
Identify some cases of competitive advantages that can be replicated in a company.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Vantagem Competitiva - Desafio
1 pág.

Processos Gerenciais Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Certainly! Here are some examples of competitive advantages that can be replicated in a company: 1. Cost Leadership: Implementing efficient cost management strategies to offer products or services at lower prices than competitors. 2. Differentiation: Developing unique features, quality, or branding that sets the company's products or services apart from competitors. 3. Innovation: Continuously investing in research and development to create new and improved products or processes that competitors find difficult to replicate. 4. Customer Service: Providing exceptional customer service and support to build strong relationships and loyalty among customers. 5. Operational Efficiency: Optimizing internal processes and operations to reduce costs, improve productivity, and deliver products or services more efficiently than competitors. 6. Supply Chain Management: Establishing strong relationships with suppliers, implementing efficient logistics, and ensuring a reliable supply chain to gain a competitive edge. 7. Marketing and Branding: Developing effective marketing strategies and building a strong brand image to attract and retain customers. Remember, each company is unique, and it's important to analyze the specific industry, market conditions, and resources available to identify the most suitable competitive advantages to replicate.


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