
In which year of elementary school is the child expected to be able to read and write? The question is about the expected literacy level of a chil...

In which year of elementary school is the child expected to be able to read and write?

The question is about the expected literacy level of a child in elementary school.
(A) 1st (first) year of elementary school.
(B) 2nd (second) year of elementary school.
(C) 3rd (third) year of elementary school.
(D) 4th (fourth) year of elementary school.

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prova prefeitura diorama ufg 2022
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No Brasil, espera-se que a criança esteja apta a ler e escrever até o final do 1º ano do ensino fundamental. Portanto, a alternativa correta é (A) 1º ano do ensino fundamental.


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