
A Shakespearean tragedy has three parts: the exposition, the conflict and the catastrophe.

A Shakespearean tragedy has three parts: the exposition, the conflict and the catastrophe. See the characteristics below and decide which ones belong to the exposition.


  I-The decline of the opposing forces.

  II- There might be a reconciliation.

  III-It shows the struggle in the hero´s mind. It is of importance for the total effect of the tragedy.

  IV-Alternation of rises and falls in the tension or in the emotional pitch of the Work.

   V-Attracts the audience´s attention in what will come out of this condition of                 Things.

   VI- This part imparts information, it is undramatic.


Choose the correct alternative:

a.I, II, III, IV, V, VI.

b.I, II.

c.III, IV.

d.V, VI.

e.I, II, III.


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