
According to the Code of Ethics of Social Work, which of the following principles should guide the professional practice of social workers? a. Def...

According to the Code of Ethics of Social Work, which of the following principles should guide the professional practice of social workers?

a. Defend the interests of employers and entrepreneurs.
b. Contest the demands of workers' professional unions.
c. Recognize freedom as a central ethical value, acknowledging the autonomy and emancipation of the individual.
d. Defend the constitutional precepts of social security, including the selectivity of social assistance and social security.
e. Modify the institutional power relations that aim at the autonomy of individuals and organized movements.
a. a and b are correct.
b. b and d are correct.
c. c is correct.
d. d and e are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Atividade II
9 pág.

Estudos Disciplinares II Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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De acordo com o Código de Ética do Serviço Social, o princípio que deve orientar a prática profissional dos assistentes sociais é o seguinte: c. Reconhecer a liberdade como valor ético central, respeitando a autonomia e emancipação do indivíduo. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra c.



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