
Communication means sharing elements or ways of life and behavior. From a psychological point of view, communication can be defined as a "discrimin...

Communication means sharing elements or ways of life and behavior. From a psychological point of view, communication can be defined as a "discriminated or selected response to a stimulus". Considering the characteristics that an entrepreneur must have, evaluate the following statements. I. The entrepreneur must have the ability to lead people, captivating and motivating them throughout the process. II. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, since the entrepreneurial characteristic is innate to the human being, and the person is born with this gift. III. To develop a successful business, it is necessary to have the idea, but as important as that, it is to plan it and verify if the market has an opening for your enterprise. IV. The entrepreneur has the ability to develop any activity successfully, regardless of their prior knowledge. Which of the following is correct?

I. The entrepreneur must have the ability to lead people, captivating and motivating them throughout the process.
II. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, since the entrepreneurial characteristic is innate to the human being, and the person is born with this gift.
III. To develop a successful business, it is necessary to have the idea, but as important as that, it is to plan it and verify if the market has an opening for your enterprise.
IV. The entrepreneur has the ability to develop any activity successfully, regardless of their prior knowledge.
A) II and IV.
B) III and IV.
C) I, II, and III.
D) I and III.
E) I, II, and IV.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

empreendedorismo e inovação (prova)
7 pág.

Empreendedorismo e Inovação Pontifícia Universidade Católica do ParanáPontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná


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A resposta correta é a alternativa D) I and III. O empreendedor deve ter a habilidade de liderar pessoas, cativando e motivando-as ao longo do processo (afirmação I). Nem todos podem ser empreendedores, pois a característica empreendedora é inata ao ser humano e a pessoa nasce com esse dom (afirmação II). Para desenvolver um negócio de sucesso, é necessário ter a ideia, mas tão importante quanto isso é planejá-la e verificar se o mercado tem uma abertura para o seu empreendimento (afirmação III).



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