
“This is the team whose fans have already assaulted the Brazilian player”; this segment of the text is the result of the union of the following two...

“This is the team whose fans have already assaulted the Brazilian player”; this segment of the text is the result of the union of the following two clauses:

a) This is the team / The fans of this team have already assaulted the Brazilian player.
b) This is the team / The Brazilian player has already been hit by the fans of this team.
c) The fans have already assaulted the Brazilian fan / This is the fans of this team.
d) The fans have already assaulted the Brazilian player / This is the team whose.
e) This is the team whose / The fans assaulted the Brazilian player.

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455 pág.

Interpretação de Textos Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A alternativa correta é a letra D) The fans have already assaulted the Brazilian player / This is the team whose.


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