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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Os pronomes relativos se relacionam a um 
substantivo ou a um pronome anteriormente 
Eles podem ser usados para definir o 
substantivo ao qual se referem ou para 
simplesmente acrescentar informação sobre o 
São eles: 
Ex.: The man who was involved in the accident 
is my cousin. 
Ex.: Rage, which is a bad feeling, gets people to 
do stupid things.
Defining Relative Clause
Non-defining Relative Clause
a) WHO = que ( sujeito)
Ex.: The girl who is playing is country champion. 
b) WHOM = que / quem (objeto) – Geralmente 
vem acompanhado de preposição. 
Ex.: The woman to whom I talked on the phone 
was nice to me. 
Não pode ser substituído por “that”. 
c) WHICH = usado para coisas ou animais. 
Ex.: The car which I like is very expensive. 
d) WHOSE = indica “posse”: CUJO/ CUJA
Ex.: The boy whose girlfriend disappeared is my 
e) WHERE = indica lugar. 
Ex.: A department store is a place where you 
can buy goods. 
f) WHEN = indica tempo. 
Ex.: Easter is a time when people celebrate 
Jesus’ ressurrection. 
The magazine which I bought is for my sister. 
The magazine which is on the floor is mine. 
That is the girl who talked to me. 
That is the girl who I saw last night. 
The Ouchless Band-Aid
Finally a band-aid that won’t rip off your skin and 
provoke a hearty “ouch” when pulled off. Dr. Steve 
Koontz of Johnson & Johnson and his team have, in 
fact, created a liquid version of the traditional 
bandage that stays on hard-to-cover areas yet won’t 
come off when you’re in the shower. The product, 
available in the United States since last year, costs 
$7.99 and consists of a bottle with 40 drops of Liquid 
Bandage and 10 applicators. Drops of Liquid 
Bandage are placed on an applicator swab which is 
then rubbed over a dry wound. A chemical reaction 
causes a clear yet hard film to form in just a minute. 
As the wound heals, the bandage just fades away. 
For more information, visit www.band-aid.com.
To rip off = arrancar, tirar
Swab = cotonete
Rubbed over a dry wound = aplicado sobre a ferida 
To heal = sarar, cicatrizar
To fade away = dissolver-se, desaparecer
Wound – ferida ; ferimento
1. O texto fala de...
a) Um tipo de curativo plástico de fácil remoção, que 
permite “ver” quando o ferimento está curado.
b) Um tipo de band-aid à prova de água.
c) Um tipo de band- aid que não arranca os pêlos. 
d) Um tipo de curativo que some à medida que o 
ferimento cicatriza.
e) Um tipo de curativo adesivo que se torna líquido ao 
ser retirado. 
2. O novo curativo...
a) é feito de plástico
b) é feito de borracha
c) é feito de pano
d) é líquido
e) vem na forma de creme
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is an 
extremely rare disease which affects the 
connective tissue. A mutation of the body's repair 
mechanism causes fibrous tissue (including 
muscle, tendon, and ligament) to be ossified when 
damaged. In many cases, injuries can cause joints 
to become permanently frozen in place. Surgical 
removal of the extra bone growths has been 
shown to cause the body to "repair" the affected 
area with more bone.
Turritopsis nutricula
Turritopsis nutricula, the potentially immortal 
jellyfish, is a hydrozoan whose medusa, or jellyfish, 
form can revert to the polyp stage after becoming 
sexually mature. It is the only known case of a 
metazoan capable of reverting completely to a 
sexually immature, colonial stage after having 
reached sexual maturity as a solitary stage. It does 
this through the cell development process of 
transdifferentiation. Cell transdifferentiation is 
when the jellyfish "alters the differentiated state of 
the cell and transforms it into a new cell."
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 1 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
Aula 16. 
LÍNGUA INGLESA - Professor de Inglês 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 2 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
Os pronomes relativos se relacionam a um substantivo ou a um pronome 
anteriormente mencionado. 
Eles podem ser usados para definir o substantivo ao qual se referem ou para 
simplesmente acrescentar informação sobre o mesmo. 
São eles: 
Ex.: The man who was involved in the accident is my cousin. 
(Defining Relative Clause) 
Ex.: Rage, which is a bad feeling, gets people to do stupid things. 
