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Avg. Area Income	Avg. Area House Age	Avg. Area Number of Rooms	Avg. Area Number of Bedrooms	Area Population	Price	Address
	79545.45857431678	5.682861321615587	7.009188142792237	4.09	23086.800502686456	1059033.5578701235	208 Michael Ferry Apt. 674
Laurabury, NE 37010-5101
	79248.64245482568	6.0028998082752425	6.730821019094919	3.09	40173.07217364482	1505890.91484695	188 Johnson Views Suite 079
Lake Kathleen, CA 48958
	61287.067178656784	5.865889840310001	8.512727430375099	5.13	36882.15939970458	1058987.9878760849	9127 Elizabeth Stravenue
Danieltown, WI 06482-3489
	63345.24004622798	7.1882360945186425	5.586728664827653	3.26	34310.24283090706	1260616.8066294468	USS Barnett
FPO AP 44820
	59982.197225708034	5.040554523106283	7.839387785120487	4.23	26354.109472103148	630943.4893385402	USNS Raymond
FPO AE 09386
	80175.7541594853	4.9884077575337145	6.104512439428879	4.04	26748.428424689715	1068138.0743935304	06039 Jennifer Islands Apt. 443
Tracyport, KS 16077
	64698.46342788773	6.025335906887153	8.147759585023431	3.41	60828.24908540716	1502055.8173744078	4759 Daniel Shoals Suite 442
Nguyenburgh, CO 20247
	78394.33927753085	6.9897797477182815	6.620477995185026	2.42	36516.358972493836	1573936.5644777215	972 Joyce Viaduct
Lake William, TN 17778-6483
	59927.66081334963	5.36212556960358	6.3931209805509015	2.3	29387.39600281585	798869.5328331633	USS Gilbert
FPO AA 20957
	81885.92718409566	4.423671789897876	8.167688003472351	6.1	40149.96574921337	1545154.8126419624	Unit 9446 Box 0958
DPO AE 97025
	80527.47208292288	8.09351268063935	5.042746799645982	4.1	47224.35984022191	1707045.722158058	6368 John Motorway Suite 700
Janetbury, NM 26854
	50593.69549704281	4.496512793097035	7.467627404008019	4.49	34343.991885578806	663732.3968963273	911 Castillo Park Apt. 717
Davisborough, PW 78603
	39033.809236982364	7.671755372854428	7.250029317273495	3.1	39220.36146737246	1042814.0978200927	209 Natasha Stream Suite 961
Huffmanland, NE 52457
	73163.6634410467	6.919534825456555	5.9931879009455695	2.27	32326.123139488096	1291331.5184858206	829 Welch Track Apt. 992
North John, AR 26532-5136
	69391.3801843616	5.344776176735725	8.406417714534253	4.37	35521.294033173246	1402818.2101658515	PSC 5330, Box 4420
APO AP 08302
	73091.86674582321	5.443156466535474	8.517512711137975	4.01	23929.524053267953	1306674.6599511993	2278 Shannon View
North Carriemouth, NM 84617
	79706.96305765743	5.067889591058972	8.219771123286257	3.12	39717.81357630952	1556786.6001947748	064 Hayley Unions
Nicholsborough, HI 44161-1887
	61929.07701808926	4.788550241805888	5.0970095543775615	4.3	24595.90149782299	528485.2467305964	5498 Rachel Locks
New Gregoryshire, PW 54755
	63508.19429942997	5.947165139552473	7.187773835329727	5.12	35719.653052030866	1019425.9367578316	Unit 7424 Box 2786
DPO AE 71255
	62085.27640340488	5.739410843630574	7.09180810424997	5.49	44922.106702293066	1030591.4292116085	19696 Benjamin Cape
Stephentown, ME 36952-4733
	86294.99908871058	6.627456939781737	8.011897853150563	4.07	47560.77533629521	2146925.339888662	030 Larry Park Suite 665
Thomashaven, HI 87941-5197
	60835.08997885398	5.551221591990328	6.517175038094777	2.1	45574.74166225795	929247.5995364	USNS Brown
FPO AP 85833
	64490.65026675507	4.210322870054841	5.478087730769143	4.31	40358.96010561757	718887.2315009277	95198 Ortiz Key
Port Sara, TN 24541-2855
	60697.35153944832	6.1704840908384995	7.150536572335959	6.34	28140.96708772475	743999.8191601974	9003 Jay Plains Suite 838
Lake Elizabeth, IN 90622-0804
	59748.85548697423	5.3393398807459	7.7486816056065955	4.23	27809.986543758896	895737.1333835076	24282 Paul Valley
West Perry, MI 03169-5806
	56974.47653879643	8.287562193759008	7.3128799714630075	4.33	40694.86951302233	1453974.5059508719	61938 Brady Falls
Lewisfort, DE 61227
	82173.62607584603	4.018524684942813	6.992698756791841	2.03	38853.91806648168	1125692.507295288	3599 Ramirez Springs
Jacksonhaven, AZ 72798
	64626.88097813548	5.443359590192101	6.98875353866204	4.0	27784.742280185877	975429.4927929222	073 Christopher Falls Suite 882
West Cynthia, MA 89075-2814
	90499.0574513475	6.3843589207152025	4.242191301572632	3.04	33970.16499037125	1240763.765571478	6531 Chase Prairie Apt. 245
Susanshire, MN 22365
	59323.79209970036	6.9778279401788375	8.273697077776598	4.07	37520.65773244972	1577017.7600015546	17124 Johnson Squares
Lake Robertfurt, AL 61811-3832
	77811.52203457447	5.31446021480662	6.686686133004718	3.24	33754.737804984616	1246830.1884286287	1359 Mitchell Vista
Courtneyfort, NY 93065-7224
	68652.60921090658	6.124342100310332	6.290820166996657	4.42	39355.625729470295	1170720.893654292	4343 Joshua Lake Suite 096
Pierceview, NV 62614-9110
	55041.35158333917	7.127128552732308	8.591923294114	5.36	30122.473483557947	1071279.210244544	0057 Jacob Coves Apt. 932
Lake Emily, VA 39465-6041
	50218.708463000716	6.118808130610341	7.333554072097737	6.29	16810.783311257936	534305.1323349292	039 Jordan Pike
Emilyville, ID 27442
	55909.322295153535	5.419562910682705	9.289854372258821	6.0	22355.235406669122	936368.9634048606	66338 Novak Curve Suite 628
Taylorborough, OK 87142-6766
	74372.81020915511	5.500128572841659	6.593045603910363	2.07	39395.15118232914	1199193.8313295112	7167 Angela Park Suite 013
Morrishaven, NH 66937-4811
	78667.90459764737	5.470652206754396	7.780836692853298	4.1	27637.656548218994	1233220.009477811	34964 Sara Fields Apt. 584
Port Raymondville, MO 63585
	78699.51510291034	5.6527836365363004	6.756453856250772	3.01	22836.60756949132	1081150.1254838074	7585 Lynn Loop
East Judy, WV 73336
	53128.18544891443	5.180664124823801	5.4269028586106165	2.39	32947.711955068946	524712.7660674525	Unit 1388 Box 9350
DPO AP 70848
	17796.631189543397	4.9495570055571125	6.713905444702088	2.5	47162.183643191434	302355.83597895555	9932 Eric Circles
Lake Martha, WY 34611-6127
	58566.84936342057	6.5796914528777375	5.034525351903061	2.17	39705.4649593564	1026817.399788458	7896 Walker Spring
Loriport, MH 72956
	75537.79451000034	7.8452159144441715	7.555660720822218	6.3	32778.1953418883	1762214.6795818857	549 Darren Plaza
Lake Kevin, UT 27155
	46147.053056343386	6.623332829320711	7.606831549667412	4.43	27161.12860794621	882057.1705928424	90634 Michelle Valleys
North Victoria, WV 99370
	70421.4764876077	6.9070829699853125	7.634318731446652	4.44	43183.928487881036	1744932.210990927	580 Lara Neck Apt. 541
Davidsonstad, ID 34638-9802
	62614.420619127326	5.499309697116084	7.440505217892156	6.32	26888.57956293911	1153871.4695016337	43087 Jerome Field
West Deborah, SD 49213
	66394.87158584829	7.069512153837191	7.204639709248285	3.18	39741.07750943353	1499988.8795226102	71956 Jenkins Fall
Brooketown, PW 67485-0764
	73946.85107397818	4.863154306054972	7.537182365353192	6.35	35261.12701836895	1109588.380162506	8034 Pierce Prairie Suite 727
Devonfurt, NE 33104-8027
	69144.74570743984	7.296224496862651	5.928223472951472	3.22	19030.6154867746	980177.3051371257	Unit 8108 Box 5159
DPO AP 04678
	77278.69702818657	6.238891014754013	6.919204136372873	2.13	21725.95428963467	1323952.027425176	08639 Garcia Port
Anthonybury, CT 17971
	86754.1966286121	6.604439818568124	6.252454805349369	4.02	43017.440757153636	1662494.7355443896	91863 Curtis Point
New Richard, AK 99996-7554
	74399.84098191423	6.382452912235433	7.252665322385219	6.36	41084.6628246322	1417819.740218086	03819 Lee Junction Suite 046
Mooneyborough, WA 19656
	49408.198340144314	5.825920475606762	5.831738972572462	3.32	26881.130597967138	549976.1455595789	7796 Joseph Burg
Danielsside, RI 70370
	62279.790051573924	6.108449991281682	6.306116349848911	4.12	35263.65313745236	1054770.980647526	173 Mendoza Land
West John, NJ 57690
	73078.20408561832	5.923906389599877	6.445456690525836	3.32	54915.961781984035	1415647.553437237	3288 Lee Pass
South Julieton, PW 02759-4964
	72942.70505913401	4.786222295086708	7.3198855301255525	6.41	24377.909049316557	948788.2757094484	86908 Marshall Port Suite 252
Scotttown, NM 69143
	63819.62285114139	5.949839470643138	8.022469239326934	4.09	27825.57206129437	1159596.518619623	951 Bryant Dale Suite 735
Lake Jacqueline, NH 95266
	73265.449887906388.314761978982546	7.4255974600340915	3.24	21030.96617717162	1547133.3964004475	00301 Bradshaw Avenue Suite 833
Suzannefurt, IN 00654-8754
	68488.13117301985	6.116111748260705	7.182527480002909	5.08	18267.954705638844	1186688.505938349	84473 Ochoa Pines Apt. 808
Jamesport, KY 70207-2955
	55193.857453150056	7.186120666999299	5.096917456207575	4.01	32537.818768918012	772111.9721021007	13706 Morgan Turnpike Suite 378
Hohaven, NC 42699
	77434.68924044503	6.309271353146576	5.219754029195479	3.06	36252.34068234427	1172730.1557693179	4872 Delgado Ramp
North James, IA 36544
	66158.88158501312	4.4764290664648465	6.91174261004152	2.28	37098.74217235172	1111085.0168910609	73202 Christopher Tunnel
New Roberttown, MN 08925-1536
	60502.909333844495	7.533380986145507	5.731824124869714	4.23	33579.631512167616	1022781.1707429123	8781 Olivia Port Apt. 225
Thompsonside, VT 22884
	60910.893793329706	5.6354667376139105	7.3259737812411725	4.2	43347.804001154516	1274474.5458934947	PSC 9354, Box 0703
APO AA 58696-1278
	73931.97852158835	6.39410766659858	4.580839920871763	4.32	36543.067280548086	1213530.8498658694	271 Johnson Hills Apt. 001
Mcculloughfurt, FM 70847
	59539.94845013643	6.018590243347785	7.007676165647252	5.43	58600.82714967577	1411730.4772588315	122 Russo Neck
South Kevin, KY 20712-5282
	56547.507187403826	5.435415182555817	6.515149876905348	3.13	37585.27457622871	858685.5659249562	85225 Christopher Inlet Apt. 627
West Calebberg, KS 76460
	65950.34701683298	5.476513157767185	6.71784430631321	3.28	40110.847604950715	1200961.8209226294	7125 Mullins Cliff
Maryborough, WY 66971
	74533.16208198754	6.679353130059197	5.919230725467024	4.0	49481.56580760432	1520234.2293774572	905 Lane Pines Suite 348
Brownborough, DE 57196-3319
	66422.91905176673	7.122071850326434	7.078583744940183	6.36	31019.324820690395	1360908.3196200058	61090 Griffith Ridges
Craigstad, AK 28807-8602
	74334.49484891063	5.419012564079195	6.261535284081697	4.12	41640.435660656716	1360920.5303860817	270 Jennifer Loop Suite 343
