart. (Retire informação do texto para completar 
este quadro.) 
1. Capital (capital) 
2. Language (idioma) 
3. Location (localização) 
4. National day (dia da independência) 
5. Population (população) 
6. Sports (esportes) 
Usamos a forma superlativa quando comparamos mais de duas coisas ou pessoas. 
Amazonas is the biggest state in 
Brazil. (O Amazonas é o maior 
estado do Brasil.) 
Usamos esta fórmula para 
adjetivos de uma só sílaba. 
Health is the most important 
thing in life. (A saúde é a coisa 
mais importante da vida.) 
Para adjetivos que têm duas 
sílabas ou mais. 
OBSERVE A DIFERENÇA: Usamos o superlativo ao comparar o Amazonas com mais de um estado. 
No exemplo acima, o comparamos com todos os outros estados do Brasil. Se o compararmos com apenas 
outro estado, usamos a forma comparativa. Ex.: Amazonas is bigger than Acre. (O Amazonas é maior do 
que o Acre.) 
Adjetivos terminados em y. 
easy = fácil 
pretty = bonito(a) 
funny = engraçado(a) 
the easiest = o(a) mais fácil 
the prettiest = o(a) mais bonito(a) 
the funniest = o(a) mais engraçado(a) 
Adjetivos de uma só vogal terminados em consoantes. 
big = grande 
fat = gordo(a) 
the biggest = o(a) maior 
the fattest = o(a) mais gordo(a) 
Adjetivos irregulares 
good = bom/boa 
bad = ruim 
far = distante 
little = pouco(a) 
fun = divertido(a) 
many = muitos(as) / much = muito(a) 
the best = o(a) melhor) 
the worst = o(a) pior) 
the farthest or furthest = o (a) mais distante 
the least = no mínimo 
the most fun = o(a) mais divertido(a) 
the most = o máximo 
03) How many superlative forms are there in the text? What are they? (Quantas formas de 
superlativo há no texto? Quais são elas?) 
04) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. Hate is the hardest feeling to tolerate. 
02. Neptune is the coldest planet in the Solar System. 
_________________________________________________________________________________03. My house is the biggest house of the street. 
04. Brazil is the largest country in South America. 
05. Love is the most important thing in a relationship. 
06. Who is the most interesting person you know? 
07. Brazil is the most beautiful country in the world. 
08. A Limosine was the most expensive car I saw at the car fair. 
(Vamos comparar.) 
Exemplo: Compare these three means of transportation. (Compare estes três meios de transporte.) 
01. The car is faster than the bicycle. (O carro é mais rápido que a bicicleta.) 
02. The plane is faster than the car. (O avião é mais rápido que o carro.) 
03. The plane is the fastest means of transportation. (O avião é o meio de transporte mais rápido) 
05) Compare these three balls. (Compare estas três bolas.) 
01. The basketball is _________ the golf ball. 
02. The basketball is _________ the tennis ball. 
03. The basketball is _________ ball. 
04. The golf ball is _________ ball. 
06) Compare these three months. (Compare estes três meses.) 
01. September is _________ February. 
02. December is _________ September. 
03. December is _________ month. 
04. September is _________ December. 
05. February is _________ month. 
07) Compare the size of these three countries. (Compare o tamanho destes três países.) 
01. Brazil is _________ the USA. 
02. Italy is _________ Brazil. 
03. Italy is _________ country. 
04. The USA is _________ Brazil. 
05. The USA is _________ country. 
08) Translate these sentences from the text. (Traduza estas frases do texto.) 
01. Norway is one of the world’s richest countries. 
A Noruega é um dos países mais ricos do mundo. 
02. Norway also has one of the largest shipping fleets in the world. 
03. Oslo, the capital, is the biggest city. 
04. More than 6,000 skiers take part in the biggest and toughest cross country ski race in the world. 
 UNIT 22 
Estratégia de leitura - Pre-reading - Uso de conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto 
01) Responda a seguinte pergunta: de acordo com sua experiência, qual é o propósito da vida? 
A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that 
if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then 
the Emperor would give him the area of land he had covered. 
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode 
as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on 
riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not 
stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible. 
Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then 
he asked himself, ―Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? 
Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself.‖ 
The above story is similar to the journey of our Life. We push very hard everyday to make more 
money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health, time with our family and forget to 
appreciate the surroundings. Beauty and the hobbies we love. 
If we look back, we will realize that we don’t really need that much, but then we cannot turn back 
time for what we have missed. Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition. Life is 
definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and 
pleasures of life. Life is a balance of work and play, family and personal time. You have to decide how 
you want to balance your life. You must define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise 
but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the 
purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence. 
