
If we extend the warning to moving images, we can say that: A photograph alone, without prior context, tends to be just a photograph. A moving ima...

If we extend the warning to moving images, we can say that:

A photograph alone, without prior context, tends to be just a photograph.
A moving image requires less prior indexing than a static photograph.
The choice of what is worthy of being filmed already carries the mark of ideology.
We do not make choices in a vacuum.
The contribution of audiovisual already occurs even before knowing the designation of the filmed event.
Any moving image is sufficient for interpretation purposes.
Audiovisual production is less influenced by ideology than the photographic process.
A) The choice of what is worthy of being filmed already carries the mark of ideology. We do not make choices in a vacuum.
B) A photograph alone, without prior context, tends to be just a photograph.
C) Any moving image is sufficient for interpretation purposes.
D) Audiovisual production is less influenced by ideology than the photographic process.
E) The contribution of audiovisual already occurs even before knowing the designation of the filmed event.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

1 pág.

Ética e Legislação para Audiovisual Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) A escolha do que é digno de ser filmado já carrega a marca da ideologia. Não fazemos escolhas no vácuo.


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