South Jesse, ND 60570-1483
	63538.34615822216	4.764499308149973	7.168662410843209	3.27	43282.18300425021	1146532.4547405615	10973 Clark Trafficway
Meyersbury, LA 63237
	83953.10483909659	7.385134534015018	6.898846568957157	3.08	37283.35764595176	1789098.5206914945	91733 Baker Orchard
South Kyle, KS 37301
	57279.06357585893	5.118108904793296	6.561520216102696	3.17	44023.79068493212	852099.4640268538	024 William Course
East Charlotteview, DE 69073-3104
	56553.5502526617	5.691129212559008	7.021252354277723	3.15	29682.409864227804	746096.728900488	PSC 4455, Box 3268
APO AP 45454
	75795.57598259096	5.7867800238068225	7.327325342996355	6.25	33197.77774263014	1534479.906564421	562 Brown Junction Suite 282
Christopherborough, KS 20719
	70848.78865873713	5.282325020456477	6.7664446637172535	3.27	40458.735869517404	1215608.5310559657	USCGC Thompson
FPO AA 13237-3887
	59787.40450393624	5.653120315532116	6.594592279140103	3.43	32402.107549146833	941594.3284107696	65884 Johns Valley Apt. 621
Ethanbury, NY 07783
	64826.37189495595	4.010907337105416	8.290419812591507	4.38	60286.043101357674	1204598.0374631258	Unit 2139 Box 3667
DPO AP 49517
	65925.8537962682	7.605511953651169	7.070409540665196	3.28	34171.360073668664	1597655.2584122843	253 Golden Island
East Donald, CT 91882
	64419.25263834638	6.954422125564921	8.51616004802799	6.16	39318.17075472386	1492011.4958621287	4861 Steven Plains Suite 066
Port Reginaland, MN 06152-7205
	58544.460298238766	8.562610576392464	7.276308629143928	4.28	30865.58695374529	1421216.5044408585	5255 Rebecca Junctions Suite 240
Royshire, WI 85782-2398
	68791.79168848526	4.7255522284996285	6.704201604222819	4.11	48423.32244417688	1132522.9012947134	2833 Townsend Cliffs
New Tommy, MP 86130-3426
	82061.56520383859	4.18282822762296	5.963031884078483	4.1	36271.408495749216	1102821.4381808082	708 Pena Ramp
Terryburgh, CA 31572-1304
	80659.52544359624	5.43630620204688	7.1007534318037715	6.24	52947.03636008709	1856211.350359604	8030 Ruiz Dale
Shermanchester, KY 56950-5684
	66668.09352103536	6.184965338620103	7.863127436732537	3.35	47075.21223266851	1687998.9329604746	Unit 3857 Box 9497
DPO AE 92239
	64721.56449637062	5.677637526773959	6.971331701061323	4.48	36115.81636440278	1063423.0072648665	042 Mitchell Mountains
Adamsview, OR 44424
	65199.989940295	6.4457428983166905	6.937127028132983	3.2	28366.035431853423	1177289.88620479	07420 Victoria Trail Apt. 904
Port Kevinbury, OR 86759
	74579.98952724633	4.639654130697788	5.521489298839982	3.07	42806.146643801265	1173474.3788373224	38449 Shaw Glen
Pattonside, TX 98415
	76273.67032549286	7.879751800787583	4.500165347584368	3.39	46974.57878575339	1637259.9986677852	82387 Hensley Bypass
Danielmouth, ME 30791
	67561.94206013891	5.251400747142777	7.658576338909918	4.04	35517.54187040426	1238938.2905319994	02304 Brandon Stravenue Apt. 231
Cordovabury, ID 36688
	48904.983269316836	4.8449725308343625	5.448956029609428	3.38	32960.75307019123	201898.08657249613	2124 Garcia Viaduct
North Kellytown, DC 30864
	72145.96721315151	6.398625990192602	8.258634923487291	6.06	28882.900854673746	1439506.1015570092	646 Nicholas Mall Apt. 058
East Danielle, OR 53708
	70805.61068360135	4.4437289238424595	5.809147305516637	3.3	29268.826741684727	585608.6326222321	874 Laura Throughway Suite 350
Port Michaelberg, PW 94284-9448
	65383.337917286866	7.512526778745121	6.6400320037539995	3.46	35114.402463487364	1294685.1585470121	7373 Hart Brooks Apt. 168
East Christianside, PR 72679-9159
	95450.29308601316	6.595060684781336	6.850361008137979	3.33	39388.515521077454	2014851.344161515	035 Mark Bridge
West Craig, MT 78649
	73698.69635729125	6.3727309322299455	6.5783520737636305	4.33	51815.09641862213	1840236.0058026887	69600 Wilson Rue
Elizabethland, PW 17767-2884
	66263.91050116325	6.374930066018735	6.7369741310107445	4.41	49829.951500481395	1441421.912993609	001 Steve Plaza
Jessicastad, UT 25190
	75394.75958162155	6.933352467549662	7.834099800649182	4.48	22268.07530558209	1498640.5506503703	238 Anthony Drive
Acostahaven, AS 62753-6637
	65984.75064485827	6.512270085009224	6.316480020228284	2.38	21867.47693989448	954746.5764328244	01818 Wilson Spurs
West Andreaton, SD 69568-7005
	66477.26279229036	6.982151725125714	6.038487979300023	2.37	32458.98669901376	1124635.9316285902	95779 Walton Square
Bakershire, PR 49599
	69284.25963691327	5.3474470914238745	7.1734258851799915	3.45	40282.72428010049	1169944.2477587468	124 Russell Mountains Apt. 591
North Sharonfurt, OH 67836-4969
	70404.49610371923	5.544083725506495	6.001261362192467	2.02	37127.925501004196	1114430.95342313	73080 Veronica Turnpike Suite 991
New Debra, VA 61246
	74218.4890218834	8.069721867473751	6.506374302162949	4.37	46770.6609678888	1783534.8388273641	106 Williams Well Apt. 657
Samanthaview, PR 87811
	63441.71464512622	6.471673726586273	7.064811136062072	3.22	48061.75267334161	1302933.2475692779	Unit 3405 Box 4348
DPO AP 68816-2990
	57493.924570279465	6.8932601570417855	6.734045416240348	4.41	47039.21532294127	1241483.6118732512	4007 Kimberly Crossing
Nathanielview, NC 72093-8287
	81543.77731533442	5.503923196339867	5.897052836266327	2.14	9816.300884708531	954114.5439535476	Unit 5889 Box 7282
DPO AE 41177-0399
	78633.97375508897	5.465393231160197	7.53114301190621	3.24	43728.803486197095	1555320.5000011197	075 Andrea Green Suite 201
Johnshire, KS 50389
	52202.853719713516	4.869306181391179	4.414380865779894	2.23	42165.81245686793	404976.365896227	6811 Spears Trail Suite 081
East Troy, MS 43910
	67980.38878192916	5.562938814255565	6.159705222415725	2.44	25909.079196423907	1073183.759841627	69401 Danielle Motorway
New Dennis, IL 53971
	78568.44916405229	5.475737319995329	6.291600795963247	2.29	41016.64709111233	1422195.8794505682	2276 Riley Flats Suite 975
Johnmouth, NH 39983
	55472.65482690559	4.822147136010048	5.8559723089516895	3.2	15353.956428663045	340605.2113124609	91111 Crane Spur
Kathleenmouth, ME 43022-3191
	67579.23479443134	5.973219004488523	7.754357545442311	6.32	21762.949685625357	1170959.5262846122	744 Hill Ports
Mooreside, MH 20945-282561456.15070378085	6.882954326433157	6.417572621814379	4.19	30821.41208657685	942838.1647218134	019 Lisa Village Apt. 379
Maxwellmouth, DE 26176
	60815.39039496142	7.170128530473722	7.984335122159103	4.11	31233.649345910067	1401613.9197693218	50933 Barber Divide Suite 927
Jacksonborough, NE 46696-1788
	51217.181160371845	5.384841407498108	8.776160033559263	3.41	47089.47508109751	1175504.48633204	USS Harrington
FPO AE 12326
	63027.67471485826	4.855968121105956	5.580905937457928	2.3	35991.72063788777	608794.2466921951	246 Michele Lock Suite 093
South Michellemouth, VI 62800
	62484.855299128	6.496651466369282	7.322709774158183	5.13	26882.651794677204	946943.0362171356	356 Madeline Locks Apt. 115
Kaitlinland, MS 49150-0243
	73923.4662743976	7.005505784838957	7.13506334705251	6.04	58745.312027558924	1819900.6366437143	232 Allen Ridge
West Jasonview, CT 93021
	79737.60976390014	7.315957927203858	6.6110960049951695	2.17	28307.314325644977	1463130.2729789368	5042 Ricky Road
New Candice, MN 40661-8809
	63890.47156766457	4.97230656848968	7.916386397194928	5.49	43416.497820927936	1252391.1798421678	60860 Griffin Streets Apt. 040
East Catherine, NH 18346
	67310.03695278612	7.19379298887946	7.760732554508707	5.28	43310.61242826768	1714445.1746365826	89002 Robert Square Suite 028
Port Jennyside, CA 38546-6307
	73145.73021780259	4.096517242790362	7.25421743282951	3.18	49463.37887902853	1291759.392660681	8533 Sparks Lodge
New Kevin, GA 98179
	86924.35876562174	6.832939698754405	7.738295553417699	6.32	28719.41088814547	1809154.2893631738	922 Mark Lodge
Matthewton, ID 71131-3139
	74384.10562904492	7.411486570673661	5.1648654759782895	2.3	17117.443674840757	1200539.361167783	757 Sherri Shores Suite 744
Jesusfurt, OK 73052-4985
	67477.78818404296	6.6235282933178175	7.916171659861113	5.1	29763.92534861556	1300265.2104154662	PSC 8479, Box 0952
APO AA 33741
	71202.9569203271	4.318869132877143	6.634954065509124	4.37	34207.397208470094	997448.7280769936	5560 Michaela Spur Suite 730
West Charlottefurt, PA 00463
	85845.31779919547	6.743652960918068	9.468766369195867	3.46	46477.67868450174	2152959.4089430883	255 Sosa Pines Suite 751
Wilsonview, MT 31615
	72138.87048244949	7.163640935330664	8.485778262707221	5.45	35799.638274321755	1629983.8467032425	156 Conner Lane
East Brittany, MI 26733
	44806.00516405547	4.494570527956874	4.7253251166241865	3.1	57390.89007381044	497579.4465868728	478 Vasquez Fort Apt. 346
Aliciaside, NV 37124-6408
	67504.1784594896	5.329798508888414	5.89441194891935	4.36	37441.12054361438	890112.5493178923	67610 Smith Knolls
Brendaberg, MA 55188-7972
	74706.10053171057	5.003327764385793	5.661064126685242	2.05	39680.609320436066	1064685.698733535	504 Robertson Streets
Jamesshire, WA 56754
	68898.34591339418	6.7876485292640485	7.871352644418106	6.39	39515.57156160544	1530124.0163168954	777 Ross Crossroad
Kaiserville, RI 24445
	58118.01816079887	8.13721447105525	5.65090028566729	4.36	35598.390437472044	1246246.8277597644	2418 Samantha Green Apt. 016
Port Keithmouth, VT 62207-0408
	77643.28308709673	6.070115922340354	5.381038359373993	4.45	35512.2550468822	1240754.932046382	95957 Tara Hill Suite 428
Huntland, KS 57002-5552
	67769.82559099872	8.074693667681723	6.7616314076168775	4.22	33254.60340942823	1760734.6903640141	26906 Simmons Underpass Suite 444
Port Tinashire, DC 13101
	74411.05989226673	5.534627543649976	7.2101233611688516	6.44	43537.50294550512	1393746.760467427	4930 James Flats
New Shannon, NJ 75829-8040
	73101.07879766863	4.1041299227226125	8.920333221277762	4.35	29497.971293353734	1172385.8977045629	78212 Turner Ville Apt. 217
West Lauraberg, MP 47353-3682
	58708.417156740135	5.083861035728073	6.262825883607428	4.07	15969.926041239794	483986.10899252974	33410 Smith Summit
West Kimberlyberg, CT 49785-3758
	63876.0599100904	7.080219325540688	7.187432974886651	3.37	38052.87644316596	1388530.1566836066	49940 Ramirez Mission Suite 136
West Bryan, MD 95291-3904
	68343.15409141897	6.39244379007958	8.42511289496364	6.2	40653.87006540168	1721739.3841384957	4746 Morgan Forge
