
Decide which type (a–f) the following sentences belong to. a) Before the Roman invasion the economy was mainly agricultural. (d) b) The results we...

Decide which type (a–f) the following sentences belong to.

a) Before the Roman invasion the economy was mainly agricultural. (d)
b) The results were checked because they were so surprising. (b)
c) Estimates suggest that the effects will continue, but at a more moderate rate. (c)
d) Some Asian economies, for example Indonesia, are growing more slowly. (e)
e) Moreover, travel information is very important for route planning. (a)
f) The findings were ambiguous, therefore the study was revised. (f)

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Academic Writing
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A classificação das frases é a seguinte: a) Antecedente (d) b) Causa e efeito (b) c) Consequência (c) d) Exemplo (e) e) Adição (a) f) Conclusão (f)


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