
AJUDA Complete o texto com Can,Can't,Could,Couldn't. ??


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Susana SFS

Complete o texto com Can,Can't,Could,Couldn't.

A long time ago, when I was a child, there were lots of things I could do that I can't do anymore. I remember I could run really fast and I could climb up trees really fast too. Now I can't run. I walk slowly with my walking stick and I can't climb a tree because my back hurts. However, there are things I can do now that I couldn't do when I was very young. I could do that when I was a child. We should always look at the bright side of life.

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Edilaine Vedovato

Complete o texto com Can,Can't,Could,Couldn't.
A long time ago, when I was a child, there were lots of things I ___ do that I ___ do anymore. I remember I ___ run really fast and I ___ climb up trees really fast too. Now I ___ run. I walk slowly with my walking stick and I ___ climb a tree because my back hurts. However, there are things I ___ do now that I ___ do when I was very young. I do that when I was a child. We should always look at the bright side of life.

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