
Classify the following statements as true or false regarding the relationship between science, scientific discourse, and written language: The tea...

Classify the following statements as true or false regarding the relationship between science, scientific discourse, and written language:

The teaching of science should be seen as a form of literacy, highlighting the close relationship between science, scientific discourse, and written language.
Thinking about the constitution of science through writing opens up space in schools for interdisciplinary work involving the teaching of science associated with work on the mother tongue.
In their professional daily life, educators need to use written language in various situations.
University students do not need to use written language in the course of their studies.
A True - True - True - False.
B True - False - True - False.
C False - True - True - False.
D False - False - False - True.

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Avaliação I - transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento
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Psicopedagogia Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci

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