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A Zoom Meeting 
Zoom meetings – FRASES ÚTEIS 
A: Andrew, nice to see you. I think your microphone is on mute. (acho que seu microfone 
está mudo) 
B: Can you hear me now? ( você me escuta agora?) 
A: Yes, loud and clear. (escuto em alto e bom som) 
B: Oh good, it`s nice to see you too. 
A:: Did you get the email that I sent you about the new client? 
B: I got it, but I haven`t actually read it yet. Could you tell me a little bit about the new 
client? (você pode me falar um pouco sobre o novo cliente?) 
A: Sure, the new client`s name is Sam Johnson, and we will need to meet here on 
Zoom with him to go over the contract. Before we meet with him, is there anything in 
the contract that you are unclear about? (tem algo no contrato que não esteja claro) 
B: I think I understand everything in the contract, but I wasn`t sure how long the 
contract is for. (Não tinha Certeza) 
A: I`m glad you mentioned that. The contract is for one year, but I don`t think that`s 
actually written in the contract. I should probably go back and add that. ( eu acho que 
vou voltar no contrato e adicionar isso) 
B: When will we meet with Mr. Johnson? 
A: How does Friday morning at 10:00 work for you? (Pode ser sexta as 10:00?) 
B: That works for me. 
A: Ok, then I`ll email you and Mr. Johnson the Zoom invitation. Do you have anything 
else that you need to talk about today? (eu mando o convite para você e para o Mr. 
Johnson por email) 
B: Nope, that`s all. 
A: Ok, then I`ll see you here on Zoom on Friday. 
B: OK, see you Friday. 

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