(Non-defining Relative Clause) 
a) WHO = que ( sujeito) 
Ex.: The girl who is playing is country champion. 
b) WHOM = que / quem (objeto) – Geralmente vem acompanhado de 
Ex.: The woman to whom I talked on the phone was nice to me. 
Não pode ser substituído por “that”. 
c) WHICH = usado para coisas ou animais. 
Ex.: The car which I like is very expensive. 
d) WHOSE = indica “posse”: CUJO/ CUJA 
Ex.: The boy whose girlfriend disappeared is my friend. 
e) WHERE = indica lugar. 
Ex.: A department store is a place where you can buy goods. 
f) WHEN = indica tempo - quando. 
Ex.: Easter is a time when people celebrate Jesus’ ressurrection. 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 3 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
The magazine which I bought is for my sister. (podemos omitir o which) 
The magazine which is on the floor is mine. (não podemos omitir o which) 
That is the girl who talked to me. (não podemos omitir o who) 
That is the girl who I saw last night. (podemos omitir o who) 
What is acne? 
 Acne is not just a problem for teenagers, it can affect people from ages 10 
through 40. It is not unusual for women, in particular, to develop acne in their mid-
to-late 20’s. Acne can appear as any of the following: 
Blackheads -- are caused by partially blocked pores. The "black" appearance of 
them is not caused by dirt, but by the melanin pigment from the dead skin cells. 
Whiteheads -- are caused by completely blocked pores. The white appearance of 
them is caused by the bacteria inside the blocked pore turning the sebum to "free 
fatty acid". 
Papules -- are small, red, tender bumps or spots. 
Pustules -- are larger, red and inflamed pus-filled spots. 
Nodules -- are large hard bumps under the skin's surface. 
Cysts -- are similar to nodules, but can be deeply inflamed and infected. 
 These blemishes occur wherever there are many oil (sebaceous) glands, mainly 
on the face, chest, and back. 
You can do a lot to treat your acne using products available at a drugstore or 
cosmetic counter that do not require a prescription. However, for more serious 
cases of acne, you should consult a doctor. 
What causes acne? 
No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life 
around puberty stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys 
and girls. Oil is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and 
under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings 
of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates 
bacteria, (which live in everyone's skin and generally cause no problems), to 
multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed. 
If the inflammation is right near the surface, you get a pustule; if it's deeper, a 
papule (pimple); deeperstill and it's a cyst. If the oil breaks though to the surface, 
the result is a "whitehead." If the oil becomes oxidized (that is, acted on by oxygen 
in the air), the oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "blackhead." 
Some factors that don’t usually cause acne, at least by themselves are: 
 Heredity: With the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the 
problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point 
in their life. 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 4 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
 Food: All over the world, parents tell teens to avoid pizza, chocolate, greasy and 
fried foods, and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, 
they don't cause acne or make it worse. 
 Dirt: Some individuals have more "oily" skin than others (as mentioned above, 
"Blackheads" are oxidized oil, not dirt). Sweat does not cause acne, therefore, it is 
not necessary to shower instantly after exercise for fear that sweat will clog pores. 
On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin. 
 Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and 
make them last longer. Stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in 
causing acne. 
 Hormones: Some women break out cyclically, but most women (and men) don't. 
Some oral contraceptive pills may help relieve acne, but unless a woman has 
abnormal menstrual periods and excessive hair growth, it’s unlikely that hormones 
play much of a role in causing acne. 
 Cosmetics: Most cosmetic and skin care products are not pore-clogging 
(“comedogenic.”) Of the many available brands, those which are listed as “water-
based” or “oil-free” are generally a better choice. 
In occasional patients, contributing factors may be: 
 Pressure: In some patients, pressure from helmets, chinstraps, collars, and the 
like can aggravate acne. 
 Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing 
iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed 
prednisone or the steroids bodybuilders or athletes take.) Most cases of acne, 
however, are not drug-related. 
 Occupations: In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may 
produce acne. 
Sebum: The semifluid secretion of the sebaceous glands, consisting chiefly of fat, 
keratin, and cellular material. 
Spots: a small round mark on the skin, different in colour or texture from the 
Blemish: a mark that spoils something that is beautiful. 
Bumps: a swelling on the body. 
Pimple: a small raised spot on the skin. 