Diaztown, VT 79978
	73064.97996127995	5.994062799456889	7.204368895136857	6.19	30699.33971051107	1276448.7920429741	5808 Burton Viaduct
North Nicholasport, CO 32392-1208
	67367.26808279865	6.774710808664321	6.690894898640917	2.49	32547.272533076568	1161742.677446362	8093 Lara Overpass Apt. 364
Lake Brookebury, NV 30264
	66547.18175159235	6.350672041927902	5.305000412053215	2.04	16741.964987126685	786407.9451174276	249 Susan Canyon
North Jessica, ID 13412
	73313.5453841825	6.4147232356051775	8.492901228869574	4.46	37808.99667212122	1604920.973458414	08091 Bush Course
New Michael, RI 47524-7511
	47681.361733034515	6.890508224210208	7.788267986215613	5.13	50908.97890911073	1230149.1367864413	PSC 6933, Box 3805
APO AP 50576
	67910.94912846226	6.4458519070193985	6.675937267762167	4.32	31379.782970582397	1051644.5540225492	6798 Smith Junctions
Wolfeton, WY 86565-5079
	69277.8912498076	6.142591681366374	7.811724470630432	5.15	43717.9130919397	1415073.6141811854	256 Sanchez Ports Apt. 057
Johnmouth, PA 69763
	67946.71467561321	5.403175672900816	5.671136342785448	3.21	35197.94256902535	1043483.9151320348	68672 Guzman Ridge
Clinefurt, WI 04078-6179
	90975.11327248043	4.740683034960744	8.320351986302773	6.45	44426.21364759751	1544379.7477356796	4447 Steven River Suite 076
West Karenmouth, DC 61561-8593
	61885.546440328886	5.405265969173887	6.9141957695988205	3.22	48726.951303303016	1352135.9672641808	USCGC Hess
FPO AE 29193
	69401.8472172649	7.042354994979091	8.097044284953615	3.44	29293.074048931026	1505727.4308014044	0617 Neal Curve
South Daniel, AS 09326
	72969.12127123054	6.188575726156947	8.076943603616291	4.2	31755.721364239937	1416965.9786882403	412 Janet Radial Suite 115
Kariview, NY 37073-8343
	75582.4597645351	5.506473429253344	6.774986418531476	4.33	31946.30386752329	1046721.9761732473	9155 Kayla Station Suite 233
Natalieborough, SC 99093-8399
	56241.226773131755	5.623087015761985	6.818670753532728	2.18	32745.368120153835	939040.0035601155	3062 Donald Inlet Suite 642
West Matthew, GU 49340
	79412.83547174576	6.087360168695928	7.481321112226407	3.26	17568.733760583364	1383031.332366437	764 Timothy Turnpike
North Audreymouth, TX 02395
	79618.23684602088	4.566166100869577	6.669888411446438	3.49	29636.507110556628	1072503.237943672	862 Ryan Flat
West Larryborough, WV 11517
	67019.07404739733	6.487943166707262	7.331330100018214	6.26	24997.108705994284	1134397.7577153658	378 Evans Crest
East Shelbystad, HI 23326
	56063.48086676334	5.106935120148067	5.385339777521385	4.14	39129.296704702894	734827.50801229	09897 Katherine Forge
North Johnside, NC 01211
	57077.580304069284	5.775467040583668	6.952026673761361	4.27	33393.91660322465	991892.3174842466	2367 Noah Center
North Dakotashire, PA 99619-0890
	75954.81825301821	4.289916280544532	7.418750602810834	5.04	34467.75869800994	1057252.5826211006	19678 Noble Cove Suite 264
South Elizabethfort, CO 13304-1647
	52575.81517492219	7.13371941713148	7.173698881863384	4.06	41828.57961688685	1237224.8587518162	8803 Jackson Ramp
South Thomasland, RI 09631-6361
	63312.805674677424	6.139115451621262	8.199615241424839	4.41	43230.35215795722	1442632.5412265589	87629 Shawn Crossing
North William, MN 71601-6188
	82526.96210481907	6.453073406098016	7.74824895259721	4.46	43947.680264122566	1877402.3197269463	2574 Shannon Alley
South Fred, OR 64217
	73204.94213228808	6.640915863053527	7.3119123213479345	6.4	35090.50080986771	1394518.4154676315	676 Jose Locks Apt. 415
South Cynthia, SC 89264
	56357.193138054856	5.707903109151974	5.240300886600403	3.25	38061.99829895616	953939.3299056444	4160 Martinez Bridge Apt. 713
West Ann, MI 89447-0160
	71316.62465041465	7.107767687213711	7.088992690921169	5.33	21651.699409211684	1219778.0342015522	26847 Weber Ports Apt. 767
North Robinton, FM 43014
	75046.84820392633	4.983084628511218	8.877240041623617	3.0	32468.031152300973	1287325.381856674	PSC 8891, Box 6475
APO AP 28726-5123
	84474.16005619023	6.970854745872441	5.935909326221994	2.47	38677.8151530554	1739893.5550495968	623Jackson Road Apt. 492
Sarahville, NM 19973
	68162.68392566858	6.962206715963229	6.697358009859321	3.07	31843.876337225865	1213382.2226364696	0575 Edward Cliff
Miguelmouth, NY 06408
	62784.33294834321	7.572350215321666	4.652717554450587	3.31	35122.389471607785	1007478.7484311544	6660 Alex Park
Barkerfort, WY 52781
	67009.81567374436	6.849769936594268	7.610720856104885	3.22	39737.12260896311	1528756.1261500276	176 Parker Grove Apt. 591
Nicoleshire, MO 83183-5326
	67437.25036335622	6.7673632373037425	6.703917223272023	2.05	29356.22336792508	1182459.7716636744	203 Amy Ford Suite 158
Kelleyfurt, LA 49990-9626
	65967.76930857648	6.847724976116604	7.777279443513267	3.14	35799.96254832016	1474546.7621461137	842 Jackson Parkway
Angelabury, MI 68188-8699
	42816.30588550866	7.603999923452179	7.04524851047004	4.18	47457.662214283846	1078016.9396491002	5339 Charles Road Apt. 570
East Angelicastad, PR 36295-7649
	83347.66969696443	5.468158427157482	5.475252653496949	3.14	48226.718927780115	1453381.624303107	0647 Ramirez Hill
New Crystalport, AZ 33060
	81699.87999554253	5.4798018295655595	6.4760073411937435	4.41	39527.048560846364	1495012.9648340766	4233 Chase Fields
East Vanessabury, OR 85375-7861
	56143.78866493648	4.580122445909624	6.668979774275282	4.04	45084.03665959033	714148.4147529015	0606 Ricardo Drive
Williamton, GU 79243
	59513.83491952116	4.8851317712611015	5.574714349694394	3.18	44162.279205220126	894292.0474101036	14157 Jones Parkway Suite 319
North Haley, AK 18534
	78379.41223900416	5.9856971510838894	5.681833507283006	3.2	31357.388214297654	1159841.8313392492	2579 Pamela Shoals
North Christianhaven, TX 95259
	70877.37574291864	6.766877154030711	7.213659075278037	5.07	36033.42685154353	1195986.2988348743	PSC 5171, Box 6452
APO AA 44610-4655
	61526.974447976725	6.593962539007936	9.180401428602023	6.11	27307.948031413587	1381430.630188794	23682 William Glens Apt. 920
Lake Hollystad, CO 20067
	65316.99602070992	7.414875230659792	6.7330848667092935	2.0	55799.49748118191	1534889.8534666563	32521 Martinez Highway
Stephaniehaven, NY 78577
	76268.81833386318	6.942797866602705	6.147907595982693	3.17	38649.852386212464	1494125.3298718815	9109 Omar View Suite 461
East Sarahfort, WI 02969
	48531.364228529885	6.863184038794897	8.517401059111707	5.3	39731.150563494666	1356146.2608426227	5611 Chandler Mill
East Brianfort, AK 51236-0093
	82906.65480115911	5.9014516557308205	5.767366135557098	4.26	38820.48194376132	1454943.0736612403	PSC 5599, Box 5942
APO AP 55563-1953
	63117.84405077348	4.940396705340588	5.636779394573885	2.31	43091.845142505816	774118.1878354995	2128 Shawna Orchard Suite 992
New Melissabury, MN 22338
	75860.86114889306	3.6908905696788086	4.7883802065518255	3.48	41003.880081137635	889113.2388612495	019 Moore Center Apt. 643
West John, KY 54923
	68844.76424875809	4.8604529996615895	6.916808181467376	3.29	48392.49736045838	1211102.210889241	Unit 3192 Box 6415
DPO AP 76779-7624
	52446.26685600125	5.694610807792681	7.429639244113227	3.11	32934.553200974915	658646.1847265189	20185 Mary Crest
South Reneeville, VI 91892
	69342.70683990403	5.804686752456644	7.805903702425885	3.36	37082.37421891178	1400104.8707602615	18067 Williams Roads Suite 683
South Christineton, CO 76227
	55932.052683871014	7.2183091452232455	6.020201205065965	4.0	42488.30999955216	1262017.792059947	089 Wilson Forks Suite 185
East Gina, PA 98785-6132
	53306.92213650367	4.632267718361729	6.194794324882633	2.15	39063.33871389049	553077.2126120757	9643 Oscar Valley
North Richardstad, ME 14629-9980
	56976.546398416926	6.06121224055646	7.259286709164788	3.08	46375.50249433843	1203247.8901339215	46619 Morgan Squares
Stevenfurt, FM 70548
	51296.48862971061	6.155259763653063	7.8317664755828815	6.18	32078.90680116645	1115323.0148424057	407 Silva Inlet Apt. 301
East Carolmouth, SC 73414
	63995.00489280112	7.597533220442818	7.090050637208992	5.25	24748.268270891323	1301881.416528581	USCGC Friedman
FPO AE 57606-0743
	71915.14668577212	6.279753853557661	5.521216370644254	4.47	27714.29365685632	1006687.3871388726	038 Anderson Club Suite 485
Richardsonfort, MA 22267
	62137.597213310924	5.440725043096192	7.235191288051678	5.21	19045.61950521181	749383.0725554076	014 Shaun Gardens
Lake Todd, HI 08110
	78050.96982777538	5.234044767850818	6.2903058884706295	4.15	27789.748516297328	1075596.5865851988	2606 Stout Inlet
Port Brenda, SC 59596-5906
	67371.42085657586	5.333820711722908	6.624951289232869	4.37	24797.764758517227	739870.7936402658	94952 Hall Cliffs Suite 366
West Jessica, MT 23902
	59362.76638285366	7.48263024156822	8.003006746190675	3.49	44723.35372969352	1442945.1449720778	8581 Johnson Ranch Apt. 905
Jacquelinefurt, MH 08716-8228
	57003.109637399	7.010583459838792	6.356258719499955	3.14	29594.69337497592	828497.0670960692	089 Jessica Dale
West Melissa, PW 59364
	68989.31220946508	6.075426018025608	7.879588244756828	6.37	32629.603834878442	1373290.8607785418	USNS Hamilton
FPO AA 90003
	70969.90210264188	4.90181779874016	6.396268005904592	3.18	24833.646145090162	925566.331316076	8016 Hicks Alley Apt. 735
Nicoleside, WV 73615-4795
	82251.6530083296	7.741091333917388	7.636653827124367	6.49	18408.798635339484	1552536.7639745462	04952 Michael Terrace Apt. 414
Port Tammy, GA 56924-1868
	71306.45729927486	5.773717162531532	6.688230169654562	2.04	43284.39715786267	1335904.5009155408	3890 Hunt Trail
Davidhaven, OR 04793
	70921.56856864705	5.665185384549687	6.375371505488283	3.28	29390.21727018504	960808.291081754	8398 Sanchez Gateway Suite 937
Mccoyburgh, PA 32814
	70739.46009573009	6.710699575938633	7.166501645912911	6.28	35148.66775270884	1405933.0186992486	67095 Jeffrey Islands Suite 573
West Elizabeth, MI 33061-9433
	58097.841822991024	6.386347995576972	6.144038119393716	3.04	19903.000078828478	619087.6936175337	31995 Moore Brook
New Melissa, MO 19787
	51273.5088526293	7.032317225810648	6.888205629009329	2.09	53811.8949059733	1329273.2276498622	Unit 5683 Box 5483
DPO AA 78774-2982
	76326.59232469668	5.02469487017704	4.936329008647585	3.44	42779.831295917815	1261843.8443217382	77194 Carlson Causeway Apt. 904
