
Elaborate a menu for a low-cost food and nutrition unit, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast (Low Cost) Lunch (Low Cost) Dinner (Low ...

Elaborate a menu for a low-cost food and nutrition unit, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Breakfast (Low Cost)
Lunch (Low Cost)
Dinner (Low Cost)
The menu includes a variety of foods such as bread, milk, cheese, chicken, sausage, sweet potato, eggs, and cassava.
The menu includes different types of drinks such as coffee, tea, and fruit juice.
The menu includes a salad, a main course, a side dish, and a dessert for lunch and dinner.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Nutrição e Dietética Avançada - Elaboração de Cardápios - Patricia
16 pág.

Elaboração de Cardápios Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná

💡 1 Resposta

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Certainly! Here's a sample menu for a low-cost food and nutrition unit: Breakfast (Low Cost): - Option 1: Bread with cheese and a glass of milk - Option 2: Sweet potato pancakes with a cup of tea Lunch (Low Cost): - Salad: Mixed greens with tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots - Main Course: Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables - Side Dish: Rice and beans - Dessert: Fruit salad Dinner (Low Cost): - Salad: Lettuce, tomatoes, and onions - Main Course: Sausage with mashed cassava - Side Dish: Sautéed vegetables - Dessert: Yogurt with honey Drinks available throughout the day: - Coffee - Tea - Fruit juice Remember, this is just a sample menu. You can adjust it according to your preferences and budget. Enjoy your meals!


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