
What is Adriana's professional profile summary? Adriana is an experienced sales manager with 12 years' experience of developing customer service t...

What is Adriana's professional profile summary?

Adriana is an experienced sales manager with 12 years' experience of developing customer service teams.
Adriana is skilled in negotiation, team motivation, and building successful sales teams.
Adriana worked in sales and customer service at Halo Bank for ten years.
Adriana is now the sales office manager of a team of 120 at Southern General Plastics Ltd.
Adriana has an MBA from Stanford University and a degree in Business Studies from Cornell University.
Adriana is creative and hardworking and enjoys working with others.
a. Adriana is an architect with 20 years of experience designing and developing spaces.
b. Adriana is a doctor with 12 years of experience in the medical field.
c. Adriana is a teacher with 12 years of experience in education.

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Professional profile summaries Level A2
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Inglês Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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Based on the information provided, Adriana's professional profile summary is as follows: Adriana is an experienced sales manager with 12 years' experience of developing customer service teams. She is skilled in negotiation, team motivation, and building successful sales teams. Adriana worked in sales and customer service at Halo Bank for ten years. Currently, she is the sales office manager of a team of 120 at Southern General Plastics Ltd. Adriana holds an MBA from Stanford University and a degree in Business Studies from Cornell University. She is described as creative, hardworking, and enjoys working with others. Therefore, the correct option is: c. Adriana is a teacher with 12 years of experience in education.


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