So, you should take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile, Life is 
short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy Life! 
Watch your thoughts; they become words. 
Watch your words; they become actions. 
Watch your actions; they become habits. 
Watch your habits; they become character. 
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. 
From: Internet, author: unknown (with adaptations) 
acquire = adquirir 
as fast as possible = o mais rápido possível 
beauty = beleza 
bury = enterrar 
compromise = comprometer 
emperor = imperador 
forget = esquecer 
health = saúde 
horse = cavalo 
horseman = cavaleiro 
land = terra 
life = vida 
look back = olhar para trás 
neglect = neglicenciar 
only = somente, apenas 
pleasures = prazeres 
power = poder 
realize = perceber 
recognition = reconhecimento 
surroundings = arredores 
take for granted = admitir como certo 
Take it easy. = Calma. 
whip = chicotear 
work = trabalho 
02) Answer these questions orally in Portuguese. (Responda estas perguntas oralmente em 
01. What did the Emperor offer the horseman?(O que o imperador ofereceu ao cavaleiro?) 
02. Why did the horseman feel sorry about what he did? (Porque o cavaleiro arrependeu-se do que fez?) 
03. In what conditions did the horseman die? (Em que condições o cavaleiro morreu?) 
04. What’s the message of the story? (Qual é a mensagem da história?) 
05. Do you agree with the advice given in the end of the story? (Você concorda com os conselhos dados 
no final da história?) 
(verbos modais) 
(verbo modal) 
may Pedido de forma educada. May I use your pen? (Posso usar a sua caneta?) 
Permissão. You may leave earlier today. (Você pode sair mais 
cedo hoje.) 
Expressar algo com menos de 
50% de certeza. 
Is Maria here? (A Maria está aqui?) 
No, she may be at the library. (Não. Ela deve estar 
na biblioteca.) 
might Expressar algo com menos de 
50% de certeza. 
Is Maria here? (A Maria está aqui?) 
No. She might be at the library. (Não. Ela deve 
estar na biblioteca.) 
should Conselho You should study hard. (Você deveria estudar 
90% de certeza (somente futuro.) She should pass the test. (Ela deve passar no 
ought to Conselho You ought to study hard. (Você deveria estudar 
must Obrigação I must work. (Tenho que trabalhar.) 
90% de certeza He must arrive soon. (Ele deve chegar logo.) 
Proibição (somente na forma 
You must not open that door. (Você não deve abrir 
aquela porta.) 
have to/ 
has to 
Necessidade I have to go to the doctor. (Tenho que ir ao 
Falta de necessidade (só na 
forma negativa.) 
I don’t have to wake up early on Sunday. (Não 
tenho que acordar cedo no domingo.) 
can Saber fazer algo. I can sing. (Sei cantar.) 
Pedido informal Can I use your pen? (Posso usar a sua caneta?) 
Impossibilidade (só na forma 
It can’t be true! (Isso não pode ser verdade!) 
could Saber fazer algo. (No passado.) I could dance when I was young. (Eu sabia dançar 
quandoera jovem.) 
Pedido educado. Could I borrow your pen? (Eu poderia pegar a sua 
caneta emprestada?) 
Sugestão I need a hammer. (Preciso de um martelo) 
You could ask Alan. (Você poderia pedir ao 
would Oferecer algo Would you like coffee? (Você gostaria de café?) 
Condição I would travel if I had money. (Eu viajaria se 
tivesse dinheiro) 
had better Conselho com tom de ameaça You’d better study. (É melhor você estudar.) 
would rather Preferência I’d rather stay home. (Prefiro ficar em casa) 
03) Circle the modal verbs in the text Destiny. (Circule os verbos modais no texto Destiny.) 
04) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 
01. I can swim. ______________________________________________ 
02. You should study. ______________________________________________ 
03. You ought to study. ______________________________________________ 
04. You must study. ______________________________________________ 
05. You have to study. ______________________________________________ 
06. He has to help you. ______________________________________________ 
07. I may become rich. ______________________________________________ 
08. I might become rich. ______________________________________________ 
09. You could be more patient. ______________________________________________ 
10. I could run fast when I was a child. ____________________________________________ 
05) De acordo com a citação abaixo, por que devemos aprender com os erros dos outros? 
―You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all 
Sam Levenson 
06) Translate the following sentences from the text. (Traduza as seguintes frases do texto.) 
01. Watch your thoughts; they become words. 
02. Watch your words; they become actions. 
03. Watch your actions; they become habits. 
04. Watch your habits; they become character. 
05. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. 

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