West John, KY 70976
	63584.04588001952	5.832827571239211	6.029160867165066	4.29	46340.18858141246	1175781.4175700566	73601 Donaldson Squares
Port John, VI 73473
	86340.2872916062	4.930051000348545	6.183440077191862	3.01	35630.560451493104	1437053.5572016188	6864 Michelle Field Apt. 339
Madisonmouth, KY 99033
	79471.23881699878	5.867269778244334	8.197289420628195	6.21	36616.16883437132	1594415.2262912185	35165 Haley Falls Suite 341
South Elizabeth, VT 29143-4442
	55879.5037922299	6.407946258168519	5.370386614169023	2.07	37360.06355740455	931357.9954219257	54993 James Place Suite 797
South Kenneth, CA 86457-1211
	40503.54133219899	6.8817786228613675	6.566175292607293	3.14	45979.47754493003	798639.6541779223	6799 Downs Plaza
Randallberg, NH 17910-5241
	83394.40783174943	5.60148666755078	5.9050243437326095	2.08	30487.524623204146	1451739.624652712	79098 Brandon Island Suite 624
Horneshire, MA 35281-8110
	64501.2264490648	6.001641690907001	7.293476753807881	5.33	43869.30998440175	1278991.6886996122	8173 Rush Wells
New Stephanie, MS 56356
	59569.53734000421	6.27953689058963	7.32537953908138	4.24	31294.65246040437	885920.553249364	762 Corey Landing Suite 528
Billymouth, AZ 48958
	69280.31627168207	6.861548027571184	6.923618931703742	4.33	40290.91149402397	1425632.5419741997	077 Laura Curve
New Christopherview, AZ 15138
	66342.48968113726	5.857266081732996	6.949108920124765	3.06	11792.815159070457	901881.7426862385	5342 Dean Overpass
Matthewville, MI 08613
	73367.04599083934	6.173290661038383	9.054709887987453	5.25	23684.787951169244	1521730.791403271	469 William Shore Suite 726
South Krystalchester, MP 47720
	57122.224839461276	5.707650030009747	5.929733805119477	2.4	41972.77154374417	716771.0057488753	566 Brown Grove Apt. 886
Cardenasmouth, IN 87042-1285
	61978.84804645049	7.912276046909691	8.437966415855882	5.37	56957.187749933095	1696717.1072993656	017 Bowers Field
Williamsstad, OK 15934-8122
	54299.968820232025	6.635899749087418	6.8515358276847382.49	39512.66370560078	819598.0078481787	05946 Wong Spur
Susanshire, NY 67746-2473
	71424.40600668853	5.5989332197131745	8.522538377872323	3.49	37242.56159333399	1584213.95748502	9297 Cole Highway
Patrickhaven, DC 02945-8988
	57353.154356746956	8.075447920117234	5.678555483410878	4.44	16906.421720581668	798892.5150396761	88404 William Cape Apt. 249
Dawsonhaven, MA 21219-3496
	44731.10979996538	4.188658328546152	8.942797164237117	5.12	39633.47304108839	601973.0017397135	4896 Jennifer River Apt. 180
Shafferberg, MN 77619-4214
	76175.49392770544	4.52414065164513	9.524973612345676	4.28	30760.994956471503	1456486.292963147	82014 Stanton Gardens Suite 664
Lake Dawnborough, DC 86197-4191
	66574.70999393109	5.550264728638205	6.844150152614081	2.17	69575.4494636571	1702406.0389352096	551 Macdonald Viaduct
West Stephanie, TN 55360
	91731.15438275637	5.184810712102609	7.943879719757178	6.3	33102.09542220829	1566471.008325363	860 Thompson Skyway Suite 901
Kimshire, AR 37353-5106
	75487.03259942801	6.4539316775765085	7.737095684108223	4.02	41105.3906304319	1592210.175923131	5036 Peterson Throughway
East Megan, GA 08456-4696
	58088.43812962346	6.0178310005194735	5.790005274481309	4.21	51925.411612821525	937628.3466936615	Unit 5584 Box 2763
DPO AE 40544
	76319.21860437217	6.873130198484817	6.294054950948832	3.45	48026.308367530655	1558547.577837524	09437 Carolyn Mountain
Knappview, CA 70608-7504
	60575.16244459221	5.907565592174377	6.964616001913247	2.29	32158.96790397629	1156329.2740497622	5052 Chloe Lights Apt. 374
North Scott, IA 81431
	69607.13366543148	7.077680826112612	7.8330811916777625	3.35	34609.040215179964	1514349.692197701	8781 Robert Lakes Suite 880
East Wendy, ID 51813
	67056.84048037339	5.222168521547248	7.163517523214236	5.25	25134.68148451727	1039107.3263056172	3440 Cannon Lakes
Port Melaniehaven, WA 60324-0399
	60640.931881289725	5.165921528637428	5.355113623616555	2.32	43119.54065626024	809089.6719454966	0956 Isabella Lodge
East Valeriefurt, CO 64441
	69031.9088775756	5.7799762459038915	5.501755137617892	3.23	15660.403008354837	675536.3914885672	36736 Kristi Radial
Port Carl, ID 35292-9269
	80356.20938675496	4.660417824381508	9.710216895601699	5.02	16215.417278487696	1373589.8035017387	10492 Reed Track
North Ericstad, IA 78774-8363
	60081.176620364684	6.76852369608704	8.204552837977621	4.3	60195.74626715885	1690091.0186948641	Unit 6269 Box 9041
DPO AE 13073
	61881.47930965317	6.519463053465843	7.114083652111082	5.38	35597.37289302554	1253370.1489213388	1486 Elizabeth Plains Apt. 235
New Cynthia, MD 73729-5878
	59590.96529244685	6.891731041167128	5.736029404406763	2.03	24153.882522980137	774073.561854088	239 Anna Locks Suite 853
Lisaland, GA 31515-2260
	89831.31929199783	5.201963719662058	7.719652763616865	6.37	45335.36027620083	1741959.834430735	77610 Evan Field Apt. 712
West Shannonland, WI 30751
	72175.28349942718	7.421738946306998	6.828247304734245	2.09	50305.795413186395	1705762.7883189672	11385 Thomas Ford
New Karinaton, HI 01691-9923
	67589.0488415116	6.214842629886668	6.060884655694612	2.34	33203.383921755085	1071109.9165850952	385 Barnes Lock Suite 561
Lake Kellytown, NJ 74310
	77300.0314436444	5.2609747263944815	6.9365480243203645	4.49	29499.04095251404	1118047.9912095168	039 Chan Meadows
South Amandahaven, TN 78068
	65382.88832347801	5.3968191800147665	7.6483861137540226	6.08	41723.05474122701	1165253.0327180624	945 Schneider Villages Apt. 519
West Brittneyburgh, ID 36371-1622
	71145.21270418004	6.1521099752376935	6.765832563092491	2.31	35642.530335506715	1280910.189933004	15288 Steven Extensions Suite 209
Zacharybury, KS 87707-6205
	61053.03800341368	5.787890691614519	5.687062576234172	2.02	40675.77382612714	841122.8823806869	8559 Cooper Cove Suite 935
Katherinemouth, NE 81147-6595
	65125.94786821606	5.928483442537703	7.05775799240006	4.19	37642.785273073976	1228810.7450455215	90043 White Lane Apt. 673
Williamburgh, DE 67265
	51949.295702728064	6.2098030366220645	8.051118255760873	5.28	35336.0630541134	1086072.0710614217	40094 Yates Lodge Suite 008
Fergusonborough, LA 87592-4342
	75897.98883845986	5.316933287381153	6.768229398566822	3.33	34162.67060680326	1204372.295219665	17853 Michael Motorway
Danielfurt, MH 28095
	71468.3504959454	6.158043452805399	6.361238404842278	3.35	43269.03336682754	1345004.119756513	48466 Brown Port Apt. 116
South Chelseatown, CO 28752
	53287.99207222874	5.755609226659856	7.162322376317367	3.32	45152.014268008046	1116902.3448930443	0205 Rose Crescent
East Ritaside, MD 10967
	61503.04059605399	5.1308131302170725	7.015317326319561	3.12	37650.869709323255	822431.7302651771	18941 Ray Ports
East Nicoleland, OR 67363
	68896.04856078919	6.386325180280238	8.365074593987138	4.47	28394.609780217652	1360623.694456931	1515 Watson Fort
Christopherberg, MP 90562
	91159.41832718055	6.536045427933751	7.373850919174269	3.01	54861.091096616976	2298379.48670761	170 Smith Wall
South Christopherhaven, AZ 87521
	63375.34847930338	6.672340059594459	7.883780976970764	3.41	45633.19223997179	1400498.2675747594	064 Kaufman River
Danielburgh, CO 09090
	59695.57147423664	5.4453828503806205	6.032795264653433	2.04	20702.802670064808	566848.7320986082	295 Angela Harbors
East Patriciaburgh, GA 95388
	63183.88974172166	5.570561937281831	7.541807495807446	5.08	58691.20066480728	1367586.2777380159	950 Luis Avenue Suite 364
West Nicole, OR 03658-3559
	61177.80813473723	6.998928282257402	7.088385882572747	5.13	26396.291111799717	1113373.5200017327	27945 Clark Tunnel
Kleinmouth, NV 19751-3095
	58642.311222216034	5.2099230928527085	6.2753711251437725	3.42	35131.578145165775	721974.551474637	6163 Michael Orchard
Gallagherborough, GA 48395
	53112.278060523386	5.1386518154851055	6.325363470975339	4.25	40367.38387092572	685503.9902718081	4158 Drew Plains Apt. 975
Ericaview, MP 60784
	40366.61629125728	4.902939589246314	7.617118099962791	5.07	16349.365394310094	152071.87474956046	503 Howard Pass Apt. 427
Fernandezborough, GA 02514
	62207.47580558837	7.297532823289815	7.002864274301249	5.38	34317.538311429904	1280431.5736478446	2084 Carter Highway Suite 935
New Stevenmouth, DE 67121
	57477.950762329325	5.405444821204956	7.207172822223662	6.35	23649.9688699109	568703.1838335629	2105 Lauren Radial
Lake Michellestad, FL 92096-6812
	55630.48895714828	6.283122836391756	8.93311998510628	6.0	38943.095990938345	1200764.8442004516	3407 Preston Pine
East Mark, NY 86626-3319
	72399.30555714517	6.740676312444728	7.552269769034799	6.15	41662.00006926444	1607161.6371450324	719 Raymond Route
West Diane, ME 60200-7803
	89868.89192719842	4.504274579174531	7.234479886699996	5.45	30101.72457437895	1421715.4153436075	310 Paul Mill Suite 863
Pamelaland, AS 20202-1133
	59801.49102943553	4.210462757597713	4.954387464005629	2.03	33534.9264026452	311111.2005867723	47705 Bethany Forge Suite 965
North Heatherhaven, ND 10371
	61957.15430368169	7.841080501837604	7.472966963481972	4.19	38448.49148202493	1338044.383312593	791 Noble Port
Michaelland, OK 69198
	71123.43281553731	6.685810937211534	6.169238369795872	3.43	44020.14410184685	1417870.982736731	143 Thomas Rapid Apt. 929
West Laurieport, ND 69617
	55202.705470425964	4.375933244174512	8.259044318322896	3.4	28424.951645910685	796389.4379566306	690 Lozano Inlet
Michelleville, AL 07048-6472
	79298.12200821388	7.1882081346869215	5.336841155637915	3.44	15753.266638486408	1310207.133039433	3591 Pham Spring Suite 077
Lisaport, CT 43572
	65070.56700870923	7.143558507159831	5.5797660549495385	4.3	24852.565152917232	994897.7277644677	Unit 9227 Box 8732
DPO AE 73770
	68494.98255210553	7.230364893023652	7.265462684498114	5.46	13998.57120519688	1202987.8293471357	530 Johnson Circles
Cathyborough, MN 30306
	55702.20537617496	5.551957131761892	5.64855539650755	3.08	40087.795614364884	768751.9005440959	029 Patricia Bridge Apt. 540
Tranmouth, MP 59378-9231
	57233.608492353356	7.8938341613576295	6.036621215250689	2.27	37374.91924462835	1211655.3054900412	880 Julie Union Suite 360
Sarahchester, LA 70074-3596
	85313.88545069011	6.033157792417207	6.633757594605541	4.21	23974.435567517416	1540418.222162545485227 Kevin Stream Suite 299
