
According to a survey conducted on February 9th, with 9 people from the 8th grade, answer the following questions: 1- Do you feel good about yourse...

According to a survey conducted on February 9th, with 9 people from the 8th grade, answer the following questions:
1- Do you feel good about yourself?
2- Do you know the symptoms of an anxiety crisis?
3- Do you have a good relationship with your family?
4- Did you know that anxiety crises have increased during the pandemic?
5- Does excessive use of cell phones relate to an increase in anxiety crises?
6- Do you have someone to talk to in difficult times?
7- If so, does it help you?
8- Have you ever lost a friendship due to changing schools or cities?
9- Can you help someone in a difficult situation?
10- Do you think you have had an anxiety crisis?
1- 67% of the respondents feel good about themselves.
2- 67% of the respondents know the symptoms of an anxiety crisis.
3- 56% of the respondents have a good relationship with their family.
4- 67% of the respondents knew that anxiety crises have increased during the pandemic.
5- 22% of the respondents believe that excessive use of cell phones relates to an increase in anxiety crises.
6- 50% of the respondents have someone to talk to in difficult times.
7- 78% of those who have someone to talk to in difficult times feel helped.
8- 78% of the respondents have never lost a friendship due to changing schools or cities.
9- 56% of the respondents believe they can help someone in a difficult situation.
10- 56% of the respondents believe they have had an anxiety crisis.

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Com base nos dados da pesquisa realizada em 9 de fevereiro com 9 alunos do 8º ano, podemos responder às perguntas da seguinte forma: 1- 67% dos entrevistados se sentem bem consigo mesmos. 2- 67% dos entrevistados conhecem os sintomas de uma crise de ansiedade. 3- 56% dos entrevistados têm um bom relacionamento com a família. 4- 67% dos entrevistados sabiam que as crises de ansiedade aumentaram durante a pandemia. 5- 22% dos entrevistados acreditam que o uso excessivo de celulares está relacionado ao aumento das crises de ansiedade. 6- 50% dos entrevistados têm alguém com quem conversar nos momentos difíceis. 7- 78% dos entrevistados que têm alguém com quem conversar nos momentos difíceis se sentem ajudados. 8- 78% dos entrevistados nunca perderam uma amizade devido à mudança de escola ou cidade. 9- 56% dos entrevistados acreditam que podem ajudar alguém em uma situação difícil. 10- 56% dos entrevistados acreditam que já tiveram uma crise de ansiedade.


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