
Simple Present Tense

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – UNIMONTES 
Centro de Ciências Exatas e suas Tecnologias – CCET 
Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental para a Matemática 
Professora: Simone Aguiar 
Acadêmicas: Dyanna Ramos Fiel e Evelin Keicy Noronha 
Aluno:___________________________________________Turma: 4º período Diurno 
Simple Present Tense 
Empregamos o simple present para descrever uma ação habitual. 
Forma Afirmativa : É formado a partir do verbo principal no infinitivo sem a partícula TO. Na 
3º pessoa do singular, (HE, SHE, IT), o VERBO PRINCIPAL recebe S. 
Estrutura na forma Afirmativa: SUJEITO + VERBO PRINCIPAL (no infinitivo sem o to). 
REGRA GERAL: O verbo recebe S. Ex.: to read – He reads. 
Verbos terminados em CH, 
SH, S, X, O ou Z recebem ES. 
Verbos terminados em Y 
precedido de consoante 
mudam o Y para I e recebem 
ES. E y precedido de vogal 
acrescenta o s. 
O verbo TO HAVE (ter), tem 
a forma HAS para a 3º 
pessoa do singular. 
Ex: . to watch – He watches Ex: to study – He studies Ex: to have – He has 
 to fix – It fixes to try – It tries To have – You have 
 to go – She goes To say – He says 
Interrogative Form 
I Buy Do not dance Do I dance? 
YOU Buy Do not dance Do YOU dance? 
HE Buys Does not dance Does HE dance? 
SHE Buys Does not dance Does SHE dance? 
IT Buys Does not dance Does IT dance? 
WE Buy Do not dance Do WE dance? 
YOU Buy Do not dance Do YOU dance? 
THEY buy Do not dance Do THEY dance? 
infinitivo sem o to). 
FORMA CONTRAÍDA: do not =don’t does not= doesn’t 
Estrutura na forma interrogativa : DO+ SUJEITO + VERBO PRINCIPAL (no infinitivo sem o to) 
Vamos Praticar? 
1) Leia o texto a seguir e grife os verbos e os auxiliares no Simple Present. 
A dedicated teenager 
Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to 
school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In theevening, she studies English 
at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on 
theweekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothersdon’t like to study but they help their parents too. 
They want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and 
she wants tobe a doctor. Her father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane 
tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am 
dedicated.” Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give 
up. Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard. 
➢ Responda sobre o texto acima: 
a) O que a Jane gosta de comer? ______________________________________________ 
b) Jane tem tudo o que ela quer? ______________________________________________ 
c) A família de Jane não tem problemas?________________________________________ 
2) De acordo com o texto, escreva certo(C) ou errado (E) em cada frase abaixo: 
 a)( ) Jane não gosta de estudar. 
 b)( ) Seus irmãos querem abrir um pequeno restaurante porque gostam de trabalhar com 
 c)( ) O sonho de Jane é ser médica. 
 d)( ) Jane estuda gastronomia na escola. 
 e)( ) Ela vai a escola a tarde e ajuda seus pais de manhã. 
 f)( ) Jane é uma adolescente muito inteligente. 
3) Complete as frases abaixo com o presente simples do verbo principal entre 
a) They _______________ alone. (to live) 
b) I _____________ the newspaper every morning. (to read) 
c) We ____________ everything. (to know) 
d) They _____________ TV in the morning. (to watch) 
e) He __________ lunch at school, but she ________ lunch at home. (to have) 
f) It _______________ the street. (to cross) 
4) Passe as frases abaixo no presente simples para as formas negativa e interrogativa: 
a) I miss the English class. 
b) I kiss my wife every day. 
c) She walks in the park every Sunday. 
5) (UNITAU-SP) Mon often ______ when we _____ a joke. 
a) laugh – tell c) laughs – tell 
b) laughs – tells d) laughes – tell

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