Lake Todd, WV 65286
	60224.65171307354	4.6759401326623555	5.428846667140256	3.23	42182.862110463524	712228.4243027219	97544 Williams Unions Suite 893
South Harry, ME 21119
	73873.81918888786	6.789870886338685	6.6309090861014255	3.17	33336.32734675036	1525533.406625511	844 Hanson Points
East Lisa, ME 83883
	63149.485228916594	7.1562944333471945	5.518835024331598	2.04	37578.846872002585	1034218.4018590322	171 Rocha Via
Cassandrafort, RI 90064-6234
	58593.79403506247	4.662980906150839	6.333616931880895	2.04	39287.52790248172	874103.6606065923	2758 Joshua Mission
Lake Chelsea, AS 18304-4644
	73839.87241657263	6.446181952298759	8.274063584311326	4.19	47602.51020509141	1912825.285217769	75441 Ritter Corners
North Roberttown, UT 52401-4300
	75984.83110879795	6.725721311036272	7.887775836316504	4.31	42248.685855549666	1754770.5902068643	7815 Burns Skyway Suite 637
Melissaborough, TX 51087-6056
	82145.36942107815	6.540967950191393	6.876150328884672	4.23	25736.09605455749	1340066.913084396	885 Veronica Stravenue
Wilsonland, FM 77249-8036
	69017.18280012655	5.77710614834081	5.783612778547622	3.11	55830.752835713654	1446756.8627614232	42822 Billy Lights
Tranchester, TX 45052
	75429.17897604674	6.818759161009513	7.570447110624041	5.48	36769.24968163209	1592768.2418269338	39474 Steven Fort Apt. 881
Kristaport, OR 79397-4419
	69513.53892073044	4.122901533148037	7.641107312416666	6.08	14054.05343322935	660364.9813358303	030 Jason Coves Apt. 387
Lake Christophershire, CA 88567
	57782.41707710912	5.15930097752672	6.332626733044224	2.46	33426.84937548807	861321.5806924718	Unit 2107 Box 1980
DPO AA 76733
	74372.13845247941	6.562379590475677	8.184510518059634	6.35	34321.96015488425	1648246.7742056048	111 Wilson Cape Suite 484
Hernandezton, VI 53808
	63522.12193223416	5.5380428493757465	6.952195766338214	2.04	31995.525292187416	977135.8856578041	720 Vasquez Crest
Roberthaven, OK 57313
	61193.714830606536	7.647150881972758	9.086807717369458	3.21	33196.059836983484	1591934.1903279137	518 Gilmore Stream Suite 013
Lake Donald, ND 18581
	60316.790730472276	4.308730208474473	5.564352875406084	4.12	33831.893626055775	695386.3310386214	126 Kim Mount Apt. 763
Mariemouth, TN 60875
	58469.91220251151	5.4088999650511065	4.807387458070322	2.26	33547.984821256905	568977.0727690812	43340 Thomas Mission Suite 671
Longport, VT 28226
	75179.90298976263	4.595920955904108	7.201635798893817	5.13	23978.09330470165	935590.8042953262	38138 Carter Shores
Lake Felicia, OK 96739-7550
	56186.96329135335	3.9920279464886255	8.960742514901394	5.2	41855.65473511035	984311.774539692	569 Jeremy Orchard
New Randy, RI 27359-4665
	73225.06629546855	5.9334985362010135	6.868603895081705	2.3	61830.53972217983	1796245.8079055634	81623 Jenna Brook
Davidfort, PR 76020
	74338.92770976378	5.08471486781009	5.186852795730614	4.07	18057.17178445354	720080.2320528892	6548 Christopher Pike
West Adammouth, NJ 07199
	52188.118727456414	5.636892090562989	5.80740147918808	4.03	42495.754677324876	783808.4024661684	56449 Walters Forks
Port Juliaburgh, DE 80081
	83311.10394324992	6.690551404507723	8.297556744755871	3.16	30386.36631076522	1598615.9744864176	2172 Jensen Lodge
Porterport, NJ 82686-8071
	72288.67520295737	6.599434696688808	7.979877823699213	5.11	39146.9204990548	1564125.2379417687	20276 Kelsey Plains Apt. 162
New Angiefort, DE 15768-7899
	54866.21569435776	6.9867632754135665	7.285434147207383	3.46	35192.84402784524	929480.6298952122	193 Green Causeway Suite 635
Sotoburgh, NJ 15816-5656
	85759.65776192374	4.789357418179967	8.965705366370031	6.22	25897.758021483216	1414495.3431338137	222 Kevin Walks
North Robertoton, FL 87877
	59453.34203694822	6.291113540231799	7.482571479130465	6.08	29697.64480583127	837668.1026021099	809 May Mills
Yoderburgh, NH 42375-8927
	69878.7741990808	7.218330987033392	6.2491922346316775	4.02	26814.17474758404	1197515.4542248368	48635 Burch Pine
Lake Ellen, KY 06268
	59243.29763001673	6.729520552223568	7.058764827692587	4.26	51405.352484359035	1232004.8298347492	63891 Rebecca Stravenue Suite 746
East Vincentland, NV 30237
	57853.33019600966	6.500094305857644	7.31655100341926	4.36	47688.22659778629	1285933.4084066823	507 Dorsey Harbor Suite 445
North Jacobbury, ID 07463
	66643.3146336998	6.392834115438602	7.698007535660317	4.41	30971.15710633633	1361521.9829376258	475 Robert Road Apt. 547
Charlotteburgh, CO 82148-4460
	69248.29958792876	5.958735586989858	5.652694477356138	2.21	35990.10338695565	1090826.3744863127	1249 Rodriguez Skyway
East Laura, UT 81039
	75129.72115820681	6.287836930790459	7.447318295797884	3.37	41620.289298398464	1475319.6991355843	9699 Gilbert Trail
Port Marymouth, VT 17881
	76209.99530758715	7.009045647695262	5.464338971286142	4.22	22721.6493988536	1066659.3829883514	3283 Wu Greens
West Michelleton, AS 48620
	69342.37656545285	6.069486986920962	8.018121332911239	3.43	21641.972863545914	1117432.9800574498	814 King Fords
Ortizton, WY 09795
	77630.95507510817	6.8096274201754685	6.829667440544687	2.29	31739.8891160808	1420283.5588377572	003 Steven Port Apt. 012
North Michaelbury, UT 27451-2671
	68929.15807448354	7.590878455931669	6.8919694931317945	3.24	172.61068627290044	840272.8648923194	178 John Fork Apt. 779
East James, VT 90132
	70990.80491366566	6.014814126704311	4.651974294470894	2.46	30904.253034662728	1024907.9401935096	USNS Fuentes
FPO AE 40375
	55860.680838466586	7.751794757089147	9.024502670125976	5.12	40335.22027625752	1494241.2261904366	4458 Cabrera Plains Apt. 502
Mezamouth, MP 58250
	56380.988395076914	5.706260589311099	6.6509045285987805	4.37	43994.24411460791	1125880.4873707385	3167 George Knolls Apt. 993
East Loriside, DC 16819-7638
	64306.33881913622	4.806617646621004	7.8796770572443675	4.28	30762.36020559	1082455.0175112423	74367 Howard Cliff
Antoniotown, CO 92048
	76547.95669776655	6.503221469897982	6.9748044871875345	3.08	40564.644887925286	1554634.9946986004	9453 Kirk Summit Apt. 368
North Lukechester, PA 24710
	57101.71705023682	5.493161996411708	7.650205974009912	6.09	41104.46662064926	1011365.3649421224	7958 Mills Lock Apt. 983
Brandonville, DE 25191-2184
	76192.65603586528	7.303749825854231	7.337589916967904	6.33	21245.841619210194	1432756.5170942058	22588 Brian Forge Suite 588
South Michelleside, NE 62469-4467
	79585.55222987563	5.778524695376402	8.430787826458772	4.32	31773.337395105867	1612717.5530993359	53578 Rachel Estate Suite 891
Daviesstad, MH 60772
	70759.85580379449	6.367973326313857	5.493294013074307	4.2	25981.831003107392	973299.8617887149	1981 Green Fall Suite 828
West Kimberlyburgh, RI 99528
	76907.2381605467	5.205508259272862	6.462700239037313	4.21	21658.409322538064	679228.9927468386	433 Patterson Parkways
East Ryan, RI 32244-3823
	64744.94244429671	5.900247576145968	8.467599728547725	6.03	28880.01758597632	1270999.9393805678	90703 Isaac Path Apt. 296
Lake Leonard, SC 34290-2341
	51976.02393282758	5.354922556314238	7.375559650518889	4.42	36360.16874931794	910211.0189369677	258 Joshua Village Apt. 843
Jamesborough, HI 72801-0033
	61252.63767152307	5.1899113362409715	7.191572626893767	4.43	40890.266028668106	1026271.7959428559	3505 Smith Spring
Lake Ashleyville, WY 32703-3550
	58841.14292354737	7.754160967321633	6.916338173639076	4.05	39555.07059403552	1496729.5357664232	78312 Martin Terrace Suite 957
New Kimberly, ND 49455
	79112.64140506249	6.35725099295472	7.851529600067239	5.27	33771.74049235577	1490539.0581097947	8923 Theresa Corner
New Annefort, KS 04537
	76056.28911195931	6.480979870708167	8.245224408187642	5.4	28470.701474178964	1491838.4944434685	648 Mark Green
New Aaronberg, MD 57319-9128
	52399.64822024587	6.804016970945084	8.971111958926066	3.11	18092.130362361288	996771.2481507693	4118 Gallagher Cliff Suite 158
Lake Alejandrochester, MO 76400-5583
	77551.62779915938	5.535920946384011	4.6791342541236505	2.03	35834.49299575758	1064854.308940125	23662 Tiffany Oval Apt. 301
Stephanieburgh, NM 67091-0155
	64160.8159464993	5.67760880970629	6.53495952378068	4.05	32339.006277820736	985749.787356535	6049 Jacqueline Centers
Elizabethberg, WA 7454571167.03414492463	7.328943583122292	9.44232501801567	4.35	35174.871339599966	1952622.401731699	51952 Nelson Radial Apt. 701
West Joshuafort, ID 09690-7341
	84963.66340838277	7.068466765685594	6.2071453137154675	3.02	40447.01074595825	1754969.16194479	758 Chen Ramp
North Angela, IL 06000
	59712.8223088661	5.735499521536169	6.979752379208059	3.23	42601.84261512793	1122240.3639845713	USNS Webb
FPO AP 49097
	77733.7311864233	5.624500143734938	5.967832307070272	3.23	32074.57598618572	1236931.7282626638	672 Larson Ramp
Robertside, NC 16903
	85707.07875270022	4.374148490821319	6.350156835634861	4.47	10424.41624545052	966084.4204303528	052 Robin Ridges Apt. 575
West Shelbyshire, MN 47834
	70280.36135172554	4.728804322041256	5.012885305742059	4.4	39662.74186833058	852268.6716506324	Unit 0180 Box 6419
DPO AP 42418-5393
	69330.74121982856	7.3189072604429475	6.2527573577454785	2.0	30097.835590492406	1280669.8734660477	3556 John Mountains Suite 339
West Michael, KS 02710
	72988.70596945556	5.959379250218886	5.748437260210997	3.36	50566.644798784226	1190213.5129050135	6925 Sherry Run
Mcdonaldville, VT 76937
	65697.82067402074	5.728201696551619	7.28210684671993	4.2	28742.125952306207	1123851.141411446	5916 Wendy Lake Apt. 451
Lake Julieborough, FL 94486
	76245.2184748448	7.955766597400693	7.826124970748363	3.12	32016.234756306465	1689120.4265200938	7683 Susan Circles
Jimenezview, ID 13223-8250
	53546.8721395812	7.174569182972826	8.343557927043136	3.49	45504.20368709172	1573347.7884437758	7336 Joyce Street
Ryanberg, OH 51245
	73643.05729843827	6.7668531850573865	8.337085350196336	3.34	43152.1395773558	1696977.6628325956	127 Sharp Well
North Bernardbury, IA 84600
	84774.45122079093	7.019666732815714	5.450658516539263	2.27	32383.555436974315	1414286.724494317	Unit 1747 Box 4835
DPO AE 80269
	58140.94031695973	5.064855374541297	6.649447661086227	2.27	49337.531521526114	755292.1143602777	420 Miller Green Apt. 769
Amyview, NH 15629-9831
	61881.16371697171	6.293585381888211	6.048295389410787	2.31	21397.44860131345	714706.4288537387	499 Mcintosh Parks
