
Classify as true (V) or false (F) the following sentences regarding the exposed Acer manager: ( ) Promoting the transversality of the environmenta...

Classify as true (V) or false (F) the following sentences regarding the exposed Acer manager:

( ) Promoting the transversality of the environmental issue, disseminating it in different sectors of public and private management (departments of works, tourism, sanitation, health, education, urbanism, agriculture, industry, and commerce).
( ) Building and implementing Agenda 21 in various spheres of action (municipality, schools, nations, and regions).
( ) Stimulating the training, qualification, and improvement in Environmental Education of workers and the general population.
( ) Conducting socio-environmental diagnoses, inserting matrices for monitoring and monitoring the environmental impacts generated by enterprises.
A) V, V, V, V
B) F, V, V, V
C) V, F, V, V
D) V, V, F, V
E) V, V, V, F