
What is the Pré-Modernismo in Brazil? A period of Brazilian literature that had its development in the decades of 1910 and 1920, characterized by a...

What is the Pré-Modernismo in Brazil?
A period of Brazilian literature that had its development in the decades of 1910 and 1920, characterized by a transition between symbolism and modernism, with a language not modern, regionalisms, and marginalized people. It was an art with a function of social criticism.
A period of Brazilian literature that had its development in the decades of 1871 and 1914, characterized by technological, scientific, and cultural progress, with innovations such as the telephone, wireless telegraph, cinema, automobile, airplane, photography, electric trams, phonograph, gramophone, and machines of various orders that contributed to transforming people's habits of life and thoughts.
A period of Brazilian literature that had its development in the decades of 1889 and 1930, characterized by the coffee with milk republic, a great national, political, and economic agreement that regulated the logic of power during almost the entire First Republic, also known as the Old Republic.

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O Pré-Modernismo no Brasil foi um período da literatura brasileira que teve seu desenvolvimento nas décadas de 1910 e 1920. Caracterizou-se por uma transição entre o simbolismo e o modernismo, com uma linguagem não moderna, regionalismos e a representação de pessoas marginalizadas. Foi uma arte com função de crítica social.


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