Alexandraport, MN 57727
	75312.25951011907	5.364982405823022	6.6673655468721735	4.09	9487.921585477769	944001.5583308408	004 Susan Lights Apt. 864
Ericstad, SD 18478
	81328.80730440741	6.483153394079041	6.908829672448301	3.01	31231.54440251791	1523136.4847209472	38412 George Forge Apt. 680
West Erika, MO 03932-3322
	77931.47645746189	6.501686214817977	6.647662430667879	3.33	23182.604845881942	1422916.8108158372	8073 Miles Shores Apt. 760
Garciamouth, AK 75136
	84602.59697059699	7.0972458307264805	7.008427330186108	6.11	39683.43799672896	1945618.6581140158	1391 Kimberly Port
Smithhaven, WA 19630
	72445.03330307307	5.4881968791906015	6.509449186063911	2.48	69553.98832715878	1726719.066744131	2763 Victoria Pine Apt. 066
West Stephanie, OH 49110-6029
	57497.12815278021	6.674070664973987	7.524542188461938	5.17	43204.157615164986	1051123.8330999936	06882 Snyder Lake Suite 677
East Tracy, VT 49709-4496
	87266.3402254392	8.248959366362318	7.234261403725075	5.0	45161.187677411326	2249122.541335193	03567 Scott Fork
West Lisahaven, ND 55466-3035
	62431.938099572384	6.798993827609197	8.599555446010704	4.48	44115.98341937827	1523915.1446841708	9249 Robert Cliffs
New Susan, AR 48038
	72107.42806883395	4.542306380217561	6.981984298910335	3.0	29981.346540818922	1039517.5335082016	Unit 5105 Box 8178
DPO AP 03939
	55577.071754256736	6.533916121710521	7.1625356970304646	3.47	19560.012414389155	818057.8953027214	931 Bradley Locks Apt. 730
Justinborough, KY 10998-7603
	62327.894410931876	5.233977928478238	7.285225481926964	4.43	43364.42818970814	1115466.5850714108	7909 Freeman Plains Suite 223
Griffithside, OR 90674
	73931.1426621128	5.662286845173958	6.981246600259586	2.46	29568.95886212549	1258178.804411881	4901 Michelle Estate Suite 734
New Aimeemouth, MH 31261
	63429.27469095081	6.362565274696503	8.441119043046335	3.31	37998.99693118717	1435423.7077532832	Unit 1395 Box 3341
DPO AE 13371-5663
	73423.90295447822	5.975373485631425	5.8109425115908495	3.49	34711.782422499266	1153470.4397478565	0831 Kathleen Mill
North Connieside, TN 84541-4719
	75175.87311311385	8.561761656558057	5.197253904709156	2.07	22367.482065856813	1425603.4949813597	9491 Parrish Springs Suite 070
Staceybury, OK 75939
	56636.24612756348	6.257028600548349	7.863188942561924	4.5	28139.368462193233	1048350.6918200088	631 Jessica Throughway Suite 879
Elizabethfort, OR 35556-5686
	67665.93962726869	6.46712689284725	6.3339205621406265	3.41	24758.489063321493	1214482.378653457	3632 Lacey Course Suite 840
Kelseyview, WY 57348-0308
	65986.81793940437	4.53177765564368	6.860860393623055	2.15	24056.60446550333	821859.065727853	559 David Mall Apt. 334
Port Mark, MA 66518-9630
	54273.9148821629	5.5505436284628695	6.798805805624156	4.44	24233.0614582679	753652.2718451797	59380 Jordan Forge Suite 680
South Angela, OH 93823-2369
	75547.841619999	3.99242047479906	7.332769652569191	6.12	40043.102161838346	1220001.3342399488	914 Harry Bypass
Mccannborough, FL 87366
	70151.08661180457	6.7241233868922325	7.7065807346543975	5.41	15255.237756307766	1075675.1076300805	USNV Williams
FPO AA 55365-5477
	74449.12173649532	6.223626135894506	7.39267506203232	3.1	24837.590727940733	1396082.3520452469	408 Davis Lakes
Arianaton, TN 06641
	66919.64032259505	7.826435951789139	7.32056283382634	6.03	18867.78161871417	1137801.932711826	91853 Ford Drive
Princechester, PW 94622-8419
	68473.86311581227	5.746509589566678	6.232295864706267	2.19	43146.98202004501	1159953.5929204985	196 Brian Village Suite 689
Christensenland, NV 93801-8912
	76113.21733361193	6.377936931302479	7.7362944929124495	5.07	26481.511765703042	1487849.8761712434	8231 Douglas Pines
Michaelbury, IN 40415
	61212.19547976767	6.408500651453943	5.538058083063562	3.5	32045.559867731183	1103072.438661612	08136 Sparks Common Suite 382
West Rachaelville, MH 17135-7024
	59768.80592116668	5.805732788016711	7.425903425332881	3.48	26202.63146426667	897291.1153231284	637 Jesse Mountain
South Amanda, ME 03675-4416
	78847.53636813493	5.573231808068186	7.027355369061293	3.26	20653.898307522188	1214320.5743640615	530 Anderson Mill Apt. 727
South Brendaborough, OR 37626
	75735.34289931707	5.761755984603777	8.065659921374554	5.28	37268.26996505183	1364363.3753658957	7874 Reynolds Road
Rileystad, WY 26189
	77847.34896754657	5.239653409902749	7.282521301589923	3.21	30231.80829484752	1249092.9279203585	USNS Beard
FPO AP 37680-7514
	56231.16179588852	5.459845342454068	5.014916517281431	2.47	52657.03375395036	946479.2348614719	427 Melendez Court Suite 745
South Misty, PW 59633-0548
	89163.49858832941	4.692855436434486	6.010742815421219	2.27	44016.14744109538	1659805.1840413518	24016 Smith Crossroad
West Sherryburgh, NV 03282
	62377.064471361926	6.28999319414062	7.218400330226232	4.46	39075.95637823895	1285399.5645622916	7508 Alyssa Mission
Mccartytown, AL 15250-4289
	68864.28229521557	6.002053939783047	4.967388399815217	4.17	29802.32138298291	898281.9024826281	9596 Martinez Parks Apt. 781
North Larryborough, AR 08957
	82440.89575583878	6.291501387884197	7.037477117350623	5.04	27545.529543414574	1483848.1693759758	55087 Debbie Place Suite 789
Sarahburgh, WY 35157-7341
	60948.88088410363	7.161865646199329	6.224971330084706	2.36	39754.38814264675	1353488.41646297	366 Nancy Lock Suite 459
Grantland, FM 70532
	69729.60586266218	6.168255827405512	7.2414920401240845	5.11	31719.742644433856	1268703.8107933956	029 Smith Plains
Lindseyville, NV 06256-8392
	75491.79999479739	6.29926866657253	7.330292760097652	6.14	26013.680482004947	1448573.8446779854	USS Walker
FPO AP 95931-9404
	80648.06571340143	6.355333720138657	5.881851884649381	3.49	35091.95552978158	1343605.8001820482	998 Munoz Terrace Suite 265
Jacobstad, ND 61608
	84036.59864996801	7.733834889840588	5.740479724362851	4.21	32766.60197226402	1511537.7452908773	PSC 5629, Box 1683
APO AA 30380-2875
	76590.37671247189	5.94032527607211	7.691535724596852	3.31	40643.078327944415	1662038.7593434926	55849 Jenkins Walks Apt. 940
Benderview, KS 44342
	63534.45595944375	6.46969412990346458.017692368081633	3.23	38128.983695678784	1166673.195064525	85930 Gardner Underpass Apt. 339
North Mandytown, VT 93457
	67269.99554344284	6.3258218346655575	7.472849853306633	6.39	41780.4736923106	1375633.3727060992	31512 Karina Street
Lake Aaron, UT 10919
	50887.44007415203	4.45899739256908	7.063683438622076	4.16	47731.01075600681	839638.4609643505	93436 Robin Greens
Combsside, KY 24257-6372
	80597.11180091741	6.440796383099272	7.6612802628844605	3.1	34487.574762073586	1638265.394523659	2608 Penny Stream Suite 360
New Brettport, WI 37004-4215
	66041.12357953933	6.493916521425493	8.219394258320389	5.15	40163.970834102634	1385400.4556730608	1993 Gibson Freeway
Lake Michael, WI 24423
	81316.38029269694	4.1326944402962456	7.2044586149013154	3.36	35589.59472350224	1153233.2406400938	54406 Matthew Ramp
Travisshire, MI 61690-5478
	67877.02913420956	5.322287407981587	7.958894133895539	5.28	43300.95464130398	1370178.474136888	8077 David Isle Suite 263
Rodneyborough, NJ 18874-5386
	69306.95842002539	5.562622946536268	6.9389081525290255	2.02	36851.38401385537	1181877.1832375266	9573 Tina Rest Apt. 034
Simstown, AR 51547
	61200.72617535951	5.299694000232763	6.2346146404078375	4.23	42789.69221657104	894251.0686357756	45153 Salas Hollow Apt. 148
West Erica, SD 93725
	70619.16696646326	5.8902693529696615	7.935510755620596	5.15	37865.64854758692	1421135.814954099	15057 Larsen Locks
Mcmahonview, SC 51585-5774
	69910.85188390661	5.899946658742032	5.630525331754607	4.04	38440.73729111237	1028964.4739347702	08194 Shelby Overpass
Gravesfurt, VT 41650-3581
	64889.21933811397	3.7270839328418703	7.655452911272443	3.2	25904.979911800234	923508.1256504912	9324 Miller Throughway Apt. 765
Millsside, PA 86470-2619
	69900.13395920537	6.327089455579013	8.366505983691246	6.34	32679.187663398912	1599634.4650367943	00985 Michael Fields Suite 034
Wandahaven, CO 62328
	79045.03980407419	5.539685889961555	8.203295269985816	5.26	24721.959042861738	1369186.0702979171	96627 Trujillo Via Apt. 159
Connorville, DC 88114-9490
	76460.22067260153	7.030844864310821	6.629940741772738	4.16	46851.04219008501	1748782.8086400446	0091 Park Junction
Port Leslie, AZ 49290
	58307.727881242616	6.381029537516147	8.308603108487894	4.07	25509.069777363937	1150877.735443249	478 Charles Trail
West Christopher, NH 85839
	56679.016016969945	5.096643486466147	8.971411852272436	5.49	40785.027302642535	1110598.7546988558	361 Stephen Burgs
North Michaelview, AL 42767
	58823.0501930945	5.711384514505963	7.168189941474735	4.21	38682.56932780522	1159207.0846165894	278 Mccormick Brooks
New Margaretland, NC 90315-1115
	80836.34485731441	5.767367199809023	7.4219209268159725	3.02	49864.469771349766	1811377.22137966	81773 Hunter Ridges Suite 347
New Annstad, AK 53180-3670
	67710.11297939776	5.854378133851231	8.482522520430308	4.18	25222.462415183298	1267443.3976117743	566 Eric Ford
Jasonmouth, CO 83797-1879
	70027.6471288086	7.336016030674903	5.360885834200758	3.22	40512.81684725937	1352547.6933606023	69659 Owens Path Apt. 651
North Michael, FM 93545
	36100.444226680745	5.778489499420856	5.49744983944904	2.29	44901.857337630565	599504.0192866956	842 Duane Brook Apt. 380
Monicaview, AR 01639-3032
	67217.48614399192	4.617497452959547	6.264975082695569	4.19	23999.755217218688	717213.2687989543	0302 Laurie Curve
Johnnyfurt, SC 53321-7866
	63657.27563009919	6.415066656300567	5.810728687186082	3.43	36391.92538996875	1008712.5750731864	0022 Young Rest
Lake Kevin, CA 25438-1821
	71468.27169610963	5.483242751638725	5.490311820244938	3.25	36377.83735170558	1071596.1123723	7235 Tammy Islands
Dawnfort, NM 54549
	62989.511401196774	6.550682932542817	6.600358349948876	4.46	36913.35066679649	1397341.8559937114	668 Holloway Garden Apt. 481
Richardberg, UT 70614-3350
	69327.26010043811	6.162767487268367	7.109924044834307	6.45	31054.775323659247	1313304.5877362723	778 Gomez Centers
South Meagan, DE 82655-5020
	94902.23722038788	6.37086709507172	8.423788158107753	3.01	41662.0836336927	2106510.862818944	2055 Rodriguez Light Suite 472
South Davidview, TX 70637
