
Mapa Língua Inglesa II

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	Silmara de Fátima Machado
	Língua Inglesa II
MAPA – Material de Avaliação Prática de Aprendizagem
Covid-19 has raised many questions around the world. It is necessary to take every possible care not to expose the forms of contamination of the virus. 
So let's clarify some points: The new Coronavirus (Covid-19) appeared in China and received this name because of its shape similar to that of a crown. Of the known Coronaviruses, the variation called Sars-cov19 is the only one capable of causing a pandemic like the one now, and unfortunately there is still no vaccine and remedy against the virus. 
The virus spreads quickly through the air released by contaminated people when coughing, sneezing and even by simple breathing, it can also be present on surfaces such as cell phones, tables, knobs, keyboards, buttons and handrails. It enters the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. The symptoms are very similar to the common flu, such as fever, cough, runny nose, body aches and feeling tired. Anyone with any of these symptoms should seek medical attention and be quarantined. The quarantine recommendation is generally 14 days. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that 80% of Covid-19 cases are mild, that is, it presents only the symptoms of a common flu, but people with respiratory diseases or chronic diseases and the elderly fall into the risk group.
It is worth mentioning that the virus spreads quickly in crowded and closed environments, that's why the importance of social distance. Social distance includes several actions, including avoiding crowds and leaving the house only for what is really necessary, avoiding closed environments and respecting the limit of 1.5 recommended by WHO.
Other preventive measures that should be taken are washing your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol gel up to your wrists, and also avoiding habits such as touching the face, kissing and hugging with friends, shaking hands, it is important to wear masks daily, and change mask whenever necessary. But the most important thing at the moment is not to panic and try to understand the situation, consult reliable sources of information and follow the virus prevention guidelines, encourage family and friends to do the same. Preventing the spread of Covid-19 depends on us all!
Referências: Orientação nacional e técnica-Doença por Coronavírus. World Health Organization, 2020. Disponível em https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance. Acesso em: 06, Setembro 2020. 
DA SILVA, Marcelo José. Língua Inglesa II. Maringá-Pr: UniCesumar, 2014. Reinpresso em 2020.

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