
Rewrite the following sentences in denotative language, that is, literal language: a) We must tighten our belts because we are short of money. b) W...

Rewrite the following sentences in denotative language, that is, literal language: a) We must tighten our belts because we are short of money. b) What you said makes no sense. c) Hunger is a nightmare that scares many Brazilians. d) After receiving the news, he became very worried. e) The class is going by very quickly.

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a) Precisamos economizar porque estamos com pouco dinheiro. b) O que você disse não faz sentido. c) A fome é um pesadelo que assusta muitos brasileiros. d) Depois de receber a notícia, ele ficou muito preocupado. e) A aula está passando muito rápido.



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