
Seleção 2019 - Prova de Proficiencia - Língua Inglês

Prévia do material em texto

 Autorizada pelo Decreto Federal n°. 77.496 de 27/4/1976
 Reconhecida pela Portaria Ministerial nº. 874/86 de 19/12/86 
Recredenciada pelo Decreto Estadual nº. 9.271 de 14/12/2004
Departamento de Letras e Artes
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários - PROGEL
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c) As questões devem ser respondidas em Língua Portuguesa Padrão;
A mother lives in Ohio after the Civil War with the child she murdered as a slave. A poor Nigerian boy, who is also a spirit child, fights supernatural corrupt politicians to remain in the land of the living. Welcome to magical realism: a type of storytelling in which the magical makes a surprising appearance in a realistic setting. 
The contrast between the fantastical and real elements is used to heighten drama and challenge beliefs. Magical realism was originally a movement in painting. It referred to paintings made after World War I, depicting empty European cities. However, by now it has evolved into a heavily political style of literature and the term magical realismhas come to refer to literature.
 The label was first used in Latin America to describe writers such as the Argentine Jorge Luis Borges and the European Franz Kafka. Their works consisted of both worldly and abstract fantasies. However, the term became increasingly associated with a very different kind of writing. This writing was tied to the history of colonization, and dealt with the politics of places that had once been under colonial rule. Two books were published in 1949 that are key examples of this nationalistic tradition. One is "Men of Maize" by the Guatemalan Nobel Laureate Miguel Angel Asturias. The other is "The Kingdom of This World" by the French-Cuban AlejoCarpentier. They represent the historical oppression of native and African people in Latin America by colonial forces, as well as show their mythological beliefs. These texts use magic to proclaim an independent identity for Latin America. Later magical realist novels typically use magic in more ironic or satirical ways. 
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" is often referred to as the typical magic realist text. It was written by a novelist and Nobel prize winner from Colombia named Gabriel García Marquez. The book was published in 1967. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" triggered a "boom" in Latin American literature. By the 1980s, its success had prompted a wave of magical realist novels internationally. The irony and political edginess of magical realist texts are not recognized enough. Yet they are surely part of the peculiar thrill of this form of literature, which has had an incredible rise and is still going strong.
Fonte: https://newsela.com/read/lib-convo-magical-realism/id/28344/
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A classic, author Mark Twain joked, is “a book which people praise and don't read”. Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is the rare classic that is highly praised and widely read. Following World War II, it became required reading in most of the nation’s middle schools and high schools. More than any other major work of 19th-century American literature, its use of regional settings and local language made it seem distinctively American. In addition, it spoke to the greatest contradiction in American history: the existence of slavery and vicious racism in a country dedicated to liberty and equality.
"Huckleberry Finn" is a tale of adventure, a coming-of-age story and a novel of escape, from slavery and an abusive family life. It is also a travelogue, a work of humor and a critique of American society. Equally important, it is a brilliant work of history that shows how the past illuminates and shapes the present.
Since it was published in 1884 in England and 1885 in the United States, many people have criticized Twain's novel. In the late 1800s, some said the book was crude and vulgar. In the late 1900s, some condemned the book for its use of racist language and its condescending portrait of the runaway slave Jim. In fact, the novel is more complicated than its critics would have readers believe. "Huckleberry Finn" offers complicated depictions of race and gender. It also has an ending that is far more uncertain than readers sometimes assume.
Twain begins the book by telling his readers that they should look for no plot or moral lessons. Even though it is often read as a straightforward critique of slavery and racism, it is much more complicated than that. The novel is made up of episodes, and its organizing metaphor is that of a journey. This journey is not simply physical, but also spiritual. It is a journey into the human soul and the cultural subconscious.
Fonte: https://newsela.com/read/gl-history-rethinking-huck/id/27020/
1. Que informações o texto traz sobre a obra “Huckleberry Finn”? Como a apresenta?
2. Que críticas a obra recebeu ao longo do tempo?
3. Que relação o título do texto estabelece com o seu conteúdo? Justifique.

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