
What are the requirements for candidates to take the Physical Aptitude Test according to the text? a) Arrive at the location before the gates close...

What are the requirements for candidates to take the Physical Aptitude Test according to the text?
a) Arrive at the location before the gates close and there will be no second call, regardless of the reason for the delay or absence of the candidate;
b) Attend the accreditation until the deadline indicated in Annex I of this Notice;
c) Present identification document with photo, in the form of §1º, article 16, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022;
d) Sign the 'Candidate Responsibility Term', provided at the Physical Aptitude Test location. This 'Term' does not replace the medical certificate signed by a cardiologist, as determined in Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022;
e) Submit the specific medical certificate signed by a cardiologist, in original or authenticated copy, from a health agency, health clinic or doctor, issued within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) days from the date of the Physical Aptitude Test, in which it must be expressly stated that the candidate is fit to take the Physical Aptitude Test, containing the location, date, name and number of the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM) of the medical professional who prepared the certificate, which must be presented with the signature and stamp of the doctor, according to Annex I of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022.
f) Wear appropriate clothing and shoes, such as shorts or thermal shorts, t-shirt, socks and sneakers;
g) Have a meal at least 2 hours before and 2 hours after the tests and, for smokers, not smoke at least 2 hours before and 2 hours after the tests;
h) Bring their own snack, as no snack will be provided to the candidates and there will be no snack bar available at the Physical Aptitude Test location;
i) Temporary psychological and/or physiological alterations (menstrual states, discomfort, cramps, bruises, dislocations, fractures, etc.) that make it impossible to take the tests or decrease the physical capacity of the candidates will not be taken into consideration, and no privileged treatment will be granted;
j) Candidates with disabilities called up under § 1, article 4, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022, must undergo the Physical Aptitude Test and the approval criteria for these candidates will be the same criteria applied to other candidates, according to the rules established in the aforementioned Portaria;
k) Pregnant candidates have the right to take the physical tests at the location and dates listed in Annex I, and the pregnant candidate who wishes to reschedule the Physical Aptitude Test must present to the Examining Board, up to 10 (ten) days before the date scheduled for the physical tests, an original medical report that expressly indicates her pregnancy condition, and a laboratory test must be attached;
l) The falsity of any of the documents referred to in § 8, article 4, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022, subjects the candidate to the penalties provided for in § 9, article 4, of the aforementioned Portaria;
m) Pregnant and lactating candidates must observe the respective rules provided for in Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022;
n) The candidate will be considered unfit in the Physical Aptitude Test and eliminated from the Pre-admission Exams for not having met the requirements for admission to the career.

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23 pág.

Matemática Universidade Regional do CaririUniversidade Regional do Cariri


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According to the text, the requirements for candidates to take the Physical Aptitude Test are: a) Arrive at the location before the gates close and there will be no second call, regardless of the reason for the delay or absence of the candidate; b) Attend the accreditation until the deadline indicated in Annex I of this Notice; c) Present identification document with photo, in the form of §1º, article 16, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022; d) Sign the 'Candidate Responsibility Term', provided at the Physical Aptitude Test location. This 'Term' does not replace the medical certificate signed by a cardiologist, as determined in Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022; e) Submit the specific medical certificate signed by a cardiologist, in original or authenticated copy, from a health agency, health clinic or doctor, issued within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) days from the date of the Physical Aptitude Test, in which it must be expressly stated that the candidate is fit to take the Physical Aptitude Test, containing the location, date, name and number of the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM) of the medical professional who prepared the certificate, which must be presented with the signature and stamp of the doctor, according to Annex I of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022. f) Wear appropriate clothing and shoes, such as shorts or thermal shorts, t-shirt, socks and sneakers; g) Have a meal at least 2 hours before and 2 hours after the tests and, for smokers, not smoke at least 2 hours before and 2 hours after the tests; h) Bring their own snack, as no snack will be provided to the candidates and there will be no snack bar available at the Physical Aptitude Test location; i) Temporary psychological and/or physiological alterations (menstrual states, discomfort, cramps, bruises, dislocations, fractures, etc.) that make it impossible to take the tests or decrease the physical capacity of the candidates will not be taken into consideration, and no privileged treatment will be granted; j) Candidates with disabilities called up under § 1, article 4, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022, must undergo the Physical Aptitude Test and the approval criteria for these candidates will be the same criteria applied to other candidates, according to the rules established in the aforementioned Portaria; k) Pregnant candidates have the right to take the physical tests at the location and dates listed in Annex I, and the pregnant candidate who wishes to reschedule the Physical Aptitude Test must present to the Examining Board, up to 10 (ten) days before the date scheduled for the physical tests, an original medical report that expressly indicates her pregnancy condition, and a laboratory test must be attached; l) The falsity of any of the documents referred to in § 8, article 4, of Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022, subjects the candidate to the penalties provided for in § 9, article 4, of the aforementioned Portaria; m) Pregnant and lactating candidates must observe the respective rules provided for in Portaria PCBA nº 231, of April 20, 2022; n) The candidate will be considered unfit in the Physical Aptitude Test and eliminated from the Pre-admission Exams for not having met the requirements for admission to the career.



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