
What is the function of the Gerund Clauses highlighted in the passage above? Subject complement Adverbial Direct object Indirect object Subject Ger...

What is the function of the Gerund Clauses highlighted in the passage above?
Subject complement
Direct object
Indirect object
Gerunds operate as indirect objects when they are used as the first object of ditransitive verbs.
When a gerund structure is placed before the verb phrase, it operates as the subject of the sentence.
A gerund functions as subject complement when it is placed immediately after a linking verb.
In order to operate as a direct object, a gerund structure must be located after a transitive verb or verbal expression (i.e. feel like), which is not the case in question.
When a gerund clause is used to indicate the manner through which something was done, the Gerund Clause operates as an adverb.
Subject complement
Direct object
Indirect object

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