
UNIASSELVI - Literatura Inglesa - Avaliação II

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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07/01/2021 UNIASSELVI - Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - Portal do Aluno - Portal do Aluno - Grupo UNIASSELVI
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Acadêmico: William Silva da Silveira (1163537)
Disciplina: Literatura Inglesa (LLI17)
Avaliação: Avaliação II - Individual FLEX ( Cod.:649110) ( peso.:1,50)
Prova: 25639374
Nota da Prova: 9,00
Legenda: Resposta Certa   Sua Resposta Errada  
1. During this period of european History, people knew a huge number or transformations which
lead to a higher concentration of populations in cities. The landscape changed and machinery
started substituting Manpower. Some authors got the spirit of this time while others sufferred
from a nostalgic return to the past. Associate Author and main subjects of their Works:
I- Coleridge and Wordsworth.
II- John Keats.
III- Mary Shelley.
(    ) First real science fiction novel showing the progresses of Science.
(    ) Poems and nostalgic literature with a suffering conotation.
(    ) Influence of the changing Europe and the way people became greedy and egoistic.
(    ) People should speak by poetry, this poetry of the fields, not rethorical.
Check the right sequence:
 a) II - III - I - II.
 b) I - II - I - III.
 c) III - II - III - I.
 d) III - I - I - II.
2. Oliver Twist é um menino órfão que vive em instituições de caridade até seus nove anos. É
quando ele decide fugir para Londres para viver outras experiências. Além de "Oliver Twist", este
autor escreveu outras obras. Sobre o exposto, classifique V para as sentenças verdadeiras e F
para as falsas:
(    ) Trata-se de Jonathan Swift, o que leva com frequência a confundir autor e personagem.
(    ) O autor desta obra é Jane Austen, que conheceu na vida real o menino Oliver.
(    ) Charles Dickens variava em seus escritos do humor à consciência do poder do mal e
denúncia de problemas sociais.
(    ) Este autor, que viveu na época puritana da história da Inglaterra vitoriana, escreveu obras
repletas de moralismo e, de certo modo, melodramáticas.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
 a) V - V - F - F.
 b) F - V - V - F.
 c) V - F - F - V.
 d) F - F - V - V.
07/01/2021 UNIASSELVI - Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - Portal do Aluno - Portal do Aluno - Grupo UNIASSELVI
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3. Literature under the English Romanticism presented a variety of themes and genders. Among
them are poetry, with focus on nature, beauty, tragedy in the existence, quality of language. Also
novels and a glance over social life in England. Check the authors and works bellow:
I- Jane Austen.
II- Lord Byron.
III- Sir Walter Scott.
Associate the items:
(    ) In the novels dealt with emotions, day to day life conditions in England, mainly relations and
(    ) History is the focus, and facts occurring during Richard Lyons Heart reign.
(    ) His romantic character Don Juan was of great influence even abroad.
(    ) For culture and society studies of England during the XVIIIth century you may choose this
Check the right sequence:
 a) III - I - II - II.
 b) II - I - I - III.
 c) I - III - II - I.
 d) I - I - III - II.
4. Mary Shelley wrote the famous novel Frankenstein. In the novel she sets up a creature, relating
to transformations that the European society was undergoing during the period following the
French and the Industrial Revolutions. Read the following assumptions and order them in time:
I- Cloning people may be compared to the freakness of Frankenstein.
II- Major scientific and industrial discoveries take place.
III- Frankenstein tries to explain the new industrial and scientific way of life.
IV- Victor Frankenstein conceives the creature, the creature becomes Frankenstein.
Check the right sequence:
 a) IV - I - II - III.
 b) III - IV - I - II.
 c) I - II - III - IV.
 d) II - III - IV - I.
07/01/2021 UNIASSELVI - Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - Portal do Aluno - Portal do Aluno - Grupo UNIASSELVI
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5. The Industrial Revolution provided society with a great number of inventions and developments.
Life changed from a major agricultural society to urbanicity and work in factories. Literature, as
a reflect of social and historical events, is under great influence of these historical and social
changes that Great Britain used to know during the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries.
Consider the following authors:
I- Charles Dickens. 
II- Samuel Butler.
III- Oscar Wilde.
Relate them to their corresponding social and/or historical issue:
(    ) His work foccuses esthetics and pleasure in life.
(    ) Dresses criticism against the Victorian period and contests the power money.
(    ) Under the influence of the ideas of Charles Darwin, the author satirizes criminal
punishement, religion and the anthropocentered view of life.
