
What is the content of article 701 of the Military Penal Procedure Code? a) It establishes the possibility of oral allegations by the defender an...

What is the content of article 701 of the Military Penal Procedure Code?

a) It establishes the possibility of oral allegations by the defender and the prosecutor after the report.
b) It establishes the decision-making process of the Superior Council.
c) It states that the sentences issued by the Superior Council are not subject to appeals.
d) It establishes the effects of the appeal made by the Public Prosecutor's Office.
e) It states that there is no possibility of habeas corpus or review.

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799 pág.

Legislação Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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O artigo 701 do Código de Processo Penal Militar estabelece a possibilidade de alegações orais pelo defensor e pelo promotor após o relatório. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra A.



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