
Assuming that the following statements are related to the Brazilian Civil Code, analyze them and indicate if they are correct or incorrect: I- The ...

Assuming that the following statements are related to the Brazilian Civil Code, analyze them and indicate if they are correct or incorrect:
I- The legal existence of private legal entities begins with the registration of the constitutive act in the respective registry.
II- The acts of the administrators of a legal entity, exercised within the limits of their powers defined in the constitutive act, bind the legal entity.
III- If the legal entity has collective administration, decisions will be made by the majority of votes of those present, unless the constitutive act provides otherwise.
IV- The autonomy of the assets of legal entities is a lawful instrument of allocation and segregation of risks, established by law for the purpose of stimulating enterprises, generating jobs, taxes, income, and innovation for the benefit of all.
Now, choose the CORRECT alternative:

I- Correct.
II- Correct.
III- Correct.
IV- Correct.
a) Only I and II are correct.
b) Only II and III are correct.
c) Only III and IV are correct.
d) All statements are correct.

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952 pág.

Legislação Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A alternativa correta é a letra "d) Todas as afirmações estão corretas". I- A existência legal das entidades privadas começa com o registro do ato constitutivo no registro correspondente. (Correto) II- Os atos dos administradores de uma entidade legal, exercidos dentro dos limites de seus poderes definidos no ato constitutivo, vinculam a entidade legal. (Correto) III- Se a entidade legal tiver administração coletiva, as decisões serão tomadas pela maioria dos votos dos presentes, a menos que o ato constitutivo disponha de outra forma. (Correto) IV- A autonomia dos ativos das entidades legais é um instrumento legal de alocação e segregação de riscos, estabelecido por lei com o objetivo de estimular empresas, gerar empregos, impostos, renda e inovação em benefício de todos. (Correto)


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