
What is the purpose of the letter sent by ONCOEXO DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS LTDA to INTERNE? To inform INTERNE about the delivery of two boxe...

What is the purpose of the letter sent by ONCOEXO DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS LTDA to INTERNE?

To inform INTERNE about the delivery of two boxes of CLEXANE SAFETY LOCK 40MG SOL INJ and 60MG SOL INJ.
To request that INTERNE return the products if they are not used within their validity period.
To inform INTERNE that the products delivered have a validity period of less than 12 months and that ONCOEXO DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS LTDA will replace them if they are not used within their validity period.

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The purpose of the letter sent by ONCOEXO DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS LTDA to INTERNE is to inform INTERNE about the delivery of two boxes of CLEXANE SAFETY LOCK 40MG SOL INJ and 60MG SOL INJ. Additionally, the letter requests that INTERNE return the products if they are not used within their validity period. It also informs INTERNE that the delivered products have a validity period of less than 12 months and that ONCOEXO DISTRIBUIDORA DE MEDICAMENTOS LTDA will replace them if they are not used within their validity period.


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