
Regarding the adrenal glands, choose the CORRECT statement: A) In the glomerulosa zone, mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone are produced, as w...

Regarding the adrenal glands, choose the CORRECT statement:

A) In the glomerulosa zone, mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone are produced, as well as a limited amount of deoxycorticosterone in response to the release of ACTH and angiotensin II.
B) In the fasciculata zone, cells secrete glucocorticoids (cortisol and corticosterone) in response to ACTH, and these hormones govern the metabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates, increasing gluconeogenesis and glycogen synthesis in the liver.
C) Aldosterone acts on the terminal portion of the distal tubule and collecting ducts of the kidney, increasing the reabsorption of sodium with consequent reabsorption of chloride, bicarbonate, and water.
D) Glucocorticoids are essential to life, functioning as regulators of metabolism and stress resistance. The hormones released are cortisol (hydrocortisone), corticosterone, and cortisone (which corresponds to 95% of activity). All of the above statements are correct.

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Fisiologia dos Sistemas Reguladores


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A alternativa correta é a letra B) Na zona fasciculada, as células secretam glicocorticoides (cortisol e corticosterona) em resposta ao ACTH, e esses hormônios governam o metabolismo de lipídios, proteínas e carboidratos, aumentando a gliconeogênese e a síntese de glicogênio no fígado.


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