
Some verbs, in English, when followed by another verb, may demand a gerund form. Others, however, may accept either a gerund or an infinitive. Thus...

Some verbs, in English, when followed by another verb, may demand a gerund form. Others, however, may accept either a gerund or an infinitive. Thus, it is advisable to get the most in contact with the English language in order to identify when a gerund is mandatory, and when not. Mark T for True and F for False for each one of the sentences, according to the right usage of the Gerund form:
( ) I avoid to talk/talking about this subject with my parents.
( ) "When he arrived, everybody stopped talking" means: everybody changed some opinion with each other.
( ) "When he arrived, everybody stopped to talk" means: they stopped what they were doing and started to talk.
( ) "I always go camping in summer": infinitive would not be acceptable: go to camp.
Check the right sequence:
A T - T - F - F.
B F - F - T - T.
C F - T - F - F.
D T - F - T - T.

A T - T - F - F.
B F - F - T - T.
C F - T - F - F.
D T - F - T - T.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Avaliação II - Língua Inglesa IV
5 pág.

Lingua Inglesa IV (p/i) UniasselviUniasselvi

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A sequência correta é: A T - T - F - F.


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