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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Idiomatic Expressions and Slangs
Pronunciation tips
Expressions of personnal opinions
Everyday contexts
Conversation strategies
Language follow rules. If it did not, then its users would not be able to make sense of the random utterances the read or heard and they would not be able to communicate meaningfully themselves => GRAMMAR => An account of the regularities of the language.
 IDIOMS ANOMALIES, mavericks of the linguistic world
The very word idiom comes from the Greek idioms : one's own, peculiar, strange.
A:	What's the matter with Catherine? 
B:	What do you mean? 
A:	I passed her in the street today and she looked straight through me. 
B:	Really? Perhaps she didn't see you. 
A:	She saw me all right. I smiled and said hello. But she looked straight at me and never said a word. 	 
B:	You must have upset her. You know how sensitive she is. 
A:	Well I can see no reason for her to cut me dead like that. 
            Catherine gave her the cold shoulder.
 A:	Morning! 
B:	Oh. Hello. 
A:	You don't look very happy today. What's the matter? 
B:	Oh. Nothing. 
A:	Come on now. Tell me what's wrong. 
B:	There's nothing wrong. I'm quite all right thank you. 
A:	Look, something's obviously worrying you. Why don't you talk to me about it. I'll help, honestly. 
B:	Well .... 
A:	Come on. You know you can trust me. Tell me all about it. You'll really feel much better if you get it off your chest. 
B:	All right then...
All that glitters isn't gold
Waste not want not
Beggars can't be choosers
The early bird gets the worm
A penny saved is a penny earned
Every cloud has a silver lining
The early bird gets the worm
The early bird gets the worm
Two heads are better than one
Children are best seen and not heard
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
1. very informal usage in vocabulary and idiom that is characteristically more metaphorical, playful, elliptical, vivid, and ephemeral than ordinary language, as Hit the road. 
“A proverb has three characteristics: few words, good sense, and a fine image” (Moses I. Ezra, Shirtat Yisreal, 1924)` 
Complete the dialogues using the appropriate idioms.
to break up (broke up) - double date
blind date - to go dutch
Anna: Hi Meg, how’s it going?
Meg: Pretty good and you?
Anna: Great. So, how’s your love life?
Meg: Not so hot, why?
Anna: Because I know a great guy. He’s Mike’s friend and he just ________________ with his girlfriend. I want to arrange a date for
the two of you.
Meg: Do you mean a _________________? I don’t know him.
Anna: Don’t worry. How about we go on a ________________? I’ll invite Mike.
Meg: Sure, that sounds like fun, but please tell him that I want ________________. I’d rather pay for myself since I don’t even know him.
Anna: Okay, it’s a date.
Communication is not enough 
If you can communicate in English with people from other countries, congratulations! It’s a big achievement. Now you should ask yourself two questions: 
Is my English easy to understand? 
Is my English pleasant to listen to? 
Some people communicate successfully in English, but have a strong foreign accent. Although you can understand what they are saying, it is not easy. If you speak English with a strong foreign accent, you are making things difficult for people who listen to you. If understanding your English takes effort or your accent is unpleasant, people will avoid talking to you if they have the choice. 
Good communication in English depends of proper pronunciation. Regional dialects can differ but clear pronunciation is paramount to making your message understood. Taking the time to learn phonics can assist you in acquiring a near native accent if English is not your first language. By listening and practicing the sounds of English words you can gain mastery over proper pronunciation. 
The bandage was wound around the wound.
The farm was used to produce produce.
The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
We must polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
A seamstress and a sewer fell down into the sewer.
To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
After a number of injections my jaw got number.
Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? 
A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed
Expressing Opinions
Just about everyone has an opinion about most things. We seek peoples opinions all the time. You may want to know a friend's opinion of a movie that you are thinking of seeing. A teacher may ask you your opinion of a homework assignment. A co-worker may want to know what you think of a job related suggestion to improve sales. An acquaintance may seek your opinion on a political candidate. There are several expressions that can be used when asking someone's opinion. Look at the examples below.
To know how to give and receive opinions is a powerful tool to narrow personal and professional relationships and consequently learn more about the world.
Dialogue- Opinions
Guest: What did you think of the Saxophone Restaurant in Patong?
Staff: If you like jazz, it’s a very good place and the food is pretty good.
Guest: In your opinion, do you think that my kids would like to go elephant trekking?
Staff: Well, most children seem to enjoy it.
Guest: Do you agree that Thailand should legalize gambling?
Staff: Actually I do, I think it would generate more tourist dollars and income for the
Staff: Even though Thai boxing is a Thai national sport, I personally think it’s savage
and brutal.
Are you afraid of speaking English with native speakers? 
Has it ever happened to you feeling demotivated because you think you are unable to express yourself clearly in English? Can’t you carry on a conversation?
When you hear native speakers, do you understand simple, everyday comments? No? So it’s time for you to stop to review some useful expressions.
Grammar knowledge + vocabulary = being able to carry on a conversation 
Conversation Rules:
The speakers change turns in a cooperative way;
To be polite, generally each person speaks at a time;
The extent of the speakers’ contributions is variable and not predictable;
Usually, the content of a conversation is not previously specified. 