	79579.20470621937	4.8265647049871365	7.1115264036116566	3.44	31756.405635115385	1306458.9058958818	Unit 4693 Box 5974
DPO AP 07885-8587
	73756.11862401692	5.250630615761387	6.404905702373623	3.29	59485.06632251122	1354928.9500961443	PSC 3969, Box 0709
APO AE 18919-6165
	65873.93940622278	7.309462287475728	8.562603230007173	4.49	39785.62783758484	1582765.592476812	25551 Barrera Roads
New Teresa, MI 82737-9223
	52934.4357930116	6.027445797301363	6.464112096425718	3.44	46520.69218525041	847155.0413472857	12129 Felicia Ville Apt. 850
West Jessica, MS 20172
	82830.59352676486	5.933625868501072	7.124916622686111	4.13	32026.912253444916	1342245.9687061738	363 Frank Stream Apt. 529
East Lucasmouth, KS 62133-6540
	73930.83994555451	5.281560667016422	7.681342023351491	4.16	42702.40327879457	1363086.9045325571	6182 Hannah Locks Apt. 664
Emilyside, PA 31748
	58557.13128151206	5.302173419655174	7.035171035555559	6.4	54167.341624874	1275318.5622062266	8947 Allen Stravenue Suite 234
East Alexandraburgh, NM 55053-2423
	51718.354612046394	7.509043842127077	7.109311609639275	3.11	49639.17323695502	1285923.734211907	855 Carol Burgs
Frazierchester, MS 46812-0037
	69807.72335554905	7.424253138721267	7.257604190192438	3.38	51453.2651634667	1789607.5261398887	595 Daniel Manors
Jamesstad, CO 07651
	79627.62859251455	4.692580036375022	6.287424347713463	2.15	31638.85497453041	1196064.3299441882	73634 Mcintyre Pass
Tammyside, AL 76708-8615
	97112.361251824	5.9147246589775095	6.133645727414041	3.1	51470.06763806436	1917583.9986181413	35841 Christine Shore
Wallmouth, NC 98956-5357
	74354.2301831316	6.850208139742321	6.147313624339491	4.39	30091.116844139204	1370274.3873120216	59942 David Brook Suite 114
East John, DC 09236-7627
	72481.0261918089	5.980419347663782	8.459144706302471	3.07	45160.10160734757	1677204.246214425	817 Barbara Ville Apt. 469
Port Mary, CT 03068
	73093.48649412041	5.695144683740957	5.780350788733363	2.37	41796.12563238165	1439714.2805609994	514 Martin Ford
Smithmouth, OR 69870
	51992.74329122318	7.186340287111901	7.1382339139464035	3.32	21759.506125993168	1012262.7116594331	073 Martinez Neck Suite 992
North Sara, MA 27515
	66484.04819478332	4.825804425299133	9.069530121901847	3.37	51712.14408735437	1511743.1291910275	5035 Daniel Port Suite 074
Port Jordanbury, SC 46334-0480
	81182.15390530849	5.251586751132955	7.188679024662052	4.42	34141.18824055649	1131154.5183654232	9758 James Stream
Port Bryanview, ID 99846-0784
	79103.94327837795	3.7867092980485566	7.420949610629165	4.47	25767.81860041375	764860.4626889983	247 Betty Mall Suite 117
North Samantha, DE 69390
	75070.26257083847	6.68045131688644	6.261276083031906	2.29	44682.75733197584	1681316.3622537819	138 Coleman Parks
West Travis, PW 22854
	44688.56381644318	5.480142488915568	6.485365977119337	3.17	25120.992029428555	291724.24561034393	5460 Shawna Throughway
Lake Jermaine, MS 94725
	73726.17986231938	3.994323302193685	7.105746768264399	3.13	28666.7711221468	1013252.2090460656	9222 Gross Cove
Lake Davidshire, CT 71099
	64038.99388499473	4.025767576009593	7.526834227408941	4.28	54130.97595304566	1194709.6278581591	32536 Brown Square Apt. 331
Thomastown, AK 08587-4493
	69896.51919414403	5.9800476794584005	7.992009255229339	4.25	38180.822325928806	1463003.0558812625	99806 Darren Mount Suite 505
Dawnborough, NH 07786-7190
	73723.45534544476	6.52908270006668	9.152072898942011	6.5	24723.27864929853	1453327.9163335168	Unit 5439 Box 2269
DPO AE 18066-3647
	79996.61103142392	6.1138486204131866	6.744617687764353	3.2	28067.63161229446	1291506.385764535	988 Moore Underpass Suite 690
New Elizabethburgh, AZ 76937-4021
	61538.90778697393	7.2339736697024435	7.380798426202059	6.29	51154.132583859326	1625508.0131062374	4078 Christine Passage Apt. 095
South Ethanland, WA 16373
	47065.05330274958	5.767574709656838	7.266027596643242	5.49	24125.87580967084	566896.2123271407	006 Miller Orchard Suite 211
Port Louis, WY 09440
	82381.54875310142	4.695568136125019	8.045728241246653	4.14	36655.128939367816	1468513.244376546206207 Dean Parkways Suite 455
Lake Haileyfort, MI 73004
	80857.44244883224	4.8019585180074005	8.837002371856517	3.12	44385.31240784277	1573105.9811449796	7652 Nicole Extension Suite 206
Lake Angela, KY 89831-0175
	60893.76408389992	4.128879950736982	7.5229486877987375	5.18	49076.757352478075	968360.5234030995	2220 Sullivan Shoal Apt. 664
New Gabriel, UT 12666-0446
	66356.05996112767	7.480941329531944	6.725864178600076	3.19	38022.83819890816	1309985.8867940793	8220 Cindy Land
Brownland, MA 40384
	78438.36946358622	7.475217031733846	4.9946897862828274	4.26	35220.38316390235	1361219.30037656	653 Amy Ports Suite 817
Lake Calebstad, TX 33969-7942
	61215.576610725664	7.488368606466308	8.79177536604451	6.14	36495.170949408894	1465120.4700062692	4542 Sanchez Stream
New Steven, IN 42368-9011
	64907.98025487336	6.766015619020755	7.806463219844811	5.4	46677.274403190466	1571464.9652219615	4037 Wolfe Mount
Alexanderburgh, TN 66040-2962
	80008.66783065468	4.847002320649787	8.672978875655373	5.41	45889.89048744329	1629098.181719524	40592 Joanne Meadow
Lake Ericshire, MS 82383-5094
	71356.30273201472	5.156588692903747	7.175189117493143	5.18	36998.47978911207	1182335.6796501088	20215 Chase Groves
New Frank, IA 76417-4251
	72432.70033866863	5.877126915255134	5.761669848072267	3.2	35039.46938980614	1010813.7090555576	553 Debra Corner Apt. 716
North Douglasland, OR 61608-7223
	67284.4748478908	5.435725733768245	6.449025947170286	3.3	24942.885851374507	924728.537366032	62937 Katherine Roads Suite 190
New Richardmouth, ID 32823
	62653.09246185291	6.543983828241968	7.884325909089878	3.28	41467.86765822366	1382110.2781823021	882 Carrie Drives Suite 866
Heidihaven, VT 22098
	63968.608582175664	6.428533839712093	8.599781516122487	3.32	27404.500271799974	1366727.6626961108	9111 Amy Landing
Port Andrewbury, PA 60420
	74233.94584353584	6.495344395873143	6.618398932851826	4.02	32875.76904840848	1297849.7636572844	495 Weaver Skyway
Jenniferport, OR 77808-5741
	59729.25260339792	7.560599415951032	7.2701382679198945	6.47	31202.18741809061	1196687.6867665495	43128 Kevin Lane Suite 880
Lake Brookeborough, MI 16269-0938
	81132.00429233597	5.646510161957468	6.8967934612185235	4.12	32311.853235586746	1281113.31524688	57811 Crystal Road Apt. 465
New Courtney, MS 95601
	68500.81624062688	5.842970740471362	7.031799422900674	5.36	51746.72764067863	1530729.5784536256	03124 Jessica Prairie
Lake Edward, DC 65069-7385
	55050.308092408864	7.209443630490473	7.153039163945371	6.2	29423.82756965005	1208664.8633815448	06369 Amanda Way
Lake Thomaschester, MP 71633-2350
	76840.45801101196	5.533214495648467	7.4471274433792365	5.2	29860.078313200185	1417275.667232232	71104 Cross Path
Sandramouth, NY 69229
	63428.916453738086	5.328192737812558	7.311134731798242	6.13	42996.606079586425	1195601.9623484935	605 Collins Islands
North Elizabeth, TN 76959
	90592.46960928394	7.700132109848975	9.708803014905254	5.19	37223.87616726714	2469065.5941747027	USNS Vargas
FPO AE 56319-6904
	56685.01444230135	6.958044864311233	7.502115314158014	3.38	43322.16685439393	1223100.5424955578	8584 Darrell Groves
Bennettberg, SD 72404-6826
	69230.74974049561	6.472118818377403	5.042575353614733	2.27	43072.19660636025	1220276.5513435022	7200 Tammy Place Apt. 727
Morenoland, DE 51392
	68916.65375504928	7.0021285680342675	6.285246737266706	3.09	42744.82854025191	1311765.1414692528	93435 Grace Oval
Pamelaland, NE 21006-4512
	60509.0445882	7.126074828781404	8.527952464880675	6.29	28410.303749959527	1198313.5980997651	PSC 4610, Box 2354
APO AP 02895-8370
	85719.31562314593	4.537668421502291	6.029203977497208	3.19	32058.356240701425	1187609.1222876178	812 Munoz Fords Apt. 233
New Kelly, IA 54531
	62134.02206112044	7.445436394034433	6.808878929257617	2.2	32157.131687072637	1399662.5844672613	7892 Ross Garden
South Keith, NC 32349
	73435.1751936029	6.372610689110144	8.869466561223227	4.23	36239.55617141063	1597776.7705061822	606 Mejia Land Apt. 238
Brittanyside, NY 78170-7389
	55612.762941078916	7.691464822014905	7.186177831033403	4.22	42258.537380659465	1355022.282566689	31143 Wendy Overpass Suite 905
Robinsonmouth, NY 94261-0324
	70879.908301065	6.7393177822980235	7.626799141671378	5.47	22431.606261764708	1137059.188484319	2430 Samuel Stravenue
Port Williamtown, NM 37798-8316
	67461.44622709202	4.891102691367529	8.002542521433233	3.04	34573.112177431045	1053815.0969096147	09328 Jacqueline Roads
Andersonport, VT 62322
	84439.85574944071	4.313977840851482	7.698764603373151	4.48	19835.247316915174	1242421.532051086	125 Jesse Spring
New Benjaminberg, NY 16741
	67802.30909037718	6.006171337394465	7.794364246098595	3.11	36129.69101455189	1222041.015832907	359 Davidson Ports Apt. 177
Andreaport, MD 43672
	62685.27075172421	6.057649472410956	6.766129638574037	2.17	42018.93856845016	1025461.1344276337	7708 Hays Spurs Suite 994
Port Jasonport, TX 65571-9046
	71392.47388526525	3.9975331506529495	7.8395524954145825	4.26	36009.700337263464	859427.979306825	67217 Andrew Bypass
East Jonathan, KS 49221-7797
	59050.53429258117	6.053873156841148	7.267597143491652	5.01	37741.35882370418	1279803.950080495	329 Lee Mountains Apt. 592
West James, NJ 36320-9547
	87895.86520991557	8.057346517850192	5.63727917690659	4.13	23876.132208711293	1671669.451734201	76805 Soto Avenue
Masonburgh, PW 85098-2368
	70276.40492365975	7.0736819227136705	7.132540449723297	3.08	26630.483734268604	1525601.7913737406	PSC 4275, Box 9478
APO AP 64444-8885
	72640.26404655076	4.441899293271403	7.906105021100878	4.27	31470.617455810265	998773.9972584788	6484 Kayla Mall
West Isaacburgh, MO 37193-8366
	62894.127242536706	6.775334135211033	6.6413068339139985	4.22	20317.21375110656	1012321.5738436629	0551 Crystal Trafficway Apt. 141
Richardhaven, MT 91357
	50846.00806358245	5.272233697614757	7.937358364663051	3.12	45357.004313683436	1252419.1963991649	9627 Maria Forks Suite 794
Davisberg, NE 50806-5808
	78688.29318937723	6.359688875961113	7.349121497204258	6.39	47812.01848791749	1869313.1069877339	72754 Nguyen Extension Apt. 174
Woodland, PR 57096
