
LITERATURE MODULE 3 ANSWERS 1. No. She didn’t. She just was told what had happened. And she is warning the other character. 2. Both verbs were in p...

LITERATURE MODULE 3 ANSWERS 1. No. She didn’t. She just was told what had happened. And she is warning the other character. 2. Both verbs were in plural because the subject is They. 3. The writer feels so impressed and pissed off about the mess that she saw. The writer wants the recipient take action and make justice about this felony. 4. He does not pay too much attention on the expenses and he is so naïve, and his friends are not really his friends. 5. They thought the plague was caused by God. Analyze the text 1. She thinks Barrow is not loyal to her husband. Barrow is preparing a plot against her husband according to she realized by other people. 2. She is uncertain because he is going to be betrayed by Borrow. 3. Their regents betrayed them and they could not control all of their properties. 4. Women were kind of advisors for her husnbands and sons. 5. It is actually credible. She exaggerates because she is giving advice to her son.
1. No. She didn’t. She just was told what had happened. And she is warning the other character.
2. Both verbs were in plural because the subject is They.
3. The writer feels so impressed and pissed off about the mess that she saw. The writer wants the recipient take action and make justice about this felony.
4. He does not pay too much attention on the expenses and he is so naïve, and his friends are not really his friends.
5. They thought the plague was caused by God.
1. The woman is warning the other character about something.
2. The subject of the verbs is They.
3. The writer is angry about something and wants justice.
4. The man is not careful with his expenses and his friends are not true friends.
5. They believed the plague was caused by God.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Science 12 grade
8 pág.

Inglês Universidad Autónoma MetropolitanaUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana


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