
Regarding the penalty dosing in private security offenses, classify the following statements as true or false and then choose the correct sequence:...

Regarding the penalty dosing in private security offenses, classify the following statements as true or false and then choose the correct sequence:

It is an aggravating circumstance to hinder or impede the supervisory action.
Recidivism is the commission of a new offense after the administrative decision that imposed a penalty due to a previous act has become final.
Collaboration during supervisory actions is prohibited, under penalty of increased penalty.
It is not possible to correct irregularities during supervisory actions.
Recidivism, in case of conduct punishable by warning, entails the imposition of a fine.
A) F, V, F, V, F
B) V, F, V, V, F
C) V, F, V, F, V

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Legislação de Segurança Privada


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A sequência correta é a alternativa C) V, F, V, F, V.



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