
3) Escreva as frases na forma negativa. a) I will work tomorrow. _______________________________________________ b) He will visit his parents. ____...

3) Escreva as frases na forma negativa.
a) I will work tomorrow. _______________________________________________
b) He will visit his parents. _______________________________________________
c) I will complain to the manager. _______________________________________________
d) She will smoke. _______________________________________________
e) I will go to school tomorrow. _______________________________________________
f) The president will speak to the people. __________________________________________
g) Mary and John will visit their parents next year. ____________________________________

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Inglês Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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a) I will not work tomorrow. b) He will not visit his parents. c) I will not complain to the manager. d) She will not smoke. e) I will not go to school tomorrow. f) The president will not speak to the people. g) Mary and John will not visit their parents next year.


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