
Which logging solution will support the requirements of establishing automated email notifications for specific activities related to EKS component...

Which logging solution will support the requirements of establishing automated email notifications for specific activities related to EKS components using Amazon SNS topics and an AWS Lambda function to evaluate incoming log events and publish messages to the correct SNS topic?

A. Enable Amazon CloudWatch Logs to log the EKS components. Create a CloudWatch subscription filter for each component with Lambda as the subscription feed destination.
B. Enable Amazon CloudWatch Logs to log the EKS components. Create CloudWatch Logs Insights queries linked to Amazon EventBridge events that invoke Lambda.
C. Enable Amazon S3 logging for the EKS components. Configure an Amazon CloudWatch subscription filter for each component with Lambda as the subscription feed destination.
D. Enable Amazon S3 logging for the EKS components. Configure S3 PUT Object event notifications with AWS Lambda as the destination.

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A resposta correta para essa pergunta é a alternativa A. Habilitar o Amazon CloudWatch Logs para registrar os componentes do EKS e criar um filtro de assinatura do CloudWatch para cada componente, com o Lambda como destino da alimentação da assinatura. Isso permitirá estabelecer notificações automatizadas por e-mail para atividades específicas relacionadas aos componentes do EKS usando tópicos do Amazon SNS e uma função do AWS Lambda para avaliar os eventos de log recebidos e publicar mensagens no tópico correto do SNS.



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