	76397.04314448618	7.616643685775798	6.76444287239506	3.23	45281.18657143328	1800685.9224889185	0155 Julie Club
Andrewberg, KS 37344
	62162.62812636909	6.223896597469925	7.2893585246414565	6.43	47747.36389931532	1393100.4226061562	71010 Parker Mountain Apt. 263
Carterburgh, GU 54230-0036
	75090.75511572356	6.062755514722338	6.3687917275722565	4.29	39456.87209479446	1166558.3735827007	9282 Campbell Glen
East Patricia, MO 95742
	61801.46537410586	5.064611431282058	7.481091173400205	5.49	36326.696940543545	988175.0073923124	8863 Christine Extensions
Port Suechester, MN 59441
	77429.8334268821	6.96139690551279	7.199332031436925	4.41	30108.241327619795	1540480.613353576	76135 Shannon View Apt. 267
New Michaelland, PA 52372
	74388.60125721569	4.273992745068377	5.575260460224512	3.05	33763.08393957269	866142.183934873	52319 Derek Ports
Buckleyton, AL 80725
	62566.56263654255	4.9374348065883735	6.3463275642065975	2.41	29365.607608270835	557362.204267089	260 Samantha Mountains
Charlesbury, NH 59219
	68894.84506915275	5.930501632802542	6.974340367091548	4.47	28851.6014038608	1033290.9749004892	52228 Debbie Lane
New Davidtown, VT 50549
	68738.36521464473	4.186458038028757	5.987896443725842	3.44	47445.35916724482	1084945.3996676442	71654 Brown Summit Suite 194
Bonillaberg, VT 79693-8592
	74277.71990058018	6.987280238384045	3.2361940234262048	3.42	50233.79031002613	1365081.1775398466	9835 Kimberly Street Suite 318
Murphyview, ND 81320-7591
	81280.91055695803	5.875971756821648	5.2279881676896025	4.12	34933.196293502835	1239459.8148165469	9117 Abigail Island
West Thomas, ID 72774-3622
	86305.36514053609	8.064452551336549	7.203915754927435	4.17	37854.37345113622	2056692.7682508714	272 King Mountain Suite 538
New Jennifer, NC 65688
	59302.22957569153	6.790821807564773	6.4314303376540645	3.4	25296.73583301805	1045395.3290485592	723 Kimberly Common Suite 520
East Nicholashaven, UT 70709
	81385.22311578918	6.119687511645707	6.083928891511137	2.31	47897.15662852255	1679204.7409332138	610 Thomas Way
Martinhaven, TN31117
	64115.063769451524	5.858157003761293	7.336340463603316	5.39	34312.412509837544	1158742.8299392913	0121 Dana Isle
Lake Kathrynside, OR 02802-5932
	90436.98216550783	6.821881251342168	7.6301849810422455	6.06	13340.492426200168	1647278.684983665	PSC 8841, Box 4711
APO AA 80496-2707
	75940.76388942095	5.56173964440813	8.583309246599503	5.24	49974.87944444744	1702090.6352886	7426 James Lights Suite 255
Lake Corey, MP 92475-3283
	70102.72634479968	6.646559610945941	7.110696223320081	3.21	28280.99919625144	1379386.3829330024	36939 Christopher Common Apt. 022
Ruizburgh, ND 80482-2594
	69950.96252497884	5.4877125401203335	9.462719991555424	4.04	23733.794237437753	1358526.7412621249	474 Anthony Freeway
Port Sharon, AZ 72803
	65736.34642353923	5.639329457737263	6.2998072622544345	3.13	32964.018220168604	991398.8218655173	294 Hunter Pike
West Terri, PR 55185-6417
	53825.01307720929	6.486062242319468	6.458296196344812	4.42	27373.153283088148	957117.647167354	5697 Lisa Springs Apt. 927
East Nancyport, HI 76955-3187
	86625.48183608272	6.830319021679255	5.645363139909139	3.38	42758.666449400735	1638969.269045829	0928 Ritter Manor
Johntown, DC 55876-9213
	69376.19256862035	5.038331736875109	6.0507915192278805	2.15	18226.17943477757	714142.2406539195	PSC 9187, Box 6463
APO AE 06624
	68423.02318718063	5.5942513331034345	4.458940625086626	2.21	13345.56449095449	760876.0221585269	376 Jennifer Orchard
Sandraside, PR 21095-8831
	68720.92171232718	5.404097947141632	6.699021846652392	2.05	45887.34561966917	1343537.1784667335	3605 Kathleen Crescent
South Gary, AL 74671-9718
	70005.85362109821	4.516448215383697	6.47064969502588	2.27	40325.174177809015	1056993.648597157	09057 Garrett Prairie Suite 802
Lake Leahland, ND 40383-6632
	66614.62913092693	5.702618665263175	6.667505249913938	4.5	16654.261309178095	1088222.4209022115	USS Hayes
FPO AE 34089-4213
	58978.222190707755	6.658345610226789	7.889947557917178	3.01	44071.604627945155	1308983.632164077	606 Williams Hollow Suite 289
South Travisport, NV 63358
	64538.57112303486	6.189855326620772	9.16635040311211	3.46	36678.063618047716	1548322.5007091828	77662 Francis Vista Suite 479
East Johnshire, GU 21880
	76008.08024236374	5.4570439173750165	7.756919907874955	4.41	39842.862972052615	1411749.1072165458	597 Amanda Skyway Suite 015
Johnberg, KS 46247
	87119.12146595045	6.831473301922772	6.654884952166821	4.17	34671.59841193215	1601904.3565403363	377 Kyle Vista
North Laurieberg, WV 02838-1280
	62850.31598086848	6.2495035484450945	7.4742650678293625	4.31	37764.36223787261	1277297.48311534	26853 Brown Ferry
Normastad, OH 05696
	66295.08115542778	6.194391630247678	6.914308886759013	3.31	28112.169043144546	1061552.021890478	7311 Andrew Coves Suite 377
New Rhondastad, NH 31943-6491
	63185.836850257336	7.0951532739494105	6.824286099924631	3.01	40080.69060062678	1115013.1474517635	025 Taylor Point
New Kayla, CO 57215-1414
	74256.17524094792	4.259876464758801	7.4835650287316815	3.02	34684.09712960607	1020842.5313524116	55447 Ryan Path Apt. 201
Robinhaven, PW 29113-4769
	71668.30002639847	7.513542037114643	6.703125019348723	4.3	31352.40922531881	1440961.856944883	50776 Harris Stream
Elizabethton, SD 61391
	54476.237690276335	5.6591231678174685	6.410173910264278	2.45	33533.91966073297	817377.3110222428	226 Jennifer Isle
Millerville, AS 59657
	85281.68717766502	6.860059982417704	6.807331847663506	2.47	22887.721893838458	1381536.933945742	5037 Peterson Unions
South Robertstad, CO 27533
	72137.83744039234	4.853665890702513	8.675574517805206	3.46	38259.223799596	1273067.036027562	3894 Dunn Crossroad Apt. 849
New Benjamintown, IA 04280
	66112.5364541517	8.236623013656942	7.009803231448402	6.31	20795.150058393407	1376714.674198855	640 Carlson Tunnel
Port Jimmyhaven, NC 48866
	67047.18100399096	6.440252469923299	6.699206812546342	2.08	37937.194304004064	1293746.8758661628	08575 Kristen Circles
East Lisastad, PA 42221-4091
	89358.86601748462	6.1478455791657725	7.378950007174077	3.46	34063.60356076992	1750908.224237398	505 Adams Walk Suite 510
Aarontown, LA 91877
	50189.14079611475	6.925375603074308	5.1947818998877695	3.3	35043.81895318761	555811.4067429452	8155 Danielle Circles
New Sherimouth, OR 62430
	73119.72041108189	7.058045773434651	7.146514915403182	5.44	35426.69012793612	1578829.0122140937	523 Paula Drive
West Iantown, NV 50432
	67972.63008453081	5.49666827807112	6.337285588091662	3.22	27865.33078637777	911202.1683461091	8689 Nathan Cape Suite 323
Davidshire, AR 24822
	71739.61218172341	6.571495852577754	7.719301233890072	5.18	37030.72731046206	1628751.934587902	97852 Julie Ridge
Colemanborough, NC 47602-0807
	67292.60386556323	5.6117720567885	6.867242299037415	2.11	41837.85872230898	1245400.955310805	40588 Kristi Divide Suite 657
Valerietown, VA 96820-3267
	70243.4351208891	6.210270739704405	6.3630840139689875	2.13	24647.90590939345	993725.2171881605	9702 Stephanie Street Suite 051
New Courtneyhaven, AZ 93784-4192
	78274.52642510412	4.910953601413371	8.621772096135357	4.08	56299.77259934372	1816099.1378394715	889 Michael Springs Apt. 647
South Thomasburgh, MH 33971
	84332.50331960821	6.182493964931173	8.756044656461897	4.07	33107.34283233716	1570583.3403398057	080 Coleman Park
Craigburgh, AS 18489
	79550.64138413596	6.637633898062718	7.531227670803419	4.05	43636.50449088458	1626321.3209583594	4126 Walker Meadows
Lake Derrickton, MD 06453-1751
	79698.22091740245	4.102335551761895	6.912506241564933	2.29	42046.34040026967	1262494.286828816	5142 Bond Rapids
Spencerhaven, NE 03017
	71188.83351044313	5.695897214692995	5.856581440901638	3.08	40656.12969118199	1185226.6173301823	42039 Ashley Extension
Elizabethhaven, WY 73367
	74605.03536257526	6.87208919406132	6.105858132153572	3.1	31638.22991327957	1360329.3586097115	5577 Merritt Drive
North Brookeside, VA 14645-3679
	71222.59783093719	5.217987014035018	7.758415332425384	3.37	54677.97281681705	1350459.1155681738	USNV Guerrero
FPO AE 55568
	80972.99646823059	5.470850799085091	6.91313434551812	2.22	48036.61012093128	1556987.7244597748	042 Miller Expressway Suite 049
South Breannaborough, VI 77689
	51044.29169720073	6.067487348148941	7.783690870818613	4.17	37730.0070850408	886036.129514087	5327 Jack Fords
East Benjaminport, AS 22091-8691
	65066.54355638126	6.200391541378923	7.5794791616337776	6.4	27940.28441692033	1129613.0100203287	76952 Powell Road
Scottland, WA 13076-2686
	76259.82522372287	4.9461075180203125	7.124519309656738	3.32	19262.614249357543	1070240.01962079	795 Kendra Summit
Jaredmouth, ND 92571
	77456.4057275939	6.394246585656201	7.205733257686268	3.48	37997.54791508851	1587015.3568694543	0287 Heather Centers
Thompsonborough, VA 47145
	75376.95160300791	4.227764831946857	8.182415081999023	3.26	25548.51424478187	1146321.5813992529	8809 Michelle Groves Suite 767
North Kathleenchester, VI 79958-5109
	79674.43425779999	6.334673344514552	7.99132932325569	5.41	17862.72750427037	1377447.3485206584	60818 Buckley Curve
South Walter, MT 25854
	64408.08586994045	6.311198444363103	5.903083906592946	3.06	40817.889998612	1113570.8518884848	09446 Julie Walk
Lake Justin, MI 49996
	67932.0103162986	6.772336390411065	6.222862550847758	2.16	51145.320618826925	1593836.7851927518	4472 Gerald Dam Apt. 382
Ortizchester, MD 60839
	75146.80358852219	4.454425781536138	8.509775274407627	6.1	55577.966447515566	1560746.8656891368	38973 Jeanette Lock
Shafferville, RI 86582-2504
	55378.10435175603	7.0445196722848085	6.565375468270732	2.26	41416.97914934972	977980.9211108278	42298 Nguyen Creek
West Michelle, KS 42800
	78113.49968944429	4.844146012499802	6.747509818296053	2.41	43345.60757753476	1292592.392096719	377 Sean Radial
Alyssaville, KS 67805-4183
	81516.98657324686	5.3977189820434734	8.504044901942644	5.24	33263.14434842382	1458912.584498618	61699 Taylor Lodge Suite 689
West Linda, CO 75760-0545
	70306.67990112561	6.7922555028850224	6.132714371577394	2.49	29572.389237736952	1037780.4795439029	604 May Island
West Brenda, NE 03966
	91392.41933538641	7.320676246291585	7.498418862858758	6.24	33379.676399016535	1792254.8180047118	52423 Christensen Lakes

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