
What is the name of the painting by Hieronymus Bosch that represents the Garden of Eden, the Last Day of Creation, and the carnal Garden of Delight...

What is the name of the painting by Hieronymus Bosch that represents the Garden of Eden, the Last Day of Creation, and the carnal Garden of Delights?

I- O jardim das delícias
II- Fonte da Vida
III- Árvore do Bem e do Mal
a) I and II are correct.
b) I and III are correct.
c) II and III are correct.
d) I, II, and III are correct.

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A pintura de Hieronymus Bosch que representa o Jardim do Éden, o Último Dia da Criação e o Jardim Carnal das Delícias é chamada de "O Jardim das Delícias". Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra a) I and II are correct.


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