1. According to the text: 
a) Acne can affect people at any age, specially women in their mid-twenties. 
b) Blackheads, Whiteheads, papules and nodules are forms of acne. 
c) Acne most commonly occurs on peoples’ face, hands, chest and back. 
d) Acne is caused by hormones but it can be also caused by some greasy foods. 
2. Circle the only correct letter according to the text: 
a) Blackheads are dirty, so you should clean them frequently. 
b) Whiteheads are white because that’s the colour of the bacteria inside them. 
c) Pustules are red because they contain blood in them. 
d) Nodules are similar to cysts but cysts are deeper and also infected. 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 5 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
3. Match the factors with their correct explanation: 
a. Heredity 
b. Food 
c. Stress 
d. Hormones 
e. Drugs 
( ) There isn’t a strong connection between your emotional health and acne. 
( ) Women can avoid some acne by taking them in the form of contraceptive 
( ) Just because you parents had acne, that doesn’t mean you will have it, too. 
( ) Depending on what you take, they can make acne worse. 
( ) Not everything you ingest will be good for you but it certainly won’t cause 
you acne. 
It is becoming more and more important to eat the right food. 
Experts say that the type of food you eat can damage your health. If you eat 
the right food, you will have a better chance of living a long and healthy life. 
If you eat a lot of processed food, you will be more likely to have problems 
with your health. If people eat food with a lot of fat in it, they will have a 
greater risk of getting heart disease. 
In some countries, people eat less fat in their diet. Scientists have 
shown that fewer people get heart disease in these countries. In Spain and 
Italy, for example, most people have less fat in their diets than people in 
England. And in England, the rate of heart disease is double the rate in 
Spain or Italy. 
So if you eat less fatty food, you'll live longer. You'll feel better, feel 
fitter, and have more energy if you change to a simpler and healthier diet. 
From:Break into English 
4. According to the text, what sort of food is BAD for you? Circle the only correct 
a) Italian food. 
b) Fruit and vegetables. 
c) Fatty food. 
d) Simple food. 
5. According to the text, what happens in countries where the diet is high in fat? 
Circle the only correct letter. 
a) People get fatter. 
b) The rate of heart disease is greater. 
c) The population has a better life. 
d) People are healthier. 
6. The text says that in Spain people eat __________ than in England. Circle the 
only correct letter to complete the space. 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 6 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
a) less fatty food 
b) more energetic food 
c) less food 
d) much more fatty food 
From Susan Blackmore 
In his article on computers and consciousness, Igor Aleksander was quite 
wrong to say that “Susan Blackmore...implies that constructing a machine 
that is conscious like us would be impossible” (19 July, p 40). 
I do indeed claim that consciousness is an illusion. This is because it feels to 
us humans as though there is a continuous flow of experiences happening to 
an inner self, when in fact, there is no such inner self. Computers have no 
inner self either, but if ever they start thinking they do they will become 
deluded like us, and hence conscious like us. And that day is surely not far 
off. We humans can sometimes wake up from our delusion, through 
intellectual insight or through practices like meditation. Maybe future 
computers will teach us a thing or two about waking up from illusion. 
Bristol, UK 
7. The author of the text criticizes 
a) the construction ofmachines that resemble human beings. 
b) human expectations of mastering technology completely. 
c) an idea presented in a previous article published by New Scientist. 
d) experiments made with humans and computers. 
8. In her letter to the editor, Susan Blackmore claims that 
a) computers are deluded in the same way human beings are. 
b) building computers with a certain degree of consciousness will be possible in the 
c) human consciousness is changing the kind of experiences that flow into an inner 
d) human beings are deluded in their belief that they possess an inner self. 
9. Susan Blackmore says that 
a) computers will help humans increase their intellectual expertise in the future. 
b) intellectual insight and practices like meditation can help us become aware of our 
c) meditation and similar practices are helpful for people who spend long hours in 
front of computers. 
d) people easily fall into the illusion that computers will solve most of their problems. 
10. According to the text, one day 
a) computers will be prepared to think the same way we do. 
b) computers may teach humans how to deal with their illusions better. 
c) human beings will program computers which will help them meditate. 
d) human beings will wake up and have better insights towards computers. 
1 - B 
Prof. Renato Baggio www.aprovaconcursos.com.br Página 7 de 7 
Prof. Renato Baggio 
 Língua Inglesa 
2 - D 
3 - C - D - A - E - B 
4 - C 
5 - B 
6 - A 
7 - C 
8 - D 
9 - A 
10 - B