
How does BizCapital make money? BizCapital is remunerated for the loan operation, from the customer acquisition service to the platform operation....

How does BizCapital make money?

BizCapital is remunerated for the loan operation, from the customer acquisition service to the platform operation.
BizCapital also has representatives, called 'partners', who receive a commission on loans they obtain for the startup.
BizCapital has ambitions to become a credit institution itself, lending its own capital and charging interest rates on the amount granted.
BizCapital has received investments from various sources, including Monashees, Quona Capital, Chromo Iinvest, and angel investors.

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8 pág.

Empreendedorismo Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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BizCapital makes money through various sources: 1. Loan Operation: BizCapital earns revenue from the interest charged on the loans it provides to customers. The interest rates are determined based on the loan amount and repayment terms. 2. Customer Acquisition Service: BizCapital offers a customer acquisition service to help businesses find and acquire new customers. They charge a fee for this service, which contributes to their revenue. 3. Platform Operation: BizCapital operates a lending platform where businesses can apply for loans. They may charge a platform fee or a percentage of the loan amount as a service fee. 4. Commission for Partners: BizCapital has representatives, known as "partners," who help in obtaining loans for the startup. These partners receive a commission for each successful loan they bring in. 5. Future Credit Institution: BizCapital has ambitions to become a credit institution itself, which means they will lend their own capital and charge interest rates on the loans they grant. This will be an additional source of revenue for the company. It's worth mentioning that BizCapital has received investments from various sources, including Monashees, Quona Capital, Chromo Invest, and angel investors. These investments contribute to the company's growth and expansion.



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