(    ) Concerns about honesty, social classes and life in the city of London for the left out of the
good and nice British society. 
Check the right sequence:
 a) II - I - I - III.
 b) II - I - III - II.
 c) I - III - III - II.
 d) III - I - II - I.
6. Literature follows social and economic changes a society passes though. It is the case in
English Literature, where the main changes that occur in Europe during the XVIIIth century also
reflect in the works produced and issued at the time. Order the events and/or the following
works in chronological order:
I- Lyrical Ballads.
II- The Industrial Revolution.
III- The age of Raison.
IV- The French Revolution.
Check the right sequence:
 a) I - IV - II - III.
 b) III - II - IV - I.
 c) III - I - IV - II.
 d) I - III - IV - II.
07/01/2021 UNIASSELVI - Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - Portal do Aluno - Portal do Aluno - Grupo UNIASSELVI
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7. The Industrial Revolution provided society with a great number of inventions and developments.
Urbanicity and work in factories, and the consequences on people's lives becomes the center of
all attention. Literature, as a reflect of social and historical events, is under great influence of the
historical and social changes that Great Britain used to know during the nineteenth and the
twentieth centuries.
Consider the following authors:
I- Charles Dickens.
II- Samuel Butler.
III- Oscar Wilde.
Relate them to their corresponding social and/or historical issues: 
(    ) His work foccuses esthetics and pleasure in life.
(    ) Dresses criticism against the Victorian period and contests the power of money.
(    ) Under the influence of the ideas of Charles Darwin, the author satirizes criminal punishment,
religion and the anthropocentric view of life.
(    ) Concerns about honesty, social classes and life in the city of London for the left out of the
good and nice British society. 
Check the right sequence:
 a) II - III - I - III.
 b) III - II - I - III.
 c) III - I - II - I.
 d) I - I - II - III.
8. During the Romantic Period, literature treated aspects of life in England and Great Britain. In her
novel Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen tells about the romantic life of an impoverished family,
the Dashwoods, mainly the girls Marianne and Elinor.  Order the events according to their
appearance in the novel:
I- Elinor realises that she was no longer the object of her friend Edward's affection.
II- Introducing the Dashwoods family.
III- Miss Jennings tries to comfort Marianne by assuring her that the day she ever meets Mr.
Willoughby she would give him a piece of her mind (dizer poucas e boas).
IV- Marianne Dashwood had been born to an extraordinary destiny (...) and gave herself in free
will to [another man: Mr. Brandon].
Check the right sequence:
 a) III - II - IV - I.
 b) IV - III - I - II.
 c) II - I - III - IV.
 d) I - IV - II - III.
07/01/2021 UNIASSELVI - Centro Universitário Leonardo Da Vinci - Portal do Aluno - Portaldo Aluno - Grupo UNIASSELVI
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9. After the first periods of British Literature, the Romantic period appears to be a time of major
changes and strong development in society: it occurs after the French Revolution and under the
Industrial Revolution started in the regions of Germany. Among the main writers in this period,
Walter Scott was born in Scotland in 1777 and wrote, among others, the historical novels.
William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge, on the other hand, wrote lyrical material. Read the
statements below and associate them to the right author(s):
I- Walter Scott.
II- William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.
Associate the items:
(    ) Literary critics and Philosophy were also among the styles.
(    ) Ivanhoé is anglo-saxon and fights for loyalty.
(    ) The main facts occur under the reign of Richard Lyon's Heart, XIIth Century.
(    ) Lyrical Balads was the starting point of Romanticism in England.
Check the right sequence:
 a) I - II - I - II.
 b) I - II - II - I.
 c) II - I - I - II.
 d) II - II - I - II.
10.Sir Walter Scott was actually born in Scotland. His literature shows a strong voice, even if at the
time he has not been considered a virtuous, as he only produced as much as 2 novels per year.
Nevertheless, his historic novel Ivanhoé has become a great success in the world, by telling the
story of Ivanhoé during the conflicts between Saxon and Romans in the Brittish island. Read the
statements below and mark T for True and F for false for each one of them:
(    ) The author was a poet besides writing novels.
(    ) Ivanhoé is focused on the Middle Ages and its life and routines, mainly in England.
(    ) Ivanhoé is the name of the horse of a knight whose loyalty to the king is outstanding.
(    ) The real name of the main character is Willfried of Ivanhoé.  
Check the right sequence:
 a) T - T - T - F.
 b) F - T - F - T.
 c) F - F - T - F.
 d) T - T - F - T.
Prova finalizada com 9 acertos e 1 questões erradas.

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