
What are the rights of a pregnant lawyer according to the Brazilian law? Entrance in courts without being subjected to metal detectors and X-ray ma...

What are the rights of a pregnant lawyer according to the Brazilian law?
Entrance in courts without being subjected to metal detectors and X-ray machines;
Reservation of parking spaces in the forums of the courts;
Access to daycare or a suitable place for the baby's needs;
Preference in the order of oral arguments and hearings to be held each day, upon proof of their condition;
Suspension of procedural deadlines when she is the only lawyer in the case, provided that the client is notified in writing.
I - The rights provided to pregnant or lactating lawyers apply while the respective pregnancy or breastfeeding period lasts.
II - The rights guaranteed in items II and III of this article to the adoptive or breastfeeding lawyer will be granted for the period provided for in article 392 of Decree-Law no. 5,452, of May 1, 1943 (Consolidation of Labor Laws) - a period of 120 days.
III - The right guaranteed in item IV of this article to the adoptive or breastfeeding lawyer will be granted for the period provided for in § 6 of article 313 of Law no. 13,105, of March 16, 2015 (Code of Civil Procedure) - a period of 30 days.
a) I, II and III are correct.
b) Only I and II are correct.
c) Only II and III are correct.
d) Only I and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Estudo Esquematizado do Estatuto da OAB
55 pág.

Ética Profissional Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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De acordo com a legislação brasileira, os direitos de uma advogada grávida são: 1. Entrada nos tribunais sem ser submetida a detectores de metal e máquinas de raio-X; 2. Reserva de vagas de estacionamento nos fóruns dos tribunais; 3. Acesso a creche ou local adequado para as necessidades do bebê; 4. Preferência na ordem de sustentações orais e audiências a serem realizadas a cada dia, mediante comprovação de sua condição; 5. Suspensão de prazos processuais quando ela for a única advogada no caso, desde que o cliente seja notificado por escrito. Com base nas informações fornecidas, a alternativa correta é a letra "d) Apenas I e III estão corretas".



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