
Considering that the SWOT matrix can really benefit companies when put into practice respecting their particularities and limitations, observe the ...

Considering that the SWOT matrix can really benefit companies when put into practice respecting their particularities and limitations, observe the following statements about its composition and then answer: I. Strengths refer to a company's weaknesses in its environment that must be raised so that strategies and action plans can recover any shortcomings. II. Weaknesses refer to the advantages that a company has in its environment that can be used as a differential in the market, attracting more and more customers to the organization. III. Threats refer to eventualities that usually settle in the environment and that can harm a company's business, such as a change in a law or an environmental crisis, for example. IV. Opportunities refer to external interferences that can favor a company's actions, such as environmental opportunities, norms, and laws that bring competitive advantage. Only the statement in:

I. Strengths refer to a company's weaknesses in its environment that must be raised so that strategies and action plans can recover any shortcomings.
II. Weaknesses refer to the advantages that a company has in its environment that can be used as a differential in the market, attracting more and more customers to the organization.
III. Threats refer to eventualities that usually settle in the environment and that can harm a company's business, such as a change in a law or an environmental crisis, for example.
IV. Opportunities refer to external interferences that can favor a company's actions, such as environmental opportunities, norms, and laws that bring competitive advantage.
a) I, II, III, and IV are correct.
b) Only I and II are correct.
c) Only III and IV are correct.
d) Only the statement in III is correct.
e) Only the statement in II is correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

questão 05 de atividade 2 PLANEJAMENTO ESTRATÉGICO
1 pág.

Planejamento Estratégico Em Sao Francisco De AssisEm Sao Francisco De Assis


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A alternativa correta é a letra b) Only I and II are correct. A matriz SWOT é uma ferramenta de análise estratégica que ajuda as empresas a identificar seus pontos fortes e fracos, bem como as oportunidades e ameaças em seu ambiente externo. As afirmativas I e II estão corretas, pois as forças (strengths) referem-se aos pontos fortes da empresa, enquanto as fraquezas (weaknesses) referem-se aos pontos fracos. Já as afirmativas III e IV estão incorretas, pois as ameaças (threats) referem-se a fatores externos que podem prejudicar a empresa, enquanto as oportunidades (opportunities) referem-se a fatores externos que podem beneficiar a empresa.


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