
Assuming the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), the concept of health promotion is based on the understanding of health as a result of ...

Assuming the principles of the Unified Health System (SUS), the concept of health promotion is based on the understanding of health as a result of the interrelationship of several determinants, including the concrete conditions of the users' material, social and cultural life, their access to social policies, programs, services, resources and goods; their behaviors and values, their way of living and thinking, their forms of struggle and organizations; and their practices of resistance. The statements are, respectively:

V - The concept of health promotion is based on the understanding of health as a result of the interrelationship of several determinants.
V - The concrete conditions of the users' material, social and cultural life are determinants of health.
F - The concept of health promotion is based only on the access to social policies, programs, services, resources and goods.
A. V, V, F
B. F, F, V
C. V, F, V
D. F, V, V
E. V, V, V

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A alternativa correta é a letra C. V, F, V.


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