
Complete the gaps in the following statements, so that they become true. Shakespeare alluded to a variety of previous works of art and reference...

Complete the gaps in the following statements, so that they become true. Shakespeare alluded to a variety of previous works of art and references in his plots, some of which originated in medieval periods. For instance, some characters' villainy mingled with humorous asides originated from (1) _____________. Similarly, the lascivious (2) _____________ in between acts have their roots in the folkloric morris dance. When it comes to Antique literature references, a pervasive archetype is the one of (3) _____________, who encumbers the lovers' relationships.


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Complete the gaps in the following statements, so that they become true: Shakespeare alluded to a variety of previous works of art and references in his plots, some of which originated in medieval periods. For instance, some characters' villainy mingled with humorous asides originated from (1) the Italian Commedia dell'arte. Similarly, the lascivious (2) interludes in between acts have their roots in the folkloric morris dance. When it comes to Antique literature references, a pervasive archetype is the one of (3) the jealous and overprotective father, who encumbers the lovers' relationships.

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