A habilidade da fala (speaking) é considerada como imprescindível no processo de aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira. Discuta de que forma esta habilidade pode lhe ajudar a adquirir fluência. 
As estratégias para prática de listening são utilizadas a fim de promover um aperfeiçoamento da fluência. Discuta a importância da prática constante da habilidade de listening para o aprendiz brasileiro de inglês como língua estrangeira.
As práticas de listening e de speaking estão intimamente relacionadas, já que para pronunciarmos corretamente uma palavra precisamos, em primeiro lugar, ouvir a sua pronúncia correta. Mas falar Inglês não é somente reproduzir pronúncias: precisamos aprender a encadear corretamente as estruturas de um enunciado (sintaxe), e também para isso é fundamental desenvolvermos a habilidade de listening. Ao escutarmos enunciados em Inglês, assimilamos não apenas o sentido e a pronúncia de cada palavra em separado, mas o significado que as palavras adquirem em conjunto. A fluência, desse modo, é adquirida através de uma escuta atenta, analítica (listening), que nos permite produzir com maior velocidade e eficácia os nossos próprios enunciados (speaking).
Uma comunicação eficaz depende necessariamenteda fala (speaking) e da escuta (listening). Praticar essas duas habilidades é extremamente importante para se adquirir fluência, pois uma está ligada à outra. É como disse a aluna Renata M. Moutinho, pra se pronunciar corretamente uma palavra deve-se primeiro ouvir a pronúncia correta da mesma.
Como dito acima, falar bem requer escutar bem. Daí a importância de os aprendizes brasileiros praticarem a habilidade do listening. Um bom ouvinte será bem compreendido e dará a chance ao outro de se expressar, fluindo assim a comunicação.
Com certeza, como disse a Renata, as práticas de listening e de speaking estão relacionadas. Somente através de uma boa e atenta escuta pode se entender e ser entendido corretamente. Porém são as habilidades mais difíceis de praticar por exigirem muito esforço e atenção, contudo não é impossível. A partir do momento em que eu procuro praticar o listening, automaticamente eu aprendo gramática e consequentemente vou ter mais facilidade para falar (speaking).
Partindo do princípio que as interações orais fazem parte do cotidiano do falante de qualquer idioma, discuta o papel preponderante que elas exercem durante o processo de comunicação em línguas estrangeiras.
Entender a importância do contexto no processo de seleção de palavras e possuir um vasto conhecimento de vocabulário auxilia a aquisição de uma língua estrangeira. Discuta DE QUE MANEIRA o professor de inglês como língua estrangeira pode contribuir com a aprendizagem de seus alunos, utilizando-se desses subsídios.
 A interação oral é a principal forma de interação humana. No aprendizado de línguas estrangeiras a fala tem suma importância, uma vez que esta é a base para a comunicação. Sendo assim, o professor de inglês deve estimular seus alunos a comunicarem-se oralmente afim de aperfeiçoar o idioma trabalhado e além da promoção da interação social, o objetivo é também diminuir o constragimento e a tão conhecida "vergonha" de falar outro idioma que não seja a língua materna. E de que maneira esse processo se daria? Um exemplo seria diálogos em duplas, para que não fique apenas um aluno em foco ocasionando assim ainda mais constrangimento. 
A fala tem seu papel indispensável em nosso meio de comunicação, assim sendo, a mesma se manifesta em todos os idiomas existentes. Deste modo, as interações orais são essenciais para a aprendizagem bem como para a comunicação em uma língua estrangeira. Mas, obviamente, a fala não se define ou resume em uma junção de quaisquer palavras. Claro que um vocabulário rico é um grande aliado da fala no que tange a língua estrangeira, mas deve ser bem utilizado, principalmente no que se diz respeito a contexto; devemos saber elaborar nossas palavras, nosso vocabulário bem como nosso conhecimento de mundo para que possamos nos comunicar e nos expressar corretamente, de acordo com o contexto, ou seja, saber nos expressar sem fugir ou divagar da situação e do assunto em que nos encontramos discutindo, para que não acabemos sendo mal compreendidos. Com tudo isso em mente, o professor de língua estrangeira deve utilizar-se sempre de meios que chamem a atenção do aluno ao contexto, de modo que ele entenda que a compreensão do outro depende de uma boa elaboração de palavras sempre de acordo com o contexto, ou seja, como falamos: de acordo com o assunto e a situação de que se trata o diálogo. Ao se ler um texto com a classe, por exemplo, pode-se enfatizar as partes mais relevantes do mesmo, fazendo pausas para dar pequenas explicações sobre o texto. Deste modo, será mais facilmente encucado nos alunos a importância do contexto daquela leitura e que deverão respeitá-lo na hora de discutir sobre a mesma com os colegas de turma em um exercício de conversação, por exemplo.
Através da oralidade se expressa e comunica-se o pensamento humano, ou seja, as pessoas fazem uso da língua para expressar o que sentem e o que pensam.
Concordo com a Manoelle, fazer uso de um vasto vocabulário somente não basta. É preciso saber selecionar as palavras dentro do contexto para não distorcer a qualidade da fala e ser compreendido claramente. Para isso o professor contribui primeiramente com a motivação, um aluno motivado é capaz de buscar meios complementares aos apresentados nas aulas para praticar mais, além de trabalhar diversas formas possíveis de dizer uma coisa com situações cotidianas como lembrou muito bem a Renata.
As expressões idiomáticas ocupam um grande espaço na comunicação verbal oral. Discuta as dificuldades vivenciadas por você enquanto aprendiz brasileiro de inglês como língua estrangeira.
A necessidade de uma pronúncia correta no processo de comunicação verbal é fato. Discuta a importância desse conhecimento dada a diferença de estrutura lingüística entre as línguas inglesa e portuguesa.
When we are seeking fluency in English we must be aware that we aren't supposed to learn words separately and then just put them together in order to communicate. The "expressions" are really important when we want to be understood and to express ourselves correctly. I still find myself in doubt sometimes for knowing the right way to say what I mean.To solve this issue, we must practice and be always willing to learn something new each day. Even though pronunciation is not an easy thing too, the only way to get over it is also practicing, exercises like listening and repeating can be good to improve one's pronunciation.It's really a hard time for some people, because it's just so different from Portuguese, as well as expressions.
Since the first beginning, as a learner of English, I always had some difficulty with idioms, because I always gave much importance to them. That's because I used to practice watching movies and listening to many songs often, and it annoyed me to hear expressions which, to me, did not make any sense. I had (and I'm still trying to) get used to the idea that custom and practice bring the ability with idioms as time runs. About good pronounciation, I think people who have a poor pronunciation can cause a negative first impression. People who cannot pronounce English properly are often thought of as less literate or intelligent, what not always is true. But we have to do our best to improve our English, because we can't just try to compare it with Portuguese, it will only make things worse, because we know Protuguese is pretty different from English when we talk about grammar and, of course, about pronounciation! Actually, pronounciation is the part which makes Portuguese and English more different from each other in my opinion, and we truely have to pay attention to that, to avoid making mistakes or being poorly understood when we decide to talk.
In my opinion idioms and slangs are the most difficult to understand due to English translation word by word doesn't make sense for us, English learners, because they often involve a cultural sense as well as in Portuguese. Although they are widely used by natives, I’m not used to see them in my studies. I know that I need to get more familiar with them, perhaps it occur because I don't use them as I should.
I think that the differences between Portuguese and English aren’t so deeply because the common origins: the Greek culture, the Roman Empire and its language, the Christianity… Really a correct pronunciation is due to intense contact with the oral language, It's so important the teacher should have a good pronunciation for the students can learn properly. It’s true that our mother tongue will influence phonologically, but the dominion over the spoken language begins with the oral understanding, and this begins with the recognition of words contained in an oral production.
 Right, Michelly!
From your ideas, I take adantage to say that we have some problems while studying English (beyond time to practice): teachers with a correct pronunciation and coursebooks which reflect and prupose this approach.
Many English courses take teachers who are not qualified enough, only to pay low salaries... And coursebooks generally do not emphasize idioms orpronunciation... Why? Maybe because it's more difficult to be dealt than 'supperficial' grammar...
Dentre os tipos de interações orais em inglês, os comentários do cotidiano geralmente apresentam a maior incidência. Discuta a função de comuns atos de fala/diálogos presentes nas interações em língua inglesa e como eles se revelam um recurso na prática de produção oral para aprendizes brasileiros.
As estratégias de conversação são essenciais no processo de aperfeiçoamento da habilidade de engajamento no discurso oral em inglês. Discuta como o professor de língua inglesa pode auxiliar nesse processo de forma apropriada.
Speaking in English about common things that happen on a daily basis is a good way to practice the language. When the students come into the class it's a nice thing to stimulate them to say 'good morning/afternoon...' , and also when they have a doubt questions like 'what's the meaning of this?' or even say 'sorry teacher, I didn't understand' can be applied. Asking to go to the bathroom, drink water, or when they borrow something of a classmate can be done in English. A teacher must give examples, try to communicate as much as possible in English, so, this way the students will feel motivated and they'll soon enjoy trying to speak each time less in Portuguese and practice with no shame the new language. Presenting this new idea in the routine should be a nice thing, something the learners will actually appreciate doing, and not an obligation.
Assuming that the language which everyone wants to learn is that the natives wear and not what someone else thinks they should use, practicing dialogs and all sorts of speech related interaction is essential for students of English because they really are the most important, the most used whether on the phone, in person or in informal texts. As in Portuguese: we haven't heard many people with an elaborate language talking and interacting on the streets. To encourage the practice of short dialogues, students gain confidence in speaking and draw up texts ever larger thus expanding your vocabulary and improve pronunciation. We should always encourage this with pair works, simulations...
Excellent ideas, Michelly!
Which resources do you think teachers need to make use to help beginners?

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