
Read the text below and then decide which is the best paraphrase, (a) or (b). Ancient Egypt collapsed in about 2180 BC. Studies conducted of the mu...

Read the text below and then decide which is the best paraphrase, (a) or (b).
Ancient Egypt collapsed in about 2180 BC. Studies conducted of the mud from the River Nile showed that at this time the mountainous regions which feed the Nile suffered from a prolonged drought. This would have had a devastating effect on the ability of Egyptian society to feed itself.

Paraphrasing involves changing a text so that it is quite dissimilar to the source yet retains all the meaning.
Effective paraphrasing is vital in academic writing to avoid the risk of plagiarism.
A good paraphrase is significantly different from the wording of the original, without altering the meaning at all.
Paraphrasing techniques are used in summary writing, but paraphrasing does not aim to shorten the length of a text, merely to restate the text.
a) The sudden ending of Egyptian civilisation over 4,000 years ago was probably caused by changes in the weather in the region to the south. Without the regular river flooding there would not have been enough food.
b) Research into deposits of the Egyptian Nile indicate that a long dry period in the mountains at the river’s source may have led to a lack of water for irrigation around 2180BC, which was when the collapse of Egyptian society began.

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Academic Writing
200 pág.


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A melhor paráfrase é a opção b) "Pesquisas sobre depósitos do Rio Nilo egípcio indicam que um longo período de seca nas montanhas da fonte do rio pode ter levado à falta de água para irrigação por volta de 2180 a.C., que foi quando o colapso da sociedade egípcia começou." Essa opção mantém o significado do texto original, mas usa palavras diferentes para expressá-lo. A opção a) não é uma paráfrase precisa, pois menciona uma causa diferente para o colapso da civilização egípcia.


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