
English 1 Diagnose

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English 1 Diagnose
1) Using the Verb "To be" 
Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense, and write the answer highlighted with bold. 
Example 1: I am excited. 
Example: Jessica and Akbar are happy. 
a) The bag is blue. 
b) The rocks are hard. 
c) The children are young. 
d) Thomas is nice. 
e) The game is difficult. 
f) They are tired. 
g) I am thirty years old. 
h) Susan and Juan are married. 
i) Teddy is my friend
j) We are in English class. 
2) Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense. Highlight the answer with bold.
My name (be) is (1) John. I (be) am (2) fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It (be) is (3) in the country. It is quiet in the country. It (be, not) is not (4) loud in the country. I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it (be) is (5) still dark when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way the country looks in the morning. The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I (be) am (6) finished milking the cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom (be) is (7) a really good cook. Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t feed them.She said it is because my sister (be, not) is not (8) strong enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! 
I guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can (be) is (9) pretty rough, especially when they (be) are (10) hungry. The last thing I do (be) am (11) feed the chickens. That (be) is (12) easy.I just throw some food down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the chickens (be) is (13) eating, I go into their house to collect their eggs. Chicken eggs (be) is (14) really good to eat. They (be) are (15) easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I (be) am (16) pretty busy.
My name is John. I am fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It is in the country. It is quiet in the country. It is not loud in the country. I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it is still dark when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way the country looks in the morning. The first thing I do after I wake up is milk the cow. After I am finished milking the cow, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it to make breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom is a really good cook. Next, I feed the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t feed them.She said it is because my sister is not strong enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! 
I guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can is pretty rough, especially when they are hungry. The last thing I do am feed the chickens. That is easy.I just throw some food down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the chickens is eating, I go into their house to collect their eggs. Chicken eggs is really good to eat. They are easy to cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I am pretty busy.
3) Write the setences in the affirmative form (✓), negative (✗) or interrogative (?).
Example: (✓) It’s his dog. (✗) It isn’t his dog. (?) Is it his dog? 
a) (✗) He isn’t Spanish. (✓) He is Spanish. (?) Is he Spanish?
b) (✓) They’re ten years old. (✗) They aren’t ten years old. (?) Are they ten years old?
c) (✗) They aren’t ten years old. . (✓) They are ten old. (?) Are they ten years old?
d) (✗) We aren’t from France. . (✓) We are from France. (?) Are we fron France?
e) (✗) It isn’t fun. (✓) It is fun. (?) Is it fun?
f) (✓) She’s 13 years old. ✗) She isn’t 13 years old. (?) Is she 13 years old?
g) (✓) I’m Italian. ✗) I am not Italian. (?) Am I Italian?
h) (✓) You’re my best friend. ✗) You aren’t my best friend. (?) Are you my best friend?
i) (✓) He’s my French teacher. ✗) He isn’t my French teacher. (?) Is he my French teacher.
4) Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with his / her / their.
a. I saw Liz with her husband, JimLiz
Julia =
b. I saw Julia and Ted with their children.
c. I saw Ted with her wife, Julia.
d. I saw George with his brother, Joe.
e. I saw Julia with his brother, Joe.
f. I saw Liz and Jim with his son, Joe.
g. I saw Julia with their parents.
h. I saw Diana and Kevin with their parents.
5) Complete the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjective as in the example:
Example: He has got a new computer. His computer is very good.
a. I have got a house. My house is very big.
b. She has got a cat. Her cat is black.
c. My brother has got a bicycle. He rides his bicycle every afternoon.
d. We learn English at school. Our teacher of English is nice.
e. You go to a different school. How is your school?
f. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got a son. Their son’s name is Michael.
6) Fill the gaps with a or an, and highlight the answer:
Example: We have a beautiful garden. 
a) I have a garden is full of roses.
b) I'd like a glass of orange juice please.
c) Can you give me an envelope, please?
d) He is an honest man.
e) Would you like a cup of coffee?
f) Let’s have an adventure!
g) I am an artist!
h) Is it a girl or a boy?
i) Jessie said she saw an alien last night!
j) My husband is a doctor, he works in a hospital.
7) Complete the sentences with the indicated verbs in present simple tense.
Example: She (not be) isn’t in Goiania.
a) I (to live) live in Australia.
b) You (be not from) aren’t from Mexico.	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: falta uma palavra?
c) He (to be) is in Brazil.
d) She (not live) doesn’t lives in Italy.
e) It (to live) lives in Africa.
f) We (be from) are from England.	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Falta uma palavra?
g) You (to be) are in Turkey.
h) They (not be) aren’t in Spain.
8) Transform the verbs from the 1st person (I) to the 3rd person (he, she, it)
Ex: I love – She loves / I don’t love – She doesn’t love
a) I work - He works / I don’t work / He doesn’t work
b) I dance - She dances / I don’t dance / She doesn’t dances
c) I don’t play - It doesn’t plays / I play / It plays
d) I study - He studies / I don’t study / He doesn’t studies
e) I wash - She washes / I don’t wash / She doesn’t washes
f) I go - It goes / I don’t go / It doesn’t goes
g) I do - He does / I don’t / He doesn’t
h) I am - She is / I am not / She isn’t
i) I don’t have - He doesn’t has / I have / He have
j) I can – She can / I can’t / She can’t	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Não sei se esta certo
k) I don’t move – It doesn’t moves / I move / It moves
l) I like – He likes / I don’t like / He doesn’t likes
m) I put – She puts / I don’t put / She doesn’t puts
n) I care – It cares / I don’t care / It doesn’t cares
o) I drink – He drinks / I don’t drink / He doesn’t drinks
p) I type – She types / I don’t type / She doesn’t types
q) I die – It dies / I don’t die / It doesn’t dies
r) I lie – He lies / I don’t lie / He doesn’t lies
9) Unscramble the words. Each word is a different feeling. Write the answer in bold
Ex: a) apphy happy
b) Ads: sad	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Um pouco confuso
c) Ebdro: bored
d) Dfeucsno: Confused
e) Erscad: scared
f) Diret: tired
g) Owirder: worried
h) angry: angry
i) rsicuuo: curious
j) esgidtsdu: disgusted
k) iospsucsiu: suspicious
l) csedhok: shocked
m) oth: hot
n) odcl: cold
o) ynrhgu: hungry
p) iyshttr: thristy
10) Choose between this, that, these or those. Write the answer in bold.	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Perto singular	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Longe singular	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Perto plural	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Longe plural
a) We’re going to play tennis this morning. 	Comment by Giselly Marques Ruela: Tive pouca dificuldade
b) Shall I wear this shirt or that one? 
c) Can I have a look at those trousers? 
d) Let’s go to that new club in the center.e) I’m really busy this morning.
f) That cake you made last week was delicious.
g) Let me introduce you. Sue, this is Tom.
h) I’m going to take back those shoes I bought last week.
i) Are you going to watch this DVD with us?
j) First you need to chop up those tomatoes over there.
k) Hello, this is Nick speaking.
l) Yes, that’s right. I completely agree with you.

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