
Ingês - Tópicos Gramaticais - Verbo To Be (Frases 1)

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Tópicos Gramaticais 
Verbo To Be 
Com o verbo to be posso dizer: 
I am Brazilian, He is tired, she is a good person, you are a student, we are at home, 
They are friends. 
E agora? Como faço a negativa e a interrogativa dessas estruturas? (To be) 
Para fazer uma pergunta, só ‘’jogo’’ o verbo para o início da frase. 
Exemplo: He is tired (Affirmative) 
Is he tired? (Interrogative) 
E a negativa? Somente colocar o not depois do verbo to be: He is not tired. 
Então fica assim: 
He is tired (Affirmative) 
He is not tired (Negative) 
(Com esse Is not, podemos transforma-lo em Isn’t.) > (He isn’t tired.) 
Is he tired? (Interrogative) 
E agora, como faço com o passado? A mesma coisa! 
He was tired (Affirmative) 
He was not tired (Negative) 
(Com esse Was not, podemos transforma-lo em Wasn’t) > (He Wasn’t tired) 
Was he tired? (Interrogative)

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