
What are the common elements identified in the analysis of the Colombian judicial crisis? 1. The bureaucratic organizational structure did not cor...

What are the common elements identified in the analysis of the Colombian judicial crisis?

1. The bureaucratic organizational structure did not correspond to the economic and social transformations that had taken place in Colombia during the present century.
2. The organization of the judicial system and its problems facilitated the disregard of the most elementary rights and complete impunity for violators of the norms.
3. The Colombian State did not exercise the monopoly of violence, and its judicial apparatus was not capable of restoring the law in the face of different manifestations of criminality.
4. The emergence and expansion of drug trafficking and its open challenge to the authorities deeply questioned the capacity of the justice system to enforce the sanctions established for this criminal modality.
5. The economic system demanded urgent restructuring of the legal system, and different forces were oriented towards achieving the readjustment of the judicial organization.
6. In recent years, the dysfunctionality of the current law in the face of economic system transformations has become more explicit. This inadequacy is emphasized in relation to the internationalization of the economy and the obstacles that national regulations present for operations in a globalized economy.
7. For the government, it was clear that the judicial apparatus presented dysfunctions that affect the legal framework of its policies on public order and drug trafficking.
8. The political and institutional system did not correspond to the new social actors, and its crisis was projected onto the judicial system.
9. The training of lawyers is based on the memorization of current legislation, leaving aside the use of logical and methodological tools for the creation of new knowledge.
10. Lack of initiative and political will to monitor education.
11. The study mentions that the training of lawyers is subject to the interests of economic profitability, protected by academic freedom and the notion of university autonomy.
12. There are no lawyers who conform to social and legal realities.
13. In the application of the new constitution, new qualitative requirements are explicitly expressed in the training of the lawyer for the application of the law.
14. The exclusively positivist normative training will thwart the intentions that substantive law prevails over procedural law, or that the application of the law is guided by the general principles of law, doctrine, equity.

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5 pág.

Direito Civil I Universidad Nacional De ColombiaUniversidad Nacional De Colombia


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The common elements identified in the analysis of the Colombian judicial crisis are: 1. The bureaucratic organizational structure did not correspond to the economic and social transformations that had taken place in Colombia during the present century. 2. The organization of the judicial system and its problems facilitated the disregard of the most elementary rights and complete impunity for violators of the norms. 3. The Colombian State did not exercise the monopoly of violence, and its judicial apparatus was not capable of restoring the law in the face of different manifestations of criminality. 4. The emergence and expansion of drug trafficking and its open challenge to the authorities deeply questioned the capacity of the justice system to enforce the sanctions established for this criminal modality. 5. The economic system demanded urgent restructuring of the legal system, and different forces were oriented towards achieving the readjustment of the judicial organization. 6. In recent years, the dysfunctionality of the current law in the face of economic system transformations has become more explicit. This inadequacy is emphasized in relation to the internationalization of the economy and the obstacles that national regulations present for operations in a globalized economy. 7. For the government, it was clear that the judicial apparatus presented dysfunctions that affect the legal framework of its policies on public order and drug trafficking. 8. The political and institutional system did not correspond to the new social actors, and its crisis was projected onto the judicial system. 9. The training of lawyers is based on the memorization of current legislation, leaving aside the use of logical and methodological tools for the creation of new knowledge. 10. Lack of initiative and political will to monitor education. 11. The study mentions that the training of lawyers is subject to the interests of economic profitability, protected by academic freedom and the notion of university autonomy. 12. There are no lawyers who conform to social and legal realities. 13. In the application of the new constitution, new qualitative requirements are explicitly expressed in the training of the lawyer for the application of the law. 14. The exclusively positivist normative training will thwart the intentions that substantive law prevails over procedural law, or that the application of the law is guided by the general principles of law, doctrine, equity. These are the common elements identified in the analysis of the Colombian judicial crisis.


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