
What are the main social problems and their possible solutions according to the text? a. The text does not provide information on social problems...

What are the main social problems and their possible solutions according to the text?

a. The text does not provide information on social problems and their solutions.
b. The main social problems are pollution, demographic explosion, family violence, and exclusion. Possible solutions include generating healthy habits, promoting positive attitudes, and supporting educational and economic programs.
c. The main social problems are drug addiction, prostitution, and public safety. Possible solutions include generating healthy habits, promoting positive attitudes, and supporting educational and economic programs.
d. The main social problems are poverty, violence, and sexual abuse. Possible solutions include generating healthy habits, promoting positive attitudes, and supporting educational and economic programs.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Problemas sociales
3 pág.

Classes e Movimentos Sociais Universidad Nacional Autónoma De MéxicoUniversidad Nacional Autónoma De México

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De acordo com o texto, a alternativa correta é a letra d. Os principais problemas sociais mencionados são pobreza, violência e abuso sexual. As possíveis soluções incluem a geração de hábitos saudáveis, promoção de atitudes positivas e apoio a programas educacionais e econômicos.


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