
What are meridians and their characteristics? Meridians are the maximum semicircles that run vertically on the planet. They can be traced infinite...

What are meridians and their characteristics?

Meridians are the maximum semicircles that run vertically on the planet.
They can be traced infinitely.
They form arcs of ________.
Their ends coincide with the geographic poles ________ and ________.
When they meet the parallels, they form right angles of ________.
They maintain the same size.
The greatest curvature is presented when they meet the equinoctial line or ________.
The most important meridians are: Meridiano de Greenwich and Meridiano de 180º.

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Geografia USP - São PauloUSP - São Paulo


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Meridians are the maximum semicircles that run vertically on the planet. They can be traced infinitely. They form arcs of 360 degrees. Their ends coincide with the geographic poles North and South. When they meet the parallels, they form right angles. They maintain the same size. The greatest curvature is presented when they meet the equinoctial line or the Prime Meridian. The most important meridians are: Meridiano de Greenwich and Meridiano de 180º.


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