
With regard to the District, it is important to note that even though it is administered by a governor, it cannot be divided into municipalities. I...

With regard to the District, it is important to note that even though it is administered by a governor, it cannot be divided into municipalities. In the case of the Territories, they are administered by a governor appointed by the President of the Republic and can be divided into municipalities where their mayors are appointed by the governor. In which document are these specificities corresponding to the Territories defined?

A) Law 9,296, of 24 July 1996.
B) Federal Constitution.
C) Law 8,112, of 11 December 1990.
D) Constitutional Amendment No. 1, of 17 October 1969.

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Contabilidade Pública Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci


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A especificidade referente aos Territórios é definida na letra B) Constituição Federal.



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