
The text suggests that (A) men are more susceptible to inflammation than women. (B) the study results are not accurate because they consider only...

The text suggests that

(A) men are more susceptible to inflammation than women.
(B) the study results are not accurate because they consider only women.
(C) both men and women who take antibiotics present a much lower temperature.
(D) one of the side effects of antibiotics is to bring temperature down to average.
(E) contemporary technologies and modern medicine contribute to human temperature drop.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

CUSC1902 - São Camilo - Medicina - 1 Semestre de 2021
33 pág.

Medicina Faculdade de Medicina de MaríliaFaculdade de Medicina de Marília


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A resposta correta é a alternativa (D) - um dos efeitos colaterais dos antibióticos é reduzir a